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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by zazen

  1. almost exactly. The Analord 10 binder was announced on 15/Dec/2004 (remember that thread?) and actually released around 10/Jan/2005
  2. Hmm, have a look at this page: http://www.rephlex.com/artists/view/AFX Surely this can't be right?
  3. Yeah man wtf £2.99! Bang on it son. Yeah, I asked Rephlex about this, got an interesting reply: me: > Why is Mental Union only £3 when most albums are £6.25? > Did you make a mistake on the pricing? Rephlex: > Mental Union is the first part in a future series. > Hence the EP pricing. edit: that also explains why the cat number is CAT 213-A
  4. edit: n/m edit: There's nothing more christmassy than a big online argument about the pricing of IDM. Merry Christmas!
  5. For those that bought the Analord vinyl back in 2005: If you now buy the 10 Analords that have extra tracks on, thats £35. For that you get 20 previously unreleased tracks - that works out at £1.75 per new track - about 75% more expensive compared to the average track on Bleep these days, but not too bad. Factor in that you also get access to very high quality versions of 41 of the original analord tracks - like, much higher quality than you're likely to get from recording your own Analord vinyl (unless your some sound engineer or something) then thats a total of 61 high quality WAVS or mp3s for £35 - works out at 57p per track. Then factor in this: and it should be an easy decision ; )
  6. Considering most people didn't buy the Analords in the first place cause they were limited pressed on vinyl only... I don't mind this at all. I will be pissed if AFX just gets fat and happy eventually financially and decides to never release new music again. But until then, I really don't give a shit if he charges double for his music. You've got a point... I'm a hypocrite since I've only ever heard the Lords on Anal through downloads only. :( Yeah thats my thinking too - when the Analords were coming out in 2005 tons of people just got them from slsk because they were vinyl only. And buying a copy of chosen lords when that came out doesn't really make up for that. I think what Rephlex is doing here is a smart idea. edit: I mean, the original Analord series was like 43 separate tracks or something - thats like a quadruple album, worth paying a bit of money for.
  7. somebody page McGriff, and while you're at it, call an ambulance for sneaksta
  8. I feel like we should project the aphex symbol up onto the clouds above every city on earth so that all the watmmers who aren't logged in at the moment know that its time to come here and post excited exclamations in this thread
  9. Is this new DMX Krew or was this already out: DMX Krew - Wave Funk http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/139
  10. I couldn't download the mp3s for Analord 07 (the only thing I've bought so far) but I could download the WAVS. I get the impression that the site has only just gone live and some of the mp3s are not on the server yet. Astrobotnia Part 2 - that was previously vinyl only, right? http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/97
  11. Monolith's a watmmer, although a somewhat reclusive one - he submitted some storming quality tracks to the 'watmm monthly remix competition' last year - check out the second track from round 2 (the one by 'anonb') - thats by Monolith and it totally wails.
  12. I don't know what they mean by that exactly, maybe it means its the raw track before compression and mastering?
  13. Yeah 48kHz is normal for WAVS - thats CD quality basically. edit: no, hang on, 44.1kHz is CD quality, 48kHz is better? You get the option of downloading mp3s or WAVS (WAVS are big, obviously, like 60 to 90 megs per track)
  14. *slight pause while I consider whether I trust rephlex to handle my credit card details* *fuck it* edit: oh its paypal, thats ok, phew edit2: some of the mp3s dont seem to be downloadable yet, but sometimes the WAV versions are. It does say under construction right there in the header I guess
  15. When did Monolith sign to rephlex? Did anyone know about that? edit: New Aleksi Perala too, this is nuts http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/132 http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/133
  16. new tracks on every Analord except for 10 edit: well, new as in unreleased, anyway analord 01 8. AFX - Canticle Drawl (Alt. Version) 00:36 9. AFX - Where's Your Girlfriend (Another Version) 03:36 analog 02 5. AFX - Carnival Acid 03:32 analord 03 5. AFX - Stabbij 04:21 analord 04 5. AFX - Flutternozzle 06:28 6. AFX - In The Maze Park 01:31 7. AFX - Halibut Acid (Orig. Mix) 04:35 analord 05 4. AFX - Reunion 2 (Alt. Version) 06:23 analord 06 7. AFX - Bodmin 1 04:36 8. AFX - Bodmin 2 04:17 9. AFX - Bodmin 3 05:26 analord 07 4. AFX - Wabby Acid 03:33 analord 08 5. AFX - Backdoor.Berbew.Q [Tollwedgechord Mix] 04:59 analord 09 5. AFX - Liptons B Acid 05:47 analord 10 same as before analord 11 4. AFX - Backdoor.Ranky.S 4 02:29 5. AFX - Not Disturbing Mammoth 1 (Mono) 02:05 6. AFX - Not Disturbing Mammoth 2 (Mono) 02:00 7. AFX - Love 7 04:45 8. AFX - 3 Notes Con 04:54 9. AFX - VBS.Redlof.B (Bass Version) 03:28
  17. someone take a screenshot before they change it back to that green font static html that its been for the last 27 years!
  18. monolith on Rephlex WTF awesome http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/142 when did the site change?
  19. holy crapping crappy crap edit: Wisp! http://www.rephlex.com/releases/view/145
  20. the fact that no one else thought of that bewilders me IRARI beat you to it by 7 months. I think that might be the winner though. edit: math
  21. Bump, for one of the greatest threads ever. Go back to page 1 and start reading.
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