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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I know! Was it you that posted that FWP a while back? I've been joking about that with my gf and brother ever since. Fucking clown girl I once played a 2562 and Shackleton track at a party, and was told it sounded like Safri Duo I also received comments like the music I put on sounded like something that would be played at a "fancy-pantsy" art-gallery. I've stopped playing/requesting music at parties, because I always have to hear so many weird comments about it, and it's annoying me to honest. Even if I try to play something that's not niche or "weird". Maybe I just have fucking weird/awful music taste, and I need to accept that. But it's amazing how closed-minded some people are to music they've haven't heard on the TV or Radio. I think probably a lot of us watmmers deal with the same thing. I don't really share my music for the same reasons you said. Not many people have an open mind enough to understand it... They just equate different with bad. Their loss! I did post it just after NYE, which was when it happened. It seems that the moaning girl is a House girl at heart. Apparently she did a huge party in her garden last year and because she seems to know many of them, a lot of them played. Not my thing but here you go. She still thinks Vibert is RnB??? I wasn't going too strange either. I understand that many will not enjoy most of what I listen to but fuck, open your fucking eyes to something different for once. Fuck it I don't really care. Let them spend a vast percentage of their lives watching X Factor or underachieving wank bags prannying about on ice.
  2. Anyone seen or going to see Gangster Squad? Wondering whether it's worth cinema prices? And why has Pierce Brosnan changed his name?
  3. Are they cushions behind Vibert??? I would very much like one.
  4. I can't get over the fact that a a girl at a party said that a Vibert track was RnB. Why can't I stop thinking about it?
  5. Chuck tester/dester (I can't tell) seems like a great dinner party guest. He loves the sly beard tickle at 0:22. I see you you dirty goat.
  6. I get rashed up if I dry shave. I've gotta use this in the bathroom in front of the mirror because the battery won't hold its charge.
  7. I wouldn't consider them a joke. They are a usable necessity.
  8. I'm not sure I should continue with this one. I think the whole Rita death was a big mistake. It just seems like it's all of a sudden lost its spark that made me continue to watch it. I hope it doesn't stay like this. Question to the US: Has the 3rd series of Treme been aired yet over there? It's probably the only season I'm looking forward to the next season on. I think Sky Atlantic will probably show it soon after you guys get it. Oh, and Breaking Bad but I'm putting that out of my mind for now.
  9. Rita's just been done and now there's a woman he saved from the pest guy. I guess I'll tough it out.
  10. I'm onto series 5 of Dexter now it's on Netflix. This seems extremely boring to me. I've enjoyed watching all up to now but this is changing my mind.
  11. A program I'm writing requires me to keep writing "position". Why the fuck am I constantly writing "positiong"
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SScjyNBZ8vw
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il_uF0jEAlE
  14. Had a good NYE party at a mates house. Mixture of 30 odd people and a decent hired system. Most people there only go so far as to enjoy House (which bores me, mostly) and garage (which I've never liked). That's not the problem. I was fine listening to it from 7pm till 3am. I thought I'd wait until it petered out a bit before putting something different on. I was going through a few things and most people were enjoying it. I remember playing Mr. Mukatsuku (below) when I was rudely interrupted by some bitch I've spoken to once or twice before. "If you're gonna play RnB at least play something we all know" "let someone else go" "this is terrible". This fucking enraged me. I have to put up with bland shit all night then get slated for playing anything different. I know, what did I expect. A few minutes later after I'd ignored her and she'd come back in from her fag outside, I whacked on Venus No. 17 and got off there delighted in her disgusted staring at me. Bitch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgXaXlVLI7I
  15. There Will Be Blood - 7.5/10 I tend to watch some things without knowing beforehand what they're about, this being one. Not what I expected but I did enjoy it. Seemed a bit disjointed at parts and I couldn't stop thinking it would turn into some kind of cult film. Worth watching though.
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