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The Pod Appreciation Thread


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yeah I've always loved those kind of artificial futuristic but actually kind of crappy environments of large weird shapes like the stuff on ZOOM zoomlogo.gif or on star trek some times The_Clown_and_company.jpg

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I appreciate myself.


Sehar Siddiqui needs some music suggestions porfavor.

4:05pm ·


You like this.



Drew Kent at 4:16pm



Sehar Siddiqui at 4:22pm


That's not music! It just sounds like bad radio reception!!

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I didn't expect to find a salesman drinking coffee this late in the morning. How long you been here, Joe?




Oh, I don't know, I guess thirty, forty-five minutes maybe. Why do you ask?




You must be making a lot of sales, piling up good income.




Oh... uh... I'm doing all right. I could do better, but... Oh, ha ha ha. I get it Paul. Back on that old "Time is Money" kick, right?




Not back on it, Joe, still on it.




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