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lost season 5


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the lost thread has become unstuck in watmm, john





the last page and a bit are just pictures of kate's tits





you have to go back to being a badass john. you have to go back to killing boar and making crazy drug paste and trebuchets and shit.






how much are the black ones?

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Guest catsonearth
remember that scene in psycho where the detective or whatever he was breaks into norman bates house? It's obvious that he is going to get killed, and it's still one of the best scenes in the movie. and in this particular scene in lost i think both actors did a great acting job creating an emotional response (which is what cinema and it's all about, didn't they teach you that at school?) no matter how predictable you think it is. what you're arguing is equivalent to saying it's a waste of time to watch a movie or episode more than once.


that's a fair point and i agree that emotional response is more important than predictability, but i don't think the two are comparable because in lost nothing is ever really at stake whereas that scene in psycho is really suspenseful because you know that this mofo is about to get jooked, but you didn't know how, when, where. in lost though, the suspense is deadened by the fact that you know locke is not actually going to die in any permanent way. there's no danger, you don't feel scared for him or nervous that he doesn't know what he's getting into. he knows what he's getting into, we know what he's getting into, he knows ben is shady, we know ben is shady, we know locke dies, the second we see ben we know that ben is going to kill him, we know before that scene even happens that locke comes back to life, so there isn't really anything at stake. the acting was as good as it could have been considering the overall failure of the scene, but as a viewer i didn't feel anything watching their performances. i could tell what they wanted me to be feeling, but they didn't earn it, instead they just overcompensated by laying it on thick, showing close ups of locke's face looking forlorn, playing sentimental music swells.


locke questioned widmore and ben more than once, and if you seriously want to get into the logic of it all, what possible choice did locke have? why would you ask a million questions if you know they are probably just telling you lies? there was this millionaire guy offering all of his resources and asking nothing in return, is it seriously so unbelievable to you that he chose to use them? what was he supposed to do then? try to track the 6 on his own? in this latest episode the only thing he was manipulated into was to not kill himself. how does that make him gullible? he showed his skepticism by not wanting to talk to abbadon like he knew he was being played around. It's like just you're trying hard for the thing to NOT make sense instead of the other way. the character locke is someone who wants to believe in something, anything, they have build this character meticulously and for some reason you want the character to be something else. do you watch the show with your handbook on scriptwriting and hand and reading: "All characters must overcome their shortcomings by 3/4 of the duration of the story arc, this makes a good script." or something like that?


i don't look at things based on rules or guidelines...that's not really my style, but i do look at things based on what works, what creates depth, what creates drama, what creates subtlety and nuance. to me, having characters that are purely vehicles to convey something the writers need to get across or to represent some symbolic thing usually results in shallow characters. i see a lot of interesting possibilities for locke's character given all the things he's been through that would give him more depth. as you said, he's a man that desperately wants to believe in something even though that desire to believe usually results in him getting taken for a ride. but simply having a one sentence character motivation isn't really enough to make the person feel honest and believable. there is a complex psychology behind people that creates who they are and determines how they react to any given situation. everything that's happened to you in your life molds your personality, disposition and character. it's not just that locke wants to believe in something that motivates his choices, as a real character the things that have happened to him in the past would figure into how he reacts to things. i'm not just saying "he's had a kidney stolen, he should know better", but i do feel like someone whose had that happen to them would feel a lot of shame for allowing themselves to be played so completely, they'd have a lot of insecurity that it was going to happen again, they may clam up in order to protect themselves from future harm, they may have a hard time trusting anyone, they may break down in high stress situations, they may act out to deflect the pain they feel inside...there are a lot of ways that something like that would define a person's character. i don't feel like lost genuinely depicts that. instead they make the character say something like "i'm not cut out to be a leader" and that's supposed to give the character depth because he's having inner conflict. but it's not organic to the character, those are just the words the writers are putting in his mouth as a shortcut to not having to deal with the real depth of the character. it's like the difference between vicki vale from tim burton's batman and rachel dawes from chris nolan's batman. they both represent the same thing to bruce wayne, his last chance for a normal life, but it's conveyed differently in the two movies. burton's batman conveyed it by making her the only character in the film who wore all white, they showed it by the interactions between wayne and vale and by the conflict of him trying to juggle the normal life and the batman life, etc. whereas nolan's batman simply had rachel dawes come right out and say "don't make me your last chance for a normal life, bruce!". they both say the same thing, but one has subtlety and nuance for the viewer to get lost in and the other just throws information at you and you're just supposed to take it at face value. blunt force is not always the most effective way to approach a problem.


what you don't get is that this show is about the responses it generates in the follower, it's not about creating a web of plot threads that connect perfectly, when you learn that desmond was probably responsible for bringing 815 down it creates an emotional response. when in an episode they DON'T talk about something creates another. it's not like they cannot explain why the other plane arrived in the island, maybe frank just landed it, after all conditions have changed on the island, or maybe the island apperead under the plane instead of the plane arrived to the island (making the specific coordinate thing pointless, also the plane would be unable to leave) jee! use your imagination for something. it's not really unbelievable but it will feel that way if you're trying hard for it to feel unbelievable instead of the other way. dunno man it's just that you're just too square, it's like you don't see beyond the "Academics" of script writing. if you don't over come this you'll never make anything extraordinary.


for me it's not about the academics of script writing or anything like that, it's just about having all your bases covered. even if the detail isn't important to the overall story and is something the viewer doesn't really need to know, the person crafting the story should still have it figured out. something like the plane landing on the other island may very well be explained in future episodes, but as it is now, there are things about it that don't add up with the previous info we've been given. i have no problem using my imagination to fill in the blanks, but when my imagination can't account for certain inconsistencies, i feel like at that point it's the writer's responsibility to help me out. the problem for me is that i don't think it will be addressed...maybe it will, but like with the war thing, i just get the feeling based on the way they've handled other things on the show that it just is what it is and we're just supposed to accept it. i'm open to the idea that i may be wrong about it, but at the same time, if i'm not wrong then it's just another in a long list of examples of lazy thinking by the people behind the scenes.


but i do think you're wrong about one thing - "it's not about creating a web of plot threads that connect perfectly". the impression i've always gotten from the show is that it is about a complex web of plot threads. why else would they show us their pasts and the minor ways the characters are connected? why else would we be jumping through time to see what in the past has effected where we are in the present? why are they making such an obvious attempt to show us things coming full circle? because it is about past, present, connectivity, fate, destiny and paths through life that influence the way things play out. sure, i guess some of it is about emotional responses in the viewer, but in my opinion, if that's really what was important to the writers then they would have crafted characters with much more depth, they'd be showing us more personal moments, things that cause us to really identify with and want to root for them as people and not just as placeholders in the story. i know you probably don't like when i compare lost to battlestar, but this is one instance where i feel there is a huge difference in quality. bsg isn't perfect, but this is one instance where it's infinitely more accomplished than lost. [spoilers coming, for those who care] when something happens to a character on bsg, i feel it - when tigh poisoned ellen, it really moved me because i knew who they were as people and what it took for tigh to go through with that. i knew their history, their strengths, their weaknesses, i'd seen them at their lowest, i'd seen them at their most unflattering, i'd seen them struggle with their morals and ethics, i'd seen them truly love each other despite what anyone else had to say about it, despite how badly it reflected on them, i'd seen what they saw in each other and why they stayed together. to me, that stuff is important to being able to identify with a character. when starbuck arrived back on galactica after new caprica and discovered that casey wasn't really her daughter, i felt that shit to my core. they didn't have to say anything, nobody on screen even spoke a word about it, but right at that moment i knew exactly what that revelation would do to starbuck. i knew what made her tick because the writers were very skillful at building that character's psychology and taking the viewer along for the ride to see her decision making in progress, so by the time we got to that point in the story, we knew exactly the impact it would have. the characters on bsg are not reset at the beginning of every episode like i was saying about star trek, the things they've experienced have lasting effects on them and we can trace those effects throughout the show even though the characters don't often say flat out "i'm feeling like this" or "this effected me in such and such way". you see it, you understand it and it remains consistent whereas with lost the characters don't always remain consistent if the writers need them to do something in order to move the plot forward. they don't take us along on the journey so we get to know them inside and out, they show us close ups of their eyes to show that they're plotting something. most people would agree with me, even if they love the show to death, that the worst part of lost is the characters. i don't know anybody who likes jack's character, or kate, or claire, or charlie, etc. and personally, i think what i said above is why. they're not real, they have no depth and you can't relate to them, they're just caricatures.


sorry, i know this post is long as fuck. it's been a slow day at work and i can't seem to shut the fuck up.











and for the record, kate looks like a mouse-y ass bitch. claire was hotter, but still not really that hot. goth claire was slightly hotter. sun is the only real hottie on the show now that alex is dead. alex though...fit as fuck!

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think about it this way: it's a couple of geeks doing a show for geeks and geeks love this kind of thing, (OMG did you notice that sawyer used the same bathroom that kate's father's cousin's best friend did?!?!!)

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Guest David R James

Lol, i started at the bottom of this page after entering the thread via the last post, moved up slowly and b4 i even got to the top of a particular post i knew it was cats.

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Guest beatfanatic
think about it this way: it's a couple of geeks doing a show for geeks and geeks love this kind of thing, (OMG did you notice that sawyer used the same bathroom that kate's father's cousin's best friend did?!?!!)


omg what episode was that , cant believe i missed it

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exactly GORDO. lindelof is one of us (albeit his things being star wars and stephen king, not beardy electronic men). if he didn't get lucky he'd be posting on a watmm analogue from his parents' basement

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Guest David R James
i havent watched lost since season 1.


so did they ever open the hatch?


There still trying to open it, i wouldnt watch it after season one if u havent already.

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it turned out to be a natural rock formation.



seasons 1 and 2 were a bit swiss family robinson...

season 3 was a bit lord of the flies...

season 4 was a bit battle royale...

and the current season is a bit jurassic park (although monster island is technically a peninsula).

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i take young hawking bird and old hawking bird then we go travel in time pick up more young and old hawking birds then we go to chunky's boudoir for 1 week :beer:

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