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Heroine (Not Wonder Woman or Shee-Ra)


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tck, best not to listen to bob too often


I have so many H stories I could fill up this thread by myself but I've (hopefully) left that behind me.


Heroin is indeed the best drug ever. Add some weed and it's even better (if that's possible). I decided if I were to ever kill myself I'd do it with the "boy", as they called it in chicago.

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Guest hahathhat

Heroin is indeed the best drug ever.


why? i know another guy who had a heroin problem for a while (before i knew him). i was curious -- what's it like? what do you do?


he said -- we slept a lot, and when we were awake we talked about how to get $$$ to get more heroin. it sounded right dull to me.


samuel coleridge sold it a little better.

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Guest hahathhat

remember that claims like "best drug ever" are obviously subjective and not worth arguing. some people would say acid is the best, but others who have had only bad trips would say it is shite.


what i want is to understand why HE likes it

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Guest abusivegeorge

Because sneaksta is a legend and you should trust him. Probabaly, if I know him well enough, he likes it because it sends him into a blissful state of oblivion. Everything is removed from him, all cares and worries are gone. You can lie back and dream, eyes open as your imagination floats bye, a large grin on ones face.

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I've recently ordered 2CI from china (lolwut? he's babar getting mad ?) because i read Shulgin's best experience was on 2CB. As 2CB is illegal almost everywhere in the world, i pitched on 2CI, which is the closest compound. I'm still waiting for my scale though, because, yes, i need a scale as i want to know exactly what amount i'm taking (i'm all scientific about it). Also, i often write about psychedelics on here, but let me tell you I haven't done them in a year an a half. Does someone has some advices about it ? I'm well used to take 12 gr ipomeas/10 HBWR seeds, i know this is the dose i shouldn't exceed as the trip can get stronger sometimes. I also acknoledge from experience that smoking weed whilst peaking is not for me, for being a synaesthete and suffering from PHD(well i guess i do), it can turns me blind(then i only see vivid patterns, even with eyes opened). Does someone know the 2CI equivalence to a 10gr/10seeds LSA trip ? What about 2CI and anxiety, is it more likely than LSA to trigger bad feelings ? thanks.

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I've ordered from buythemg (theye've recently opened buythekg ^^). Also, seems like they are american. What could go wrong ? You get an unrefined product, or a product of another kind. It's 1000 times safer than street pills though...

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Guest ezkerraldean

a bit off-topic, this first year guy i just met asked me for some dealer numbers so he could get some ganj, i had to order it for him because he "didn't know about the weights they use in Leicester". then we went to meet the guy to get the ganj, i gave the bag to the first year dude and told him to smell it to see if he liked it, and he smelled the bag itself without opening it. i was like you're just buying this to impress people and have never smoked ganj in your life lol

turns out i was right



he was also on about getting numbers off me for dealers who had "stronger shit", but he wasn't able to tell me exactly what it was he wanted. lol @ stupid freshers

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I leave em froze like her-on in your nose



ez-K: you should give em the numbers to doctors. Those guys have the best drugs (outside the US military that is, who have the purest speed ever).

Never tried Heroin myself, but opium was pure bliss.

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Guest ezkerraldean


ez-K: you should give em the numbers to doctors. Those guys have the best drugs (outside the US military that is, who have the purest speed ever).

or vets. ketamine!

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Because sneaksta is a legend and you should trust him. Probabaly, if I know him well enough, he likes it because it sends him into a blissful state of oblivion. Everything is removed from him, all cares and worries are gone. You can lie back and dream, eyes open as your imagination floats bye, a large grin on ones face.


Yeah, pretty much what georgie boy said. It takes all my problems, roll's 'em up into a tennis ball sized lump. It then punts the lump far enough so that it takes 4 hours or so for the lump to walk back. Sometimes longer. Most people associte heroin with nodding, but unless I take too much (which I have, enough times to kill me twice, I had to be recussitated. Boy was I pissed. I cursed out the perimedics for saving me. This was a few years back...) I don't nod. In fact, I get mildly amped up, in a VERY comfortable way. I find I can focus on my music perfectly, and tend to get quite a lot done. Worthwhile shit too, not shit I hear sober and then think "oh wow, that sure as fuck sounded better yesterday...". I don't know if it's my personality or what, but in retrospect, I technically got addicted to it the 1st time I tried it. I never planned on doing to much after that, but it snuck up on me like a motherfuckin :shuriken:.

I put myself in so much danger, looking back I am so lucky to be alive, going to the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago to score. I was fucking crazy/retarded. Nowadays I got my shit under control. Basically just weed, and the occasional prescription benzo or opiate, but nothing major or often. I DO like my weed though. There you go watmm... FML...







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