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flight of the conchords s02e01


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the songs seemed kind of half assed and thrown in as an afterthought

i am so inexplicably angry about that; their new material better be fucking good


edit: i saw them live over the summer i think, and they played that goddamned angels doing it song, and i hated it then too. how could that compare with the material on their first season/subpop album?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

people actually like this?


its like two sub par howard moons


i watched two episodes (on a plane) and only one lol was found. one sang a song to cheer the other up and eventually he talked about putting a wig on him whilst he was asleep. that was the only laugh.


the manager plays the same character in 'yes man'. crazy!

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the songs seemed kind of half assed and thrown in as an afterthought

i am so inexplicably angry about that; their new material better be fucking good


edit: i saw them live over the summer i think, and they played that goddamned angels doing it song, and i hated it then too. how could that compare with the material on their first season/subpop album?

well, to be fair that 'angels doing it' song is quite old (from 2002 or something) - so it's not like they've suddenly turned rubbish.

really? wow, i could have sworn they said it was new. though they played another new song, just listing girls names and how they would have sex with them (this is a recollection of a concert several months ago + hangover so could be wrong); that song was really weak too. agh and in the previews for the whole season, the song about man humps or whatever sounds weak too. :\


i watched two episodes (on a plane) and only one lol was found. one sang a song to cheer the other up and eventually he talked about putting a wig on him whilst he was asleep. that was the only laugh.


i think that was top lol for me too actually, but i really loved the first season.

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the manager plays the same character in 'yes man'. crazy!


nuh uhhhh, he's like a little bit different! but i love yes man so i will die defending it.


also, mel is in revolutionary road. so are her boobs. she, and they, are awesome. (the movie kind of sucked though, or at least made me real sad)

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Guest Mirezzi

There simply aren't enough shows like this...I mean, OMG, they are soooo awkward! Like that one time, when Jemaine was telling Bret about how his day went, and like he kept getting interrupted and...oh, I can't remember, but it was totally random. :teeth:


Then they did the "robo boogie" - ROFLMAO!

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Guest assegai

last night was the first episode of there's I didn't really enjoy

the songs were cool but the episode itself was blah (altho murray calling the bass guitar the "dad guitar" was funny)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



I hate them soo much, it makes me sad when some of friends have told me they like them cause then I know our whole friendship was a pointless lie

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last night was the first episode of there's I didn't really enjoy

the songs were cool but the episode itself was blah (altho murray calling the bass guitar the "dad guitar" was funny)


i liked the part when jemaine was telling mel about being a male prostitute and she's like "i would pay you so much money"

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Pilgarlic

fuck flight of the conchords. bret and jemaine have NZ accents so I feel as though they're smarter and better than me. fuck them.


oh wait that's right I actually like this show, it's stupid

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