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James Cameron's Avatar


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This is a supposed teaser trailer for James Cameron's upcoming mind-bending four-years-in-development 3-D Avatar film. Turns out its a fake made by a fan, but its actually a nice piece of film and its worth watching if you want that "we are so insignificant compared to the universe" sort of feeling.



Some shots of the accompanying computer game got released at E3 today, see here:



The real film gets released December 18th. That gives us over six months to speculate whether it will be worth the hype or not! Lets get to it...

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Guest zaphod

all the hype about this is so incredibly vague...i'm really looking forward to it but i have no clue what makes it "game changing" or whatever. we'll see...

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all the hype about this is so incredibly vague...i'm really looking forward to it but i have no clue what makes it "game changing" or whatever. we'll see...


I think its the unprecedented blend of motion capture, cgi and live action all done in 3d. Cameron spent 14 months perfecting the tech before even starting shooting. (Don't forget this is the guy who practically invented cgi while making The Abyss and Terminator 2).

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Guest zaphod

it just seems like viral marketing to have these directors come in and praise the movie in really vague terms. i mean, spielberg said basically the same things about the phantom menace...but, certainly, i really really want this to be amazing. i've been itching for a real science fiction film from cameron for a long time.

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Interesting article via Slashdot:


Cameron's Avatar a 3D drug trip?



Now it appears the 3D technology Cameron created to turn his vision into a reality, the key to the movie’s success or failure, may be habit forming. A technology writer for Time Magazine, after being shown 15 minutes of the movie, posited the movie’s 3D action had set off actual “memory creation.”


"I couldn't tell what was real and what was animated--even knowing that the 9-ft.-tall blue, dappled dude couldn't possibly be real. The scenes were so startling and absorbing that the following morning, I had the peculiar sensation of wanting to return there, as if Pandora were real," he said.


“It was like doing some kind of drug,” he said, describing a scene showing Sam Worthington running around “with this kind of hot alien chick,” and being attacked by jaguarlike creatures.




Cameron himself told Time Magazine that 3D viewing “is so close to a real experience that it actually triggers memory creation in a way that 2D viewing doesn’t.” Cameron also believes that stereoscopic (3D) viewing uses more neurons, which would further heighten the impact of 3D.

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Guest Mr Salads

Cameron has already started downplaying the impact the film will have. I think he realizes that technology moves quickly and what once seemed crazy/awesome in 2006 will not be as impressive this December.



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Guest zaphod

but all the articles posted here posit technology that doesn't seem to exist now, let alone in 2006.


i wasn't at all impressed by beowulf, so if all this hype is for something along those lines i'll be very disappointed.

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Guest Mr Salads
but all the articles posted here posit technology that doesn't seem to exist now, let alone in 2006.


i wasn't at all impressed by beowulf, so if all this hype is for something along those lines i'll be very disappointed.


Hey Harry,


This probably isn’t a scoop, but I thought it would qualify as “cool news” and wanted to send something in – here in L.A., film geeks had a veritable Sophie’s Choice tonight between the “Back to the Future” marathon at the New Beverly and a double feature of “Aliens” and “The Abyss” in 70MM with a James Cameron Q & A sandwiched in between at the grand old Aero Theatre (where Donnie Darko was shot). I chose the latter and don’t regret the decision (especially since they will also be doing a BTTF marathon tomorrow). Needless to say, a discussion about “Aliens” quickly became all about "Avatar" and though there was not a whole lot that wasn’t known before, it was pretty spellbinding to hear Cameron talk about this stuff. Here are some of the interesting tidbits:


- Cameron never thought he’d shoot a new movie in 1.85 ratio, but he loves the way 3D looks in that ratio, so audiences seeing the film in 3D will get a 1.78 presentation versus audiences who see the film in scope (widescreen) in 2D.


- He seemed unusually humble and said that “Avatar” may not make film history, but there are a few shots in the film that he knows for certain will be quite memorable, saying that he has his crew just got something back from the lab that made them say, “what the fuck?” (further fueling the “fucking our eyeballs” fire).


- He also said that the CG special effects aren’t necessarily revolutionary, but he believes that the way he’s shooting the film, with a camera that can give him and the actors instant feedback with a rendered image that loosely replicates what will be on screen in the final product, could very well change moviemaking. (He said the rendering looks like an “80’s video game” right now, but technology should advance to the point where it could look like the final product while they're filming on set.)


- When somebody asked about getting good performances out of the actors when they’re acting opposite a tennis ball, he said he didn’t see how it was any different than somebody auditioning for him in an office in Santa Monica, and that on his next film, whatever that may be, he should be able to create a rig where an actor could be interacting with a monitor that could provide a virtual acting partner (with a voice) – he said it was just too expensive for this one for too few scenes.


-When asked about the future of exhibition, he said it could be an “indefinite” period of time before 3D films won’t require glasses, but believed that stereoscopic 3D could be moving to TV screens and portable devices within the next five years and added that “since we spend our lives in front of screens at work and when we come home, don’t you think if there was an improvement for screens, people would want it?”


- He did take a non-Avatar question when someone asked about “having other people take over franchises that you created.” He got a huge laugh when he cut to the chase and said, “oh Terminator?” He then said that he basically traded the rights for Terminator for a directing career and then when Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to do T3, his heart just wasn’t in it, though he had a few ideas. He said the producers “ran off with the rights, which caused some bad blood” and so when Arnold asked him after they were going in a different direction, Cameron told him, “just do me one thing – ask for more money than anyone ever has.” Arnold said, “reeeeealllly?” He said, “yes. Because what idiots would make a Terminator movie without you?” Which seemed like a direct jab at Terminator Salvation even though he was talking about T3. The audience roared accordingly.


-Somebody also asked about his reputation as a hardass on set and compared him with Michael Mann, to which Cameron jokingly replied, “What? Michael Mann’s a whacko.” (A crew member from two of his films stood up and defended him.)


- He also described his time since Titanic, mostly deep sea diving, seeing things “more amazing than anything in Hollywood since it was real.”


It ended with the moderator saying “I feel like we witnessed something historic,” which it surely did. And if you ever get to see either "Aliens" or "The Abyss" in 70MM, don't pass it up - it's fucking amazing. If you’re able to use this, call me Marsellus Wallace.

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for me nothing excites me about this movie besides the fact that WETA has been hijacked by james cameron to work on it for the past 2-3 years. King Kong's CGI imo to this day has not been surpassed, and this will be the first huge budget movie WETA has worked on since then. also yeah its in 3d which will hopefully be done properly.


Cameron has already started downplaying the impact the film will have. I think he realizes that technology moves quickly and what once seemed crazy/awesome in 2006 will not be as impressive this December.


exactly, i think there will be some fucked eyeballs but some eyeballs will get blueeyeballs

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This is a supposed teaser trailer for James Cameron's upcoming mind-bending four-years-in-development 3-D Avatar film. Turns out its a fake made by a fan, but its actually a nice piece of film and its worth watching if you want that "we are so insignificant compared to the universe" sort of feeling.



It might be fake, but I like that.


King Kong's CGI imo to this day has not been surpassed


It's very good indeed, but imo, the CGI in A.I. Artificial Intelligence takes some beating.

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the CGI in A.I. Artificial Intelligence takes some beating.


I guess im talking only about pure CGI elements like how the creature of King Kong was 100% cgi and blew my mind, not like robotic faces on human actors which i admit were well done in AI but as far as the purely CGI created stuff in AI goes (the aliens at the end etc) i thought that looked awful even for the time it came out.

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My sister's husband (guess that's my brother-in-law?) works in investment banking. They bought up a chunk of theatres and one of the perks was that he went out to California for some film festival (he didn't mention which one). Apparently at that time there was a closed door screening of Avatar for some movie execs (not him), and everyone, even those from competing studios, all were equally blown away. He said that the impression was, not only would the movie be revolutionary, but that it would be the "Dark Knight" for this year in terms of accolades, money making, overall popularity.


Made me even more hyped - will be interested to see if the stereoscopic on the game is also as revolutionary as the movie is supposed to be (probably not though).



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King kong had some really crap CGI.


i'll admit it did but it also had some of the best to date in a motion picture. especially the model of king kong himself which often times looked exactly like a real silver back gorilla

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Guest catsonearth
all the hype about this is so incredibly vague...i'm really looking forward to it but i have no clue what makes it "game changing" or whatever. we'll see...


from what i've heard what makes it so "game changing" is the fact that it's a completely new kind of 3D. not your standard "stuff pops out of the screen at you" gimmicky 3D, but more like the film screen is a window through which you're looking into a 3D world where you can perceive depth, perspective and volume. sounds pretty badass to me, but i think james cameron is pretty much a genius anyway, so i'm predisposed.


i've read some comments from people who have seen bits and pieces that were much less vague than the hype that's been coming out lately. one person described the scene he saw in detail, which was basically from the first person perspective of someone embodying one of the avatars - he said it looked as if you were actually there on this other planet, running across collapsed tree trunks in the jungle following some of the aliens, whose tails are waving back and forth in front of you as they traveled, leaping from tree to tree, branches and leaves coming in and out of the frame as you passed them. he threw out the drug trip analogy as well, but also said that it was incredibly immersive and realistic. his words paraphrased: "it's basically like aliens, but from the perspective of the aliens".


honestly, this is the only movie i've been truly psyched about in the last 5 years or so. many filmmakers these days lack the vision and the eye for detail that cameron has. the worlds he creates in his films just feel so real and so fully realized. but on top of that he's also a really great storyteller. he knows how to create characters that are archetypical, but also human enough to be relate-able as individuals. he does the everyman (or everywoman) action hero better than anyone else and he populates the backgrounds with characters that have distinct personalities as well. i don't know, i just love his style, his pacing and his overall methodology. terminator, aliens, the abyss...i could watch those movies every day and not get sick of them. there are just so many layers to them, so much there to enjoy. shit, even true lies is a classic, despite the many aspects that should be film-ruiners (tom arnold, the governator, etc.). bill paxton is classic in that movie.


unless there's a situation of his style simply not translating into the 21st century, i can't see how this movie isn't going to be awesome. i mean, it's always possible that his approach will be dated and it just wont feel right (like what happened to john carpenter after the 80s/early 90s), but i don't really have any reason not to trust james cameron's skill. even titanic, while it wasn't my kind of movie, was great for what it was.

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Guest zaphod

yeah i'm with you dude. this is the only movie i've been really, truly looking forward to in the last five years or so. i've been trying to be rational about all the hype behind it, and if all cameron delivers is a visionary science fiction film then i'm ok with that. i just hope this isn't underwhelming in some sense, like his vision for it somehow betrays the final product or that he's just gotten a bit delusional post-titanic.

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Guest zaphod

bill paxton just seems really pumped to be in cameron's movies. the aliens commentary is really great for that...

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