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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. London Pride and mixed unshelled nuts (Christmas init) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Mindhunter - Wasn't massively impressed after the first episode but the second got me right into it. It does start to develop but I think I've got one more episode to go of the series and it doesn't feel like it's got anywhere near a conclusion. I may be wrong?
  3. Started watching Mindhunters after a recommendation from a couple of mates, could take it or leave it after first episode, the second though has really got me interested. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I feel bad for you, looks like a shit experience. Going out drinking in London tomorrow and hope to get some delicious burger of some sort. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. the game gets more fun as you unlock more gadgets/weapons. you aren't given much at the beginning. Yeah that's what I was hoping for, I'm looking forward to investing some time into it. I've never got bored with the series in the past.
  6. MGS V: Phantom Pain Been so long since I played any MGS, can't remember any stories or anything really, but pretty impressed with it so far. Haven't quite got the stealth part of it yet, even from far away they seem to know where I am even using a silenced sniper.
  7. Single again Looks like will need to dive into internet dating at some point
  8. The first series was cracking, really worth a watch. Didn't think the second lived up to the first as well but worth watching too. Haven't seen any of the third yet. Yeah the first series is pretty true to life.
  9. Lovely stuff pattern, would love that on my wall!!
  10. Watched Kill List again (great 4th date film). It's one I just really love watching, there's nothing perfect about it but I just love how it plays out I guess 8/10
  11. Used to like the taste and feel fulfilled with apple juice from concentrate morning after a hangover at my old job. One day drank a bit too much AJ and was in so much pain, that stuff is like pure acid. Have to be careful of what I drink due to a stomach ulcer I had a while back. Haven't had it since. (Edit: AJ I mean)
  12. I've never heard of freezing rice, but would make things easier. A single meal for me always leaves me with about 6 peoples worth, it's impossible to gauge. It'll probably be fine in the fridge for a few days, just whack in the microwave for 2 minutes before eating (hoping you have a microwave)
  13. I do like race games and would love to love GT, but the last one I played I gave up on when it was taking me ages to get something better than a Mazda MX5 after having a load of time with some fucking Sportwagon POS. Haven't played a racer for a good few years though so may take the plunge once the price lowers, depending on people's opinions.
  14. I made some beetroot, walnut and feta falafels the other week and froze some of the mixture. There's enough left to make into a burger or two so will try that shortly and report back.
  15. Half way through jury service, boring as fuck. So high tech that you have to phone after 5pm each night to see if you're required the next day. I'm not on Monday so I have to work. The problem is I'm enjoying the book I take with me so I won't be able to carry on reading for hours until at least Tuesday.
  16. spratters

    Now Reading

    Cool, might pop back and see if it's still there. Still need to watch Solaris (Tarkovsky), got it on dvd but just haven't got round to it. Maybe should even invest in the book first, not sure from previous experience whether to read before watching.
  17. Second date down and all looking good. Looks possible that I can avoid online dating!! Also, jury service tomorrow and there's a fucking huge, awesome beer festival on in the town. With the courts finishing around 4-4:30 at the latest, so I think I know my Friday evening (on my own drinking beer as usual)
  18. spratters

    Now Reading

    A fair way into Richard North Patterson - Protect & Defend, got it for jury service after being recommended it. I'm liking the flow between the two stories which are now starting to intertwine. Maybe I've just not read decent fiction before but this seems so much more in depth and much better at getting you to know each character. An enjoyable read so far, would be better if the girl doing jury duty too who loves the sound of her own voice would tone it down though cause it's difficult to block out and read when she's constantly at such a volume. Cunt. Got it for 70p at a charity shop, all 70p for one and so many books. Saw another one which I'm sure was simply called "Mars", and I think there was a second one there too. Wich I bought them now but not sure whether I've found them here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy I'm sure it didn't say "Red", "Green" or anything, just Mars. Maybe an old edition? Anyone know?
  19. This looks really cool, anyone else interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8xcLdOjX6w Clint Mansell composing too. Seems such a great idea for a film, can't say how the story will be but I'm pretty excited to see this. Looks like it's out in a few weeks.
  20. What a cunt, I hate people like that with a passion.
  21. Well, date got rearranged. She messaged me Sunday morning saying she was out at her sister's in London over Fri-Sat and was just wearing heels so had a damn huge cankle. Thought at first it was her just not wanting to come but she was the one who first showed interest, so maybe it's all good. It's now gonna be on Friday, which I reckon I prefer. More of a want to drink for everyone involved than a Sunday. I promise not to talk about WATMM. Have a mate who went on quite a few dates from match.com. He was saying most people seemed kinda boring, but maybe that's just an opinion that can't be trusted, idk. Doesn't sound like the greatest experience but I do know a couple of folks who have had great success (marriage) dating online. Good luck with the hipster date spiral, hope the butt suits you well.
  22. Shreddies and a cup of tea. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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