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Ø - Oleva


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Released in July 2008

Produced by Mika Vainio


1. Unien holvit

2. S-bahn

3. Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun

4. Frekvenssi

5. Loihdittu

6. Vastus

7. U-bahn

8. Koituva

9. Mojave

10. Tasanko

11. Kausaaliton

12. Muistetun palaava taajuus


All tracks by Mika Vainio except 3 by Roger Waters

Recorded in Berlin 2007-2008

Photographs by Mika Vainio

Graphics by Tommi Grönlund

Mastered by Denis Blackham at Skye Mastering

Cut by Rashad Becker at D&M


CD version is coming soonish, but the vinyl version is already available.

samples sounded real nice, so i will be picking this up.

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Guest telikan

Sounds nice-- I forgot how rhythmic and melodic Vainio's stuff can be. Although I often find myself wishing I could hear some of his music without as much reverb :rolleyes: Last recent thing of his I heard that wasn't Pan Sonic was "Revitty", which was fucking harsh, but this sounds like a nice change of pace.

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vainio's stuff as Ø has always been more melodic and minimal sort of techno. kinda prefer it more than pan sonic stuffs and the stuff he releases under his real name. his stuff as philus, especially the 'tetra' album must be the most minimal and clinical sounding ambient ever. very austere, but oddly fascinating.

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I've never liked this guy's stuff and couldn't see what the big deal was, but judging by samples, this sounds awesome. Don't know if this is a big departure from his usual stuff or if I just have heard old albums, I'll def be checking this out though.

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i can agree that Ø and his other stuff is an acquired taste. i didn't like it before along with pan sonic, but then one day it all hit me hard and i like his and pan sonics stuff alot.

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sounds pretty gut, except that i can't keep up with all those releases.. so many stuff to check & i dont have enought time to appreciate the numerous records i bought recently... (like those 4 hours of quaristice that i barely listen to even if i know its great). but yeah the samples sounds good.

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sounds pretty gut, except that i can't keep up with all those releases.. so many stuff to check & i dont have enought time to appreciate the numerous records i bought recently... (like those 4 hours of quaristice that i barely listen to even if i know its great). but yeah the samples sounds good.


i know what you mean. i've bought a ton of albums recently and need to take a break and go through them properly, this will be the last one. (until a new must have albums appears)

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yes, got this today. it's very good. kinda a mix of the early Ø albums and the kantamoinen album with some nice ambient numbers in the end of the album. u-bahn is a very cool track.

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Guest Tetracore

have enjoyed the 'Ø' stuff in the past, especially 'Kantamoinen'. If you guys haven't already, check out Ilpo Vaisanen's (other guy in Pan Sonic) solo album 'Asuma'. love it.


will be looking for this soon.

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