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Radio Buzz In My Speakers

Guest hahathhat

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Guest hahathhat

I hear faint radio transmissions coming from my monitor, the left in particular. If I wiggle the cable around, hold it up in the air, the radio buzz goes away. However, as soon as I put the cable down, it comes back.


I've just ignored it for months, but this morning it's just really pissing me off. This was never a problem last place I live, but this place has shitty electrics and things are arranged differently.


It's some sort of interference, yes, I've tried to keep it away from electric cables, but it's still fuckin' doing it.



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I don't have any advice, sorry, I just wanted to mention that I also often have the radio buzz in my 5.1 set. Especially when the volume is turned all the way down.


Seems it's a common problem with my speakers (Logitech X-530), I looked it up on the internet a few years ago. But I don't mind that much, probably because the buzz isn't that loud with my set. I think it's a bit eerie and funny at the same time.


I take it you have another set than mine?

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Guest hahathhat

Adam A7 + Sub8 :)


Balanced audio via XLR, etc.



The buzz goes away if I fiddle with the cables enough; it's just aggrivating to have to do that once or twice a week!!

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I had this a while back also. I think it has to do with power wires running parallel to the audio cables. If your instrument cables aren't shielded then they sort of turn into antenna.


Maybe just try shielded cables? Wrap that shit in aluminum? lol. Fucking wierd though for sure. I recorded about 10 mins of it a while back. Will be nice on a rainy day.

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Guest hahathhat

yes, sounds about right. what i probably need to do is recable everything and be anal, OCD. i want to know what i'm doing before i do that, however, so i don't do it all and find it's still shit.


the electrics in my place are also kinda shit, they could be partially responsible. there's an electric heater in here, which i've heard is noisy, but the noise doesn't correlate with the heater being on (it's still there when i turn it off).


anyways, yeah, they're not doing it right now, after i started this thread i wiggled them around for 10mins and it stopped. but having to do this once or twice a week is annoying...

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There's not a whole lot you can do except move away from whatever radio station your speakers are picking up. When I worked in the Berklee Performance Center, our guitar amps used to pick up radio transmissions because of the big transmitter on top of the Prudential Center right down the street.

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Guest hahathhat

shit, why didn't i think of that?


there's a massive radio tower like a half mile from my house. it's tall and has pretty lights that blink at night.

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