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Couples that work together


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i'm quite keen on The Apostasy, but their newer albums are in a much different, far more rediculous vein. still very good though.


and no, they don't play metal on mtv.

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i'm quite keen on The Apostasy, but their newer albums are in a much different, far more rediculous vein. still very good though.


and no, they don't play metal on mtv.


I'm just not a fan of death metal, or blackened death, it rubs me up the wrong way.

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Firstly, I live with my girlfriend. We've been together 7 years and have lived together 6 of those 7. Besides our "work" situation, everything in our relationship is more or less perfect.


My girlfriend and I (with a friend of hers) started a project together 2 years ago. She is an actress and the whole purpose of starting the project was to get her some exposure.

2+ years later, I'm still stuck in a project I helped create that is haunting every waking hour of our relationship. We haven't really made a dime from it and she hasn't gotten any subsequent acting roles as a result of her involvement in the project. Also, by nature of the core group being me, her and her friend, her friend and her team up against me.

Things just get uglier and uglier.

I've been working on slowly chiseling my way out of the project.

What makes it difficult is when I choose to have a minimal involvement in the task at hand, it always turns into much more, simply by default of me being the boyfriend and not being able to say no.

I ultimately want things to work out for her but sometimes this shit is ridiculous.


I don't know what to do, WATMM.

I want to keep my relationship with my girlfriend but want nothing to do with this project.


I can't get out of this shit.


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Guest abusivegeorge

Man, that fucking sucks, it doesn't sound like theres a lot you can do, except tell your girlfriend exactly the above, good luck though! If you don't explain to her, eventually your going to get so fucked off, that she will notice something is up anyway, and that could jeopardise your relationship.

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Oh dude. I've told her in every way possible. I've been nice, I've been thorough, I've cried, I've even done the whole "I hate this shit and want nothing to do with it! I don't even want to think about it!" thing.


At this point I'm just grabbing my fucking ankles... if you catch my drift.


The problem at the moment is that she and her friend have put together this big live show with the characters we created together and I'm totally critical of. The show is at a fancy comedy club and they had to sign a contract and the whole bit. It could be a really good thing for them both. Only thing is, I told them I wanted pretty much nothing to do with it and I've ended up doing all kinds of shit for it. It's an unending stream of shit I'm swimming.

What's worse is that all of the things they've been asking me to do are things I don't find funny and don't expect to work, onstage. The whole process has been brutal for me.

They have made up their minds as to what they are going to do, though. It doesn't matter what I say. It's like I can't be involved and I can't be uninvolved.


I'm sorry if this shit just sounds downright pitiful, but it's downright pitiful.


Fuck me.



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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, mate I can totally see where you're coming from, I can't say I've experienced the feeling, as I've not had that stress in a relationship really, so I'm going to be of fuck all help to you I'm afraid except that I don't think there's a lot you can do and that I sympathise.

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Thanks man. I mean it.

It means more than you think to hear that.

I've tried contacting or talking to my friends and they are either too busy or don't want to hear it.


I just want someone out there to give me some love on this one.


I actually feel a tiny bit better at the moment.

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Guest boo

just go out and replace your lines with 'Frickin' Frick-Ball' like in your member title, see how they like that


if the things you have to do involve saying stuff.. if not say it anywya i suppose

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Guest Yegg

If you've told her the truth already and she's unsympathetic she's clearly exploiting you. Don't let her walk all over you, you need to present an ultimatum when plain pleading is not enough.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Nothing wrong with a bit of love mate, everyone needs support in one form or another, I'm going to get a load of gay comments you watch, but I'm here for you man, spill that shit out. Sometimes it all needs if for someone to listen that's all.

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Thanks guys. You are all great!


if the things you have to do involve saying stuff.. if not say it anywya i suppose


I wish it were so simple. Unfortunately, they have formulated this comedy show to be a full-blown multimedia experience. So basically I've had to make all of these videos for the show and I'm still getting pressured to record music and do other shit that is way time consuming.


What pisses me off is that the show is 90 FUCKING MINUTES LONG (yes, that's an hour and a half) and they are filling their time with all of these videos and shit that takes way more time and stress to prepare for than some simple live, spoken dialogue.

I wish it were just dialogue.


On top of all of that, neither one of them has ever done stand-up before and this venue is primarily a stand-up comedy venue.


I feel like I'm trapped into dismantling the tracks to enable an inevitable train-wreck, at this point.

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If you've told her the truth already and she's unsympathetic she's clearly exploiting you. Don't let her walk all over you, you need to present an ultimatum when plain pleading is not enough.



agreed. i tended to be a bit meek in the past and she has told me not to let people walk over me. i have become more assertive and when she does crap like you're saying i bring that up and tell her that that means i shouldnt let her walk over me too. it works but she's not pleased

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