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Phil Spector

Guest analogue wings

Phil Spector trial  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. I the Jury find the defendant...

    • Guilty of murder
    • Guilty of manslaughter
    • Innocent

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Guest analogue wings

This trial is fucked.


If you listen to what all the witnesses are saying, it's obvious Phil is a perv who gets his jollies from gun play. There's been stories of him waving his shooter at rock stars for decades now (asking Leonard Cohen not to mumble, "persuading" the Ramones to put strings on a ballad).


It seems obvious to me that he was getting his thrills by making Lana BJ his gun (like he probably has done 100s of times before) when he got a little too excited and it went off.


But the prosecution reckons it was cold-blooded murder (nailing a big celb for murder will look better on their CVs than nailing him for manslaughter).


And the defense reckons it was suicide. She just happened to top herself with a gun while on a date with a notorious gun perv.


But the JUDGE said the jury could consider a manslaughter conviction, effectively saying he thinks both the defense and prosecution are full of shit.


What does WATTUM think?

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i think he was probably drunk waving his gun around.. then maybe the girl said something that set him off and he shot her. im sure right after it happened he knew he did something bad and that he fucked himself.

but with that said, i love phil spector to death. he's a crazy motherfucker and a true genius, although he has many problems

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Guest hahathhat

doesn't matter really -- he's probably not going to do anything worthwhile anymore, though i'd appreciate being pleasantly surprised.


i'd love to have lunch with phil spector, but no way in hell i'd let him near my music. his delerium tremens would act up and he'd accidentally shoot my korg radias.

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i voted for murder though I certainly haven't been following things closely.


When it comes to a cokehead nutcase, his gun, and a dead girl, it's hard for me to see any extenuating circumstances. Whether through stupidity or malice he's responsible for her death. I suppose the law makes a distinction (stupidity = manslaughter?) but I don't see much in this case.


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yeah, you get the creeps just looking at his mug, not unlike looking at Robert Blake, who so far seems to have managed to escape his murder rap...














what, me murder?

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Guest Betty


"Mental? Don't you realize that I am an incredible genius?

Fools. I will shock you with my electric brain-hair. Gzzzzz!"



"I told you man, cocaine got me

into this and cocaine can get me

out of it! It's 100% pure magic!"



"Aw shit. I wish I hadn't done it now. I am fucking


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Guest Deep Fried Everything

"Aw shit. I wish I hadn't done it now. I am fucking



is that rod blagojevich???


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Guest analogue wings

wow, wattum wants to send phil to the chair just for being a perverted substance abusing fuckup


glass house, etc



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Guest all_purpose_sandpaper

ha ha ha 15(18) to life. producer of Mind Games. somebody post the mugshot for the 13th! LOLX10101010

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Bill Burroughs is quietly chuckling to himself from under the dirt:


In 1951, Burroughs shot and killed Vollmer in a drunken game of "William Tell" at a party above the American-owned Bounty Bar in Mexico City. He spent 13 days in jail before his brother came to Mexico City and bribed Mexican lawyers and officials, which allowed Burroughs to be released on bail while he awaited trial for the killing, which was ruled culpable homicide.[12] Vollmer’s daughter, Julie Adams, went to live with her grandmother, and William S. Burroughs, Jr. went to St. Louis to live with his grandparents. Burroughs reported every Monday morning to the jail in Mexico City while his prominent Mexican attorney worked to resolve the case. According to James Grauerholz two witnesses had agreed to testify that the gun had gone off accidentally while he was checking to see if it was loaded, and the ballistics experts were bribed to support this story.[13] Nevertheless, the trial was continuously delayed and Burroughs began to write what would eventually become the short novel Queer while awaiting his trial. However, when his attorney fled Mexico after his own legal problems involving a car accident and altercation with the son of a government official, Burroughs decided, according to Ted Morgan, to "skip" and return to the United States. He was convicted in absentia of homicide and sentenced to two years, which was suspended.[14] Although Burroughs was writing before the shooting of Joan Vollmer, this event marked him and, biographers argue, his work for the rest of his life.[15]

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