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recreating trauma from your youth


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

as a child i was scared of the dark, ghosts, werewolves, confined spaces, suffocation, freddy, friday the 13th guy.


the thign that scared me most was an awful show called ghostwatch. they pretended it was real and all this fucked up shit happened on halloween. i wasnt the same after that but some other kid was so scared he killed himself. so i guess sleeping facing the wall for 10 years isnt so bad.

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as a child i was scared of the dark, ghosts, werewolves, confined spaces, suffocation, freddy, friday the 13th guy.


the thign that scared me most was an awful show called ghostwatch. they pretended it was real and all this fucked up shit happened on halloween. i wasnt the same after that but some other kid was so scared he killed himself. so i guess sleeping facing the wall for 10 years isnt so bad.

Plot summary


The 90-minute film was a horror story shot in a documentary style and appeared as part of BBC Drama's Screen One series. It involved BBC reporters performing a live, on-air investigation of a house in Northolt, Greater London at which poltergeist activity was believed to be taking place. Through revealing footage and interviews with neighbours and the family living there, they discovered the existence of a malevolent ghost nicknamed "Pipes" from his habit of knocking on the house's plumbing. As the programme went on, viewers learn that "Pipes" is the spirit of a psychologically disturbed man called Raymond Tunstall, himself believed to have been troubled by the spirit of Mother Seddons - a 'baby farmer' turned child killer from the 19th century. These manifestations became more bold and terrifying, until, at the end, the frightened reporters realise that the programme itself was acting as a sort of "national séance" through which "Pipes" was gaining horrific power. Finally, the spirit escaped and began to escalate its poltergeist activity in the BBC studios themselves, possessing the show's host as a prelude to its unleashing on the world.

Awesome - like War of the Worlds eh?

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This one did me in as a kid ->


I had recurring Freddy nightmares that were pretty horrible.


Also the ghost in the library from Ghostbusters fucked me up...





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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


I hated those worms in Star Trek,lol@ how cheap the ear looks now.


oh god yeah that freaked me out

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
as a child i was scared of the dark, ghosts, werewolves, confined spaces, suffocation, freddy, friday the 13th guy.


the thign that scared me most was an awful show called ghostwatch. they pretended it was real and all this fucked up shit happened on halloween. i wasnt the same after that but some other kid was so scared he killed himself. so i guess sleeping facing the wall for 10 years isnt so bad.

Plot summary


The 90-minute film was a horror story shot in a documentary style and appeared as part of BBC Drama's Screen One series. It involved BBC reporters performing a live, on-air investigation of a house in Northolt, Greater London at which poltergeist activity was believed to be taking place. Through revealing footage and interviews with neighbours and the family living there, they discovered the existence of a malevolent ghost nicknamed "Pipes" from his habit of knocking on the house's plumbing. As the programme went on, viewers learn that "Pipes" is the spirit of a psychologically disturbed man called Raymond Tunstall, himself believed to have been troubled by the spirit of Mother Seddons - a 'baby farmer' turned child killer from the 19th century. These manifestations became more bold and terrifying, until, at the end, the frightened reporters realise that the programme itself was acting as a sort of "national séance" through which "Pipes" was gaining horrific power. Finally, the spirit escaped and began to escalate its poltergeist activity in the BBC studios themselves, possessing the show's host as a prelude to its unleashing on the world.

Awesome - like War of the Worlds eh?


not sure what war of worlds is but:




i think thats it^^ i darent look




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Guest my usernames always really suck
Panorama Elementary School, Orange, California


Monday, March 30, 1987


44-year-old Mary Jo Jansen walked into a fifth-grade classroom and told the 28 students that no one loved her. She then pulled out a handgun and shot herself to death.


Source: The Orange County Register


I was in the classroom situated next door and heard the gunshot when this happened.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
not sure what war of worlds is but:



of course. i had a momentary lapse of brain power.

i never heard it as a child though




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Panorama Elementary School, Orange, California


Monday, March 30, 1987


44-year-old Mary Jo Jansen walked into a fifth-grade classroom and told the 28 students that no one loved her. She then pulled out a handgun and shot herself to death.


Source: The Orange County Register


I was in the classroom situated next door and heard the gunshot when this happened.


Sounds like the opposite of Suffer the Little Children.

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Guest countchocula
as a child i was scared of the dark, ghosts, werewolves, confined spaces, suffocation, freddy, friday the 13th guy.


the thign that scared me most was an awful show called ghostwatch. they pretended it was real and all this fucked up shit happened on halloween. i wasnt the same after that but some other kid was so scared he killed himself. so i guess sleeping facing the wall for 10 years isnt so bad.


I did a little research and found out that although Ghostwatch is entirely fictitious it was based on a real poltergeist case: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfield_Poltergeist


Have a good night sleep Benedict...

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

I walked through the neighborhood I grew up in last night. It really is cathartic in a way to have old memories come up and then processed by your now adult self. It feels like I put some of them away for good.

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