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who of you smelly crusties are going to Glade

Guest Jimbob

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WELL... everything that couldve gone wrong went wrong ... BADLY.


very disapointed, only saw about 10 acts. spent most of the time surviving!


milanese, droon, neil landstramm and snares all totally rocked it though.

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WELL... everything that couldve gone wrong went wrong ... BADLY.


very disapointed, only saw about 10 acts. spent most of the time surviving!


milanese, droon, neil landstramm and snares all totally rocked it though.



at least you got to see some acts


10 acts is better than no acts


i am still gutted at missing it but at least we tried our best to get there on friday.


i am still off today and tomorrow though cos i was meant to be there and it is a beautiful sunny day today, a few beers me thinks is on the cards

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Guest Jimbob

yeah i had a bit of a chat with Milanese, he's a sound guy but i thought his set dragged on a little.

I unfortunately missed Snares, due to a combination of sleep deprivation and some really weird drugs, but i heard he stormed off after about 20 minutes due to the sound.

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the sound at overkill was appauling. too quiet. the psytrance stage dominated the whole fucking festival- literally 3 days playing the same fucking record!!! some dude grabbed the mic from snares half way through his set and started ranting some shit, cant remember what but i tihnk that annoyed aaron. yeh his set did seem quite short, its all a bit of a horrible blur tbh.

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Guest Idiron




just got back now - hosed and scrubbed the shit-infused mud off everything in some sort of methodical cleansing ritual and then realised i had 'rape a nun' written on my belly in curiously calligraphic permanent pen :S


i agree with pretty much everything everyone's said - milanese was tops, as was squarepusher, beardyman and snares. shame on funk for pulling a rockstar though - stormed off stage because they wouldnt turn the sound up. i was actually outside as security werent letting anyone in because it was so packed but was still "avin it" as such. just another grievance to stack up on the weekend, not impressed.


obviously pusher was the highlight as ide never seen him before, decided to stay on just for him. most people i talked to werent that enthusiastic about it but i thought he was definately one of the best acts ive seen live - was enthralled by his bass playing, a very tight set, but maybe too regimented and 'stadiumy' (or clean-cut even).


nice meeting all you folks and having a laff. was fun just bumping into people and whatnot. usaully i feel quite vunerable when i lose my mates but this year it was just nice to potter about and see who you come across. my heart goes out to iain c though, who left on friday after all his possessions and tent were ruined by the rain, that really really is the pinnacle of shitness. *just read trhe full story on this, cripes!

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Guest Jac Y Jymper

So my 4th glade and my 3rd wristband for the collection!


Got there by 12pm on Thursday to try and get a tree to camp under, with the sun beaming down on the que, the police were late or something because it took a fuck load of waiting, but in the sun with a nice j, the wait was more nervous than anything because of the intense searching of the bags (5 people searched out of every 10) never being good at heads or tails, I got searched, but having all my stuff in my trouser pocket seemed to be the best plan as they opened everything in my bag, thourogh search indeed.




Rain was intense, got pretty wasted on thursday eve/night, which was lush weather to be honest until about midnight, we had a gazebo and that and joined tents with a cover over, so we were pretty dry. Woke up in my tent on friday morning to the feeling of shitting myself, my tent was soaked, a blim burn from a previous festival had formed some kind of spring because we were on the bottom of the hill.. so my tent / person was soaked and it was not stopping raining still, so with a bit of candle wax, tried to repair, fuck load of good that did, but some tape sorted it out. The worst part was just waiting out the rain on that 12 hour



Dispite the mud it generally was okay mainly due to pulling a hotty on friday night at the bangface, and finding some dry/clean socks after thinking i had none.


Qued up for 3 hours to get cash, had no money until saturday evening, but still managed to get wasted and have a good time, from people sharing stuff with me and sorting me out in general. cant really understand those who went home, as the weather was not that bad after the initial downpour, and the cash machines were fixed by friday.


All in all despite the weather it was probery one of the best glades, the atmosphere was great and everyone seemed happy despite the weather and intense comedowns.




P.s I agreed with snares' little protest, when you can whisper to your mate next to you in a fucking electronic festival, then something is wrong. It was funny, when they turned his mic off after he said something like "do something about it" to the crowd, instigating some kind of riot for louder volume, to which the organisers shat theselfs, cutting of his mic.


P.s It smelt funny

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Guest Dirty Protest

I didnt even wait about for Snares, was looking forward to him, but his fans really fucked me off. Society Suckers was brilliant and there was a good atmosphere in the tent for him, then the Snares fans came in and stood sour faced through the end of SS set, then some arguements broke out and I thought fuck this and went over for The Black Dog set. Good to know all those angry dickheads were pissed off by an angry dickhead :grin:

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i thought the ragga twins were pretty good... i also had some tent trouble - my instant tent was quite small and only single skin so if you touched the sides or the roof you got wet... also, after 12 hours of constant rain, the skin was saturated and developed a few internal drips, but nothing too serious - i just sat in there getting stoned and reading hunter s thompson until it was over... there was one point when we didn't think it was going to stop and nearly went home, but i'm fucking glad we sticked it out in the end. did anyone else see them blokes mudwrestling?

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Guest Idiron

just got some info from snares about the drama - apparantly he said to them that he wasn't going to play because he heard the soundsystem was shit last year so they ensured him that itde be OK this year... but what they didnt tell him was that theyde be turning it down at 12, the same time they so cleverly put him on at... and then the sound tech guy was only letting the high levels through after he slapped him so he stormed off.


which makes me ask the bigger question - what is the glade organisers agenda? its ok to have hill reverberating psytrance untill 4am but only being able to feel some bass whilst right at the front of the overkill tent is the best we get?


again, glade was shit.

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I'm going to be optimistic and predict that it won't rain. I think it will be patches of sun and mostly overcast. Certainly better than the quagmire of Glastonbury.


This summer is proper fucking shit so far really isn't it? Where's the sun?


Well I was officially pretty fucking wrong. Still had an ace time despite everything going massively to shit. You just make the most of it don't you? The only thing that properly pissed me off was the sound being so quiet. I felt proper cheated by that, esp. after the promises that had been made.


Only just got in, need to read some threads about this and get my head together!

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Guest Coalbucket PI

well it was very wet and muddy, but it was still great. friday was a bit of an ordeal really what with the weather and then the no-shows, but ceephax and producer made for a good ending. saturday went well for me, apparat was fantastic and i skipped out of venetian snares just as it went pear shaped and went to black dog which was great... vapour stage sounded really nice so i really dont know why they wasted it by only having music from 22.00 in there, and nothing on sunday. odd choice.


shame luke vibert didnt manage his sunday set either, but beardyman was a good laugh. sunday was the best day by far... squarepusher was on top form, a really solid 20 mins of techno on the decks and then a blistering live set, I really couldnt have asked for more personally. then got incredibly pissed and squelched up and down the site.


a very different glade by all accounts but i had a grand weekend. my one complaint is the volume in overkill, i know they have restrictions but its a very popular stage and they should have got the 'noise cancelling' speaker set up in there.

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Guest butane bob
squarepusher was on top form, a really solid 20 mins of techno on the decks and then a blistering live set, I really couldnt have asked for more personally. then got incredibly pissed and squelched up and down the site.


Squarepusher spinning Jeff Mills. That's a new one on me. Can't say I didn't scream when it came on tho!




Triple dropping in overkill on Saturday and wanting to fuck anything that moves.


Double baloon of nitrous later in overkill and falling flat on my ass in the muck, then laughing about it with the people who picked me up again.


Retiring to the tent around 1 am with burned neurons after a solid 12 hours muntage. K for the first time ever and falling in love with it.


DJ C playing a mashup of "Let it be" and "She caught me red handed", god I laughed till my sides hurt.


Vexkiddy were dead cool as well, with their period costumes, beards, and time travelling dry ice gramophone.


Coming back to reality sunday morning, feeling the warm sun and hearing some nice funky drums and slap bass drifting over from the rabbit hole.


Sunday with the friendly chaps I was camped beside, wrapped in space blanket at midnight, passing spliffs, doing more K and rambling incomprehensibly about crossing the event horizon.


Meeting some really sound people in the three hour queue for the ATM.


Honestly, I was at Glade for the first time last year, which was incredible and beautiful and sunny. Though the weather sucked and the sound levels left a lot to be desired it was just as fun as before, just in a lot of different ways. And I was lucky that my tent held up the whole weekend.


I hope to god they manage to do it next year too.

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I'm going to be optimistic and predict that it won't rain. I think it will be patches of sun and mostly overcast. Certainly better than the quagmire of Glastonbury.


This summer is proper fucking shit so far really isn't it? Where's the sun?


Well I was officially pretty fucking wrong. Still had an ace time despite everything going massively to shit. You just make the most of it don't you? The only thing that properly pissed me off was the sound being so quiet. I felt proper cheated by that, esp. after the promises that had been made.


Only just got in, need to read some threads about this and get my head together!


Hey Solo, pretty sure I saw you towards the end of Dolphin & Teknoist's (fucking brilliant) set on Saturday (I know I was already a Ninja Columbo fanboy, but that really, really was something). I was gonna go over and say hi after the set, but I couldn't see you then, so no WATMM Crue action for me :(



Well, it was heavy going at times, but I don't regret going at all. I do regret not taking wellies, but I hadn't owned a pair of the fuckers for years, having bad memories of the nasty shits chafing the shit out of my legs. It was quite a surprise when I finally caved in and bought some to find that they were surprisingly comfy and danceable-in (being stuck in the mud notwithstanding). My other highlights:


Getting under the Glade stage cover in time for when they started playing music on Friday, especially when the rain stopped and the sun first poked out.

Beardyman being Absolute King Of All The Everything for one glorious hour

Apparat - just wandered into Overkill on the way back from the bog (as in the actual toilet rather than the campsite) and didn't even know who he was, but thought he was great

Mary Anne Hobbs constantly pogoing to all that moody dubstep - that's awesome and then some.

Various bits of Bang Face - especially Aaron Spectre and Ceephax's sets, getting a couple of people to join in our "Seig heil Jeremy Kyle, say seig heil Jeremy Kyle" chant and my friend getting given an 'I have AIDS and I bite' sign which seemed to be especially popular with da ladeez. They're not like us, you know.

The endless fun that can be had with a Les Ferdinand mug (may require prior intoxication if trying this at home).

Squarepusher finishing us off with a good old rowdy set.

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Mary Anne Hobbs constantly pogoing to all that moody dubstep - that's awesome and then some.


Christ she loves to pose. I loved the way at the end of the set I saw her pick up her CD and walk away.


By the way, what was the name of the thin skinhead dude with a yellow shirt that said PunchDrunk? He played that fucking amazing dub set before Mary Anne, anybody know?

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Oh my word what an amazing weekend! I put up with the mud fine, my tent held up luckily but a few of our lot had disasters and had to crash in with other people. Had a bit of a funny saturday with some shit acid, all it did was knock me out so I missed loads of stuff I'd wanted to see...made myself go and watch the Black Dog though as I've already seen Snares loads of times, I'm so pleased I did - how good! The Vapor tent did indeed sound great!


Highlights include Neil Landstrumm, Magda, Richie Hawtin, and Ceephax, and I think that's one of the best sets I've seen Squarepusher do. Bit gutted Michael Forshaw didn't play though. I could have cried when I got to Overkill on Friday and saw the river running through it - and the stewards I spoke to told me it wasn't going to open all weekend :ohmy: So very glad they sorted it as that's pretty much the only tent I go to Glade for!


But yeah, all in all an absolutely amazing time, the atmosphere was back to how it was in 2005. Only saw a few police wandering round on Thursday nicking a few people in ID Spiral but apart from that didn't see them all weekend and the security guys were friendly. Think the rain and mud actually helped a little as people seemed to go for it a little bit more - but it'd better be bloody sunny again next year :laughing:

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Guest blutac
Mary Anne Hobbs constantly pogoing to all that moody dubstep - that's awesome and then some.


Christ she loves to pose. I loved the way at the end of the set I saw her pick up her CD and walk away.


By the way, what was the name of the thin skinhead dude with a yellow shirt that said PunchDrunk? He played that fucking amazing dub set before Mary Anne, anybody know?


I saw her described as the new John Peel, never heard a bigger load of bullshit. Shes just a big Dubstep scenester, and I was absolutely amazed at how shit her mixing was. Seriously fair enough she did a bit towards bringing dubstep in but it's time for her to take a step back and let the people who are good get on with it while she finds some new music.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Ive seen Colin Murry described as the new John Peel. Somebody like John Peels never going to get anywhere near a national radio station again.

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Ive seen Colin Murry described as the new John Peel.



statements like that make me feel physically sick


colin murry is a fuckin gypo.


i hate him

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Guest butane bob
I saw her described as the new John Peel, never heard a bigger load of bullshit. Shes just a big Dubstep scenester, and I was absolutely amazed at how shit her mixing was. Seriously fair enough she did a bit towards bringing dubstep in but it's time for her to take a step back and let the people who are good get on with it while she finds some new music.


Nice tits though.

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Guest Jimbob
Mary Anne Hobbs constantly pogoing to all that moody dubstep - that's awesome and then some.


Christ she loves to pose. I loved the way at the end of the set I saw her pick up her CD and walk away.


By the way, what was the name of the thin skinhead dude with a yellow shirt that said PunchDrunk? He played that fucking amazing dub set before Mary Anne, anybody know?


that was DJ Pinch, fucking lush it was, brought a tear to my eye i must say.


Mary, show us where you wee!

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Mary Anne Hobbs constantly pogoing to all that moody dubstep - that's awesome and then some.


Christ she loves to pose. I loved the way at the end of the set I saw her pick up her CD and walk away.


By the way, what was the name of the thin skinhead dude with a yellow shirt that said PunchDrunk? He played that fucking amazing dub set before Mary Anne, anybody know?


that was DJ Pinch, fucking lush it was, brought a tear to my eye i must say.


Mary, show us where you wee!


Ah, DJ Pinch. Thank you!

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My best Glade in four years, tops.




Squarepusher - prob the best set I've seen him do!!

Derrick May - GOD of all GODS if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have any of this shit!

Neil Landstrumm - one of my old school heroes

Jim Masters - turn it up..

Ceephax - Nice shirt!!

Producer - again turn it up..


Liq aceed - just the best



Not sure who I met this weekend but you were all fucking tops...

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Well I had an awesome time it wasn't really a full Glade because of the weather but it was still great! Met Solo Strike and his mate who seemed really cool, Idiron extremely briefly, and a fair few randoms. Sunday was the best day for music for me. Coki's dubstep set was like an epiphany, Ceephax was ace and Squarepusher was a brilliant perfect ending!


Otherwise, Clark was wicked, Karl Marx was hilarious, scotch egg was an exciting change from everything else, Milanese was good cos he played loads of variations on his tracks, Venetian Snares played a great fairly straight but hard jungle set which was sadly very short. But the company was the best, only got wellies on the last day, wish I'd got them earlier..! Hopefully the weather will be good again next year?

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Here's some blurb from Ned Overkill and St Acid... makes you apprieciate the chaos and effort they must of gone through!


Ned -




ned here >


wow, i've just found this thread and its really made me smile reading through everyone's comments.( he's talkin about a thread on gladtalk btw)


as you all well know it was a hell of a rollacoaster that the core crew, myself & Ed & bang face posse are just recovering from.

there really is no way to describe the feeling when you hear the rain starting to come down in the middle of the night at a festival and it just doesnt stop.

Its like all those dellusions you gave yourself about "maybe we'll miss the rain", or "maybe we'll just get a shower" are cancelled out and you just have this impending feeling.... THE MUD IS COMING.


when we had our production meeting at 10am on friday morning, sheltering from the downpour myself and the Overkill crew knew we were in a bad situation, basically our tent is at the bottom of the bottom.. its in the lowest point of the puddle.. and it was soo flooded that the electrics, amps, kit etc were all starting to get wet.. which bascially means the tent is dangerous and has to be closed. We were told that we had to cancel the Friday, then we'd see what would happen on Saturday. I can honestly say at this point i wept... im not proud and it was only for a moment! .. but the thought of all the work, all the flgihts getting acts over from the States, all the details.. Bang Face.. urg.. what a horrible feeling. So we started calling everyone and cancelling them,, was really intense.. everyone was gutted, all the artists were so sad, all the crew were deflatted, me & ed could hardly talk to each other.. anyway.. around 4pm the officals at glade (the tent master, and some of the directors) came over to our tent and suddenly started to say things like "we could get it open, if we can get rid of the water".. perhaps the amount of questions the info tents were getting about whether Overkill would be open or not made it a real priority.?


We had another meeting at 5:30pm and it was all positive, the amazing individulas making up the core glade crew are so experienced at all this shit, it was utterly inspiring seeing them go into action.. little diggers turned up, water pumps were suddenly sucking all the shit out of our dancefloor, and the soundcrew rebuilt their PA on the stage. We had to call all the artists and tell them to get their asses on site.. which was easier said than done as the entire area around the site was flooded.. nearly all roads into Glade were impassable.. another logistical nightmare.. we were intouch with Ceephax, Luke Vibert, Ragga Twins, Sharkey, Tim Exile, Mike Dred and many more all at the same time trying to direct them around the flooding onto the site and we were rewriting the running order on the fly.


when we opened the Overkill tent doors at 8:30pm on friday, i couldnt believe it.. it was full instantly.. and suddenly you coulnt see the mud on the floor and it just looked like a proper rave. i still cant believe it.


I want to send out a massive thank you and buckets (:-) full of respect to:

Ed Sibert - my stage manager extrodinaire - no one works harder than he.. and he has great taste in music.. he's the Bristol connection!

the Overkill Crew - best yet.. and all for freee.. you rock! (rob, sofie, carley, nicole, Alex) (shit, im sure i've forgotten someone...

Sound system guys - remaining sane & clam while working 16 hours days and sleeping in a store cupboard.. thank you

The VJS - Jonnie & co from paris.. all the feedback on your visuals is awsome .. people dug it, thanks!

Bang Face Posse - always a pleasure working with you, james is a dude - overkill is the only place they have made BF outside of their residency, im proud!

Glade Team - the best indiependent festival organisers in the world.. seriously.. Nick, Mark, Ans, Jo, Becky, Biff, Luke .. Respect! -


i will add here that for anyone who has real experience of managing festivals you know how hella hard it is at the best of times, a normal glade festival stretches the teams abilities to the max.. you have 16,000 people in a field... The core glade crew are responsible for EVERYTHING...they are managing all the secutiry, transport, tent build, sound system crews, catering, health n saftey.. council breathing down their neck.. its insane to see how it works.

and i know for a fact that faced with the worst rain downpour in history in that area most festival organisers would have buckled and cancelled the whole thing.. respect where respect is due i'd say.


artists that didnt play:

Luke Vibert - he was almost out the door, then we had to cancel friday, so he cancelled the hire car etc & didnt come - fair enough! Ragga Twins played with their own DJ who came at the last minute.

Assault - i'd flown him over from USA, but told him to stay in London when the shit was hitting the fan.

Luke's Anger / Michael Forshaw / Mode48 / Andrea Parker / voltexile - came to Glade but the Overkill tent was cancelled during when they were supposed to play

Mike Dred (aka Universal Indicator) - couldnt make cos of the flooding .. he was on the road for around 12 hours trying to get there!

Everyone else made it and Played.. 7 acts out of 5o ish total .. that aint bad eh!


In response to some of the issues raised:

Overkill soundlevel - i agree.. i think we missed having the Function systems that the other tents had, at times i think we were quieter, but its not stress, im sure with all the comments that have been made the Glade cheifs will get it in there next year,. actually they were trying to install the function 1 for 2007, but our tent isnt big enough, it would eat too much capacity,, and its not simple getting a bigger tent cos we would have to move the location of Overkill.. cant fit a bigger tent in that spot.. but roll on 2008.. ace.


Snares - hmmm,, i think i wont say too much on this.. some artists are up tight about certain things.. snares thing is sound levels.. he knows he shouldnt have got so pissed off,, maybe i should have had him play before 12, before the soundl imitation really kicked in.. he was just being Snares really.. i love his music.


2008: if there is one thing a muddy festival leaves you feeling (apart from tired) is that you want a sunny one.. thats what im looking forward to.. a baking hot Glade 2008 with a upgraded function 1 system & a bigger tent... we'll be back with an even better line up of mutants from all over the world.


thanks to all the positive feedback, it really is top to hear that people enjoyed Overkill so much, means alot to us and i think its important people have spoken your mind about all the issues bugging you, notes have been made!


bring it on.




St Acid -


Respect to everyone who pulled together to make BF happen against all the odds!


Thought I'd give a quick run down of the crazy events that were BF46...


At 11am all crew and artists were told the tent had been abandoned for the weekend and BF was 200% officially cancelled Flash-floods had ripped through the Overkill tent overnight and the dancefloor, equipment, sound-system and electrics were under over a foot of running water! Peoples possessions were literally floating on the dancefloor after being washed down from the hill!


Miraculously come 6:30pm the emergency trenches had lowered the water level enough to get the rave green light! Artists then started frantically trying to get to Glade and sadly some didn't make it. Mike Dred was stuck between two junctions on the M5 for 8 hours! He's understandably gutted after spending so long writing a brand new live acid show. Luke Vibert got stuck after his hire car was cancelled. Panacea never made it on the plane from Europe! All these guys are totally gutted but say hello and they'll be back to bang our faces again soon!


Sadly we lost the lasers, the sound was umm... 'muddy' which was a shame and electrical equipment was malfunctioning due to dampness!


So BF kicked off an hour late at 11pm with Tim Exile who did an amazing job stepping in at such short notice


The line-up got totally thrown off as artists were being driven in by 4x4s and sent straight to the stage as they arrived to play next!


The running order finally panned out as: Tim Exile > SL2 > Aaron Spectre > Ragga Twins + their own DJ > Ceephax > Producer + Sharkey > Saint Acid


MAXIMUM respect to all these guys who drove through floods to get there and played banging sets with no sound-check or prep! And to all at Overkill/Glade who worked so hard to get the tent up and running.


Most of all TOTAL respect to all the Hard Crew that braved the mud-bath dancefloor and made the rave possible


Pics up soon and see you all in Sept at Electrowerkz...



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