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going to die

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

i dont know why im posting this


a .. friend.. i guess, with a lot of mental problems just got fired from his job today

he messaged me about it despite wanting us both to disbandon friendship yesterday

and i went to pick up all of my belongings he's borrowed for a while this morning


last week he wrote me a suicide letter,

and didn't go through with it only because he had taken some ambien before he thought through the process, and it knocked him out quickly.. he woke up the next day and decided to go to work anyways

and im certain there's only a couple days before he goes through with it, if i'm wrong it won't be more than a month without a doubt

there's not a thing i can do, he has severe anti-social disorder, depression, and schizophrenia

he has no car, lives week to week in a small room, no friends other than me.

his mother gassed herself inside of her car last month

his family refuses to speak to him any more, and hasn't contacted him in years


so um.. i dont know why im writing this other than to prepare myself for it somehow.

i could call the police or a mental hospital but he wants to die very badly and i know he wouldn't want it deep down, but i dont know



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just because he wants to die very badly RIGHT now doesn't mean he will want to die later with possible help. It's never good i think to let people die if they have a history of serious mental problems. The state they are in right now is possibly just temporary. I don't know the full ins and outs, but if you think you can make a difference, thats what friends are for.

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If you think someone's going to kill themselves, then you need to take action. Here in the UK there's some straightforward things you can do. I'm guessing its the same for the US, somebody else will be placed to advise.

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Guest Drahken

The fact that you know about it so assuredly should be a sign you should intervene as it could be a cry for help, consciously or not.

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Guest Mr Salads

I think if you are his only friend he needs somebody to talk to. You should be there for him and just let him vent about stuff. If you cant be there for him because you have a broken friendship the next step would be to get some more authoritative help

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Guest Mr Salads

But its also not a good idea to put that much responsibility on yourself for someone else's actions. Just do what you can...forgive any problems and be there as a friend. That is it. Dont weigh yourself down with the moral confusion of how much you could/should do.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

do what you can to help.


but do remember he's putting you in a very emotional situation. the way he's calling on you to help him may just make you believe it's your fault if he does top himself. you have to remember that what will kill him his himself (physically and because of how his past is affecting his current behaviour and possibly medical reasons), not you.


you have to remember he's killing himself, and you're just the poor idiot he's roped into his weird little game: he's trying to kill himself and seeing if you can stop him, essentially.


this may seem a little harsh, but there's been suicide in my family, and i know how it affects the people closest to the person committing suicide.


that said, i'd try and do as much as you can, and attempt to get others involved -- it's not your responsibility to deal with it alone.

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I've had two friends commit suicide.


christ, are you that annoying?

sorry, bad taste, insensitive - internets. must've been very tough, my heart goes out to you.


re: OP, obviously call for some help, but not the men in white coats taking him somewhere where there's no sharp implements type (soz, don't know what it's like in america). get advice on what steps to take, how to deal it etc..


if you are his only friend, and he's a guy, i think being supportive and stressing how you value his friendship (even if you don't) but then strongly conveying how you'd be really really pissed off at him if he did commit suicide would be good. probably a lot more effective than any melodramatic "omg, plz don't kill urself" shit. after all, you're guys innit.

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I've had two friends commit suicide.


christ, are you that annoying?

sorry, bad taste, insensitive - internets. must've been very tough, my heart goes out to you.

I knew I setting myself up for that.


What they did both have in common was a substance abuse problem (alcohol for one, heroin for the other), which neither of them could get over. They had both sought treatment, but had setbacks. I have reason to believe that they both had abusive fathers as well. Incidentally they both killed themselves by shooting themselves in the head with rifles.

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Guest Mirezzi
he has severe anti-social disorder, depression, and schizophrenia


some people like to take others out with them.


Give him a hug. I am actually not joking.


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Guest Franklin

ya i would call in some help for the man. He'll likely get drugs to stabilize him and therapy to help him deal with his world.



he might not like you doing it in the short-term but he may thank you in the long-term. what have you got to lose?

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