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lost season 5


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
catsonearth would you make LOST 2??? please!!!!



yeah write some fan fiction and make it how it should have been. hint: kill jack in the plane crash and burn off kates clothes

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what's wrong with you?


i don't know...maybe i'm just not easily impressed by the bare minimum of effort put into shit. it's cool if you don't have problems with any of this stuff, but for me, they pull me right out of the moment instead of getting me lost in it, which is the whole goal of creating film/tv in the first place. in my mind, the ultimate goal of a writer/director/whatever is to make something that the audience can watch and suspend their disbelief for as long as it's on the screen and become sucked up in the story they're telling. little shit like this makes it hard for me to do that.


-the "war" could be lies, anyway it's pretty obvious who the two sides are. and the "conflict to come" has been mentioned before.


you're right, it could be a lie, but something tells me it's not. to me it seems a little cliche because it's a premise that's been used so many times before. it's basically the plot to every damn season of heroes so far.


-who cares if you could tell if ben was going to off him, it was still a great scene.


how was it a great scene? great acting? great writing? unexpected turns? poignant moment? clever delivery? it wasn't a great scene to me because for me, a great scene is a scene that you can't predict the contents of just by seeing the first few seconds of it. if you already know what's going to happen then there's no point for the scene to be there. and if there's no point for it to be there then it's a waste of time.


-locke has always been an easy to manipulate idiot (hey john you're special, give me a blowjob). also, why gullible? it's not like you know who's is telling the truth and who's not. he showed plenty skepticism in the EP but as usual you chose to ignore it to come up with your criticism.


really? he showed skepticism? you mean when he was blindly believing anything whitmore said to him? or when he spilled his guts to the totally trustworthy ben whose already tried to kill him a few times? when he just went along with abbadon without even questioning it even though it's a pretty fucking strange coincidence that the guy who told him to go on the walkabout all those years ago was suddenly back driving him around town and working for whitmore? when whitmore was telling him about this supposed war that's coming and he couldn't even be bothered to ask a follow up question?


it's true that nobody knows who is telling the truth and who isn't, but at the same time, the dude has had one of his internal organs stolen from him in an elaborate con that scarred him psychologically. and on top of that, he was then conned again by the same guy and thrown out of a window leaving him crippled and wheelchair bound. then he was conned by another guy and wound up dying in a ditch full of petrified bodies. even the most inbred of podunks at that point would take a step back and be like "wow, you know, i seem to really have a problem blindly trusting people that usually ends with serious traumatic injury to myself...maybe i need to work on that a bit". it's like on star trek when no matter what happened in an episode, by the next episode the crew was fine, the ship was in perfect condition, everybody is happy and care free again. that kind of thing is forgivable in a show made up of standalone episodes, but with an ongoing story it just isn't realistic.


-re: plane. dunno, who cares? you really don't get what this thing is about. i mean really who the hell is left wondering about that.


i don't get it? just because i'm not buying it, doesn't mean i'm not aware of what's taking place. my whole point is, if none of this shit is important and i shouldn't be wondering about it, then it shouldn't be in the damn show. if the giant super magnet isn't important to the story, then don't fucking mention a giant super magnet over and over again. if you can get to the island just by flying into it, then don't waste a bunch of episodes telling me that you can only get through the damn time bubble by going through a specific set of coordinates or being drawn in by the magnet. i have a problem with them stating something very strongly for so long and then completely disregarding it when it isn't convenient for the story. yes, i'm fully aware that they probably landed on the second island because the writers wanted to be able to tell 2 parallel storylines and then later merge them together at the end of the season and that's fine...but if you absolutely need to do that, is it too much to ask to make the circumstances surrounding it believable? there's no reason they couldn't have except laziness.


remember that scene in psycho where the detective or whatever he was breaks into norman bates house? It's obvious that he is going to get killed, and it's still one of the best scenes in the movie. and in this particular scene in lost i think both actors did a great acting job creating an emotional response (which is what cinema and it's all about, didn't they teach you that at school?) no matter how predictable you think it is. what you're arguing is equivalent to saying it's a waste of time to watch a movie or episode more than once.


locke questioned widmore and ben more than once, and if you seriously want to get into the logic of it all, what possible choice did locke have? why would you ask a million questions if you know they are probably just telling you lies? there was this millionaire guy offering all of his resources and asking nothing in return, is it seriously so unbelievable to you that he chose to use them? what was he supposed to do then? try to track the 6 on his own? in this latest episode the only thing he was manipulated into was to not kill himself. how does that make him gullible? he showed his skepticism by not wanting to talk to abbadon like he knew he was being played around. It's like just you're trying hard for the thing to NOT make sense instead of the other way. the character locke is someone who wants to believe in something, anything, they have build this character meticulously and for some reason you want the character to be something else. do you watch the show with your handbook on scriptwriting and hand and reading: "All characters must overcome their shortcomings by 3/4 of the duration of the story arc, this makes a good script." or something like that?


what you don't get is that this show is about the responses it generates in the follower, it's not about creating a web of plot threads that connect perfectly, when you learn that desmond was probably responsible for bringing 815 down it creates an emotional response. when in an episode they DON'T talk about something creates another. it's not like they cannot explain why the other plane arrived in the island, maybe frank just landed it, after all conditions have changed on the island, or maybe the island apperead under the plane instead of the plane arrived to the island (making the specific coordinate thing pointless, also the plane would be unable to leave) jee! use your imagination for something. it's not really unbelievable but it will feel that way if you're trying hard for it to feel unbelievable instead of the other way. dunno man it's just that you're just too square, it's like you don't see beyond the "Academics" of script writing. if you don't over come this you'll never make anything extraordinary.


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yeah I cannae really remember myself, ive been thinking of her as dead for a while now though. im not sure we ever saw her actually die but shes been hanging around with christian on the island. i personally think aaron is going to be a massively important part of the entire story so im sure she will be back.

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Guest assegai
in fact i cant remember most of this show thinking about it.


i literally cant make up my mind on the claire/kate i dont think. possible solution : threesome?


Kate, a thousand times kate. I wanted to falcon punch aaron out of Claire so she could stop saying moyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bayyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeee

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Guest beatfanatic



mooooooooooooooooy bayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


kinda reminds me of Micheal's





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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

goddamn it you idiots there is actually interesting discussion happening above. go jerk off and then come back and post something useful

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