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Knob Twiddlers
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    Rain, variations of rain, different terms for degrees of rain, rain.

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  1. https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/ai.html
  2. Any ideas/takes on f*cking around with spoken word pieces & altering examples enough to be understood fully, or better, warp a spoken word piece into Stephen Hawking’s voice on 7 grams of mushrooms? Need just enough scope to fool around with for an intro segue for a new mix. Equally, text to voice emulators. All well and good but the few experimented with so far cannot get basic cadence to put the lines together adroitly enough. Issues: pacing, pitch, tone. 16 lines. Less than a minute. Gave up on the text to voice options (unless anyone has a take), whereas voice augmentation software & apps seem to allow for original cadence + experimentation = fun. @Watmm any thoughts?
  3. Wry, biting & overall a remorseless skewering of hippy yoghurt weavers already ignoring every home truth presented to them, before setting off on a dislocating relocation mission along the west coast of North America. Layered, complex group dynamics, outstanding insights into back~to~the~earth dreamers constantly forgetting, or ignoring, as dreams all too often morph into self-fulfilling nightmares. Loved the micro-details in its conversational modes & moments, the underlying unstated content we all experience every time we interact face to face with other people conversationally, ie what isn’t expressed or stated directly. Subtle too, yet full of colour. The way women are handed around sexually is nailed adroitly so, instead of self actualisation, sex as social currency replaces true intimacy for nearly everyone in their perma-stoned haze. A biting nagging momentum accumulates, persists & pressurises everyone in the commune as the group & their modal quest unfolds. 8.5/10.
  4. crab attack, cheers ears @Joyrex!
  5. Can’t seem to get youlube vids to embed any more. Do I need more lube @Joyrex ?
  6. won’t embed fully but: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjCqu2KPKg4
  7. You’re a Red? Thought you were from Banbury or Reading.or Croydon ie primo Utd fan-base regions.
  8. His father-in-law is worth $4.5 billion. Keep up, chaps.
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