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Bottle rocket gone wrong

Guest abusivegeorge

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I keep finding hilarious or horrifying videos that I want to share with WATMM, but I keep deeming them unworthy.


But this, WATMM, is the worst fail I've ever seen. You can tell what's going to happen right at the beginning, but it still doesn't quite prepare you. And then the sheepish "tadaa" at the end... priceless.



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I keep finding hilarious or horrifying videos that I want to share with WATMM, but I keep deeming them unworthy.


But this, WATMM, is the worst fail I've ever seen. You can tell what's going to happen right at the beginning, but it still doesn't quite prepare you. And then the sheepish "tadaa" at the end... priceless.




hurt from lolling

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the accident or half accident ones really just make me wonder how badly the person was hurt, but the guy with the knife roullette, seriously, i havent laughed that hard all week.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


Aww, the dad's so cute.


fucking melodramatic nancy boy but the "their such troopers" was fucking over the top hilarious. theirs no way that wasn't scripted or something

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Guest JohnTqs
judging from the huge cock you have in your avatar and wanting to be asked if you are gay, i'd wager you are a closeted homosexual waiting to jump out.


it's plausible

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Guest analogue wings

there was a vid like 3 years ago of a dude trying to launch a rocket out of his bumhole.


but he must have got nervous and clenched up, cos it just stays in his bumhole and charbroils his anus.

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