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Guest Stoppit

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Guest Stoppit

If you're in the UK or The Netherlands, polling day is today, the rest of the countries vote on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.


Make sure you vote, even if it's just to keep whatever nasty, extreme-right-wing, nationalist party you have in your country (BNP being the worst in the UK) from getting any seats.

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Guest ezkerraldean

I didn't realise the BNP were so blatantly racist until very recently. Glad I voted even if only to stop them getting in.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I vote for one shitty candidate just so another shitty candidate can't make it in office XD

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Guest idrn

copypaste from elsewhere i was complaining:


received no leaflet or form of information via post. eventually find website, print off pdf, fill out, sign, send off to council... wait nearly 2 weeks... get nothing back.... ring them up... and finally told i cant vote because i've missed a registration deadline which i er, didn't miss.


fucking bullshit. i hope the bnp win out of spite.

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seems like i can't vote cause i'm too European


i encouraged someone who wasn't going to vote at all to vote for the dutch socialist party cause an online test thing said she should vote for them, and encouraged someone who was going to vote for a very right-wing party [cause her boyfriend suggested it] to vote for a left-wing one


almost like i voted


it didn't take much to get a person who was voting right-wing to vote leftttwing


edit: that happened when i was making dinner

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Guest my usernames always really suck
cause an online test thing said


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Guest tbio2007

I voted for the Tories in the Euro ones, never thought they would be the less of two evils.


Don't worry about the BNP, most of their followers struggle to mark an X in a box. Plus in general elections, when it really matters, not many people vote for them. 0.8% of the public did last time round.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Don't worry about the BNP, most of their followers struggle to mark an X in a box.



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Guest blutac
received no leaflet or form of information via post. eventually find website, print off pdf, fill out, sign, send off to council... wait nearly 2 weeks... get nothing back.... ring them up... and finally told i cant vote because i've missed a registration deadline which i er, didn't miss.


Sent in my form with a batch of others from people at my uni, a week before the deadline. My housemate who did the same was on the register, I wasn't. They said they didn't know why I wasn't on, but seeing as other people who did the same thing as me were, I think they've fucked up.


Found out I couldn't vote after being directed to the wrong polling station, and having to walk for another half hour to get to the right one. And they wonder why people don't vote!?

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Guest idrn

soon we shall stand united under the loving arms of the one true leader, Lorraine Kelly. our enemies shall quake as they seat before the righteous Lorraine Kelly on the eternal GMTV sofa of justice.

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Guest ezkerraldean
so Europe is one country now?


who will be the president of Europe?

Berlusconi will become Supreme Leader of Europe

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