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going to die

Guest fiznuthian

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please try to help him.

good thinking, not everybody knows how to tie a noose properly!


lol you're a piece of work, lukey dukey. can i give you a heterosexual blowjob?


edit: to choke myself to death?

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah just what i figured, people nagging me call wards on him.


he pretty much kicked me out of his life as a few days ago, and i haven't been around much in a while because i've been dealing with my own life too. i honestly dont know 100% if he will, but i wouldn't be surprised if he did. there lies the dilemma in doing this, i dont actually know if he will or if he just throws these things out there to grab attention.


it's just not that easy, but i suppose its hard to convey the whole story of how we met and have known each other. we met because we both smoked weed, and most of our friendship was centered around finding weed, but i came to sympathize with him and the fact that there's not even a handful of people who care for him. he had 1 friend, who was also his dealer, who he played poker with. that friend was shot to death by his girlfriend's new sex buddy. it's also hard to convey how much lack of emotion he has towards other people.. his behavior is extreme, and there's not a single day he isn't in constant conflict with others. the only way i ever befriended him was by consciously remaining entirely passive to his ego which is unimaginably large and selfish. he considers himself the "asshole" personality and i've found there is no possible way to convince him that he can be compassionate towards others.


for most of his life he's been sent to psychologists and put on a wide variety of drugs and treatments.

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does sound really messy.


As others have said though, tough love is the only way to handle it. Don't let touchy-feely friend emotions get in the way of getting him the help he needs. Do not rely on his self-reporting either, trust your instincts.

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There is a problem. If he is doin' it for attention and you call someone and they throw him in a place. Next time he might just keep it to himself. Ive been thrown in a place and you learn...next time just say you are mildly depressed not suicidal. So you aren't bunk mates with a 37 year old 7 foot tall crack baby in shakels.

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