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Vocal/voice augmentation software or apps.


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Any ideas/takes on f*cking around with spoken word pieces & altering examples enough to be understood fully, or better, warp a spoken word piece into Stephen Hawking’s voice on 7 grams of mushrooms?

Need just enough scope to fool around with for an intro segue for a new mix. Equally, text to voice emulators. All well and good but the few experimented with so far cannot get basic cadence to put the lines together adroitly enough.

Issues: pacing, pitch, tone.

16 lines. Less than a minute. Gave up on the text to voice options (unless anyone has a take), whereas voice augmentation software & apps seem to allow for original cadence + experimentation = fun.

@Watmm any thoughts?


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i was going to suggest Ableton Live Lite for you, some tweaking with the samples (slowing, repitching, stretching pauses between words, etc.) + vocoder might do what you're wanting, but it doesn't look like the vocoder effect is included in the Lite version. it does have Beat Repeat which has a couple of defaults that can do some pseudo-vocoder things.

edit: if you can give me a decent written explanation of what you're wanting changed with a recording i could try to do it, worst case scenario

Edited by auxien
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