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Trying to find software that lets you take detailed notes on any audio clip, with tagging, commenting, etc


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kinda like this, but with more detail:

https://www.notetracks.com/?campaignid=18938359877&adgroupid=146489739569&keyword=comment on music&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn_OlBhDhARIsAG2y6zMaBSTF5BYCzTo799TjdJlSlJYu8N64lm77ExsnAtv37_vYqrg1cNcaAqzVEALw_wcB


I'd also like a way to tag anywhere on any audio (.wav, .mp3, etc) , then i can jump to it if I query the tag in the future. Would be useful for, say I have an hour long Sound Design Session, and if I find something I like at the 30 minute mark I can simply tag it, comment on it, etc. Would also like a built in 'rating' system where I can simply draw how good certain sounds are and where in the audio as a simple line. 

I am not expecting there to be a program exactly like what I am asking as some of it is very specific. Just seems like there should be one.

-BTW, I am not looking for a way to upload it online for others. It's strictly just a way I can describe/tag any audio clip, locally on my computer.

- Would be nice if the audio was playable from the software, AND its waveform is viewable to better make the detailed notes.

- And another thought I would like would be to be able to 'rate' any part of the track, say with a simple line denoting a '1 out of 10' system.  So I can from a glance know which sections I like the most, which sections need the most work, etc. Also can make distinctions between a section that is an 8/10, and some adjacent section that is a 7/10. To better see my thoughts on the audio with detailed notation.

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I remember the really old versions of Wavelab (I think 4 or 5) did this, but that's also why I stopped using Wavelab for a while - because every time it tried to scan my hard drive it would crash. When I finally started using it again for work in the early 2010s there was hardly anything I used it for that I couldn't do faster in Reaper (with more stability and lower overhead).


I haven't really bothered to use Reaper's metadata editing capabilities since I don't work with samples in software very often, so I don't know if they're deep enough for what you want to do, but they exist https://reaper.blog/2021/11/metadata-editing-in-reaper/


Also you can always save your files with embedded markers.

Edited by TubularCorporation
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