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Anyone heard from him or seen him? he went to europe and i think he may have taken the "Hostel" route.


anyway, just curious. it's only been like 2 weeks.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I saw him post on here and replied to him the day he left (I think), but nothing since bro.

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yeah i saw his "goodbye" thread but i want to know if he's raped or tortured or drunk or whatever. i think he might have aids though, be careful.

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he PMed me about sleeping here


it wasn't possible that day, or the next, but i said weekend might be possible


heard nothing more from him. no suggestion of a meet-up anyway or nothin'.

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Guest DaveMike

Last i heard he was checking out northern Norway.

but he's not alone,, he met up with our friend sarah when he landed in germany.


nobody knows what he's doing or when/if he can get back..

im sure he's fine though,, that kid is used to living the bum life.

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Guest placidburp

This is cool! If any wattemers are passing through Manchester they are welcome to stay at my house! Of course cuddling is a must and I may fart on you....It's teh wattem way!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest beatfanatic

what about "Enter your display name" , I used to talk to him on msn everyday but he hasnt come online for a week or so and i havent seen him on watmm either ...

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yes, im back in canada now. the girl left me and i went and hitchiked through sweden alone and realized that it's no fun living like a hobo when youre by yourself. i got plane tickets back to my mom's house and now im severely in debt and quite depressed. i went through germany, the netherlands, denmark, norway and sweden. mostly hithiking, dumpster diving, and playing music on the streets for money. in germany i hung out with hang drum players, in amsterdam i hung out with drunk old men, we hitchiked thru denmark in one day and then was in norway for about a month. went from kristiansand up to lofoten islands and back down. met some awesome people in krisitansand who smoked hash with us and did a lot of weird chemical drugs, but they had awesome taste in music. oslo was shit. in bodo we got food from the bakery and lived in a park and hung out with local drug adicts (they were very kind). on lofoten welived behind a graveyard in a cave and got invited to a party and ate norwegian brown cheese. saw the midnight sun in gimsoy, hitchiked back to trondheim with a trucker and this other guy picked us up and let us stay at his apartment for about a week,. he was an old traveller who had hitchiked all around the world for 6 years after his marrage ended. i went alone to sweden and skipped a rock across an entire river. met some really cool engineering students in Are who gave me beer and pizza and a place to stay and a ride to handol, which was nice but also shit. hitched backj to trondheim, found sarah on the streets by some weird coincidence and we played more music and met some crazy vegans who had dinner parties every night. some of them offered us a guest apartment in svartlamon, which was awesome. protested outside a fur shoppe, then mcdonald's the next day. then i left.

that is the trip in a short summary. we hithiked most everywhere, but sometimes took trains. usually slept outside.


here's a picture of thom making a balloon animal for a police officer when we were demonstrating outside mcdonald's. im on the left with the scarf in my back pocket



here's a man we lived with in tondheim for about a week. he was cool as shit. he used to be a traveller but now he's obsessed with body language and women and lattes and dressing fancy



i stood in the exact spot this picture was taken in handol, sweden



this is the building we stayed in in svartlamoen (which is a really cool squatted area in trondheim).




those are all the pictures i have besides the link that dave posted. i lost my digital camera the first day in germany. doh.


these are guys i chilled with in germany:



but yeah im back in watmm land now. a word of advice: never go halfway around the world to be with a girl. it was a fun experience, but bad when breakup time comes.


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also, sorry i didnt get back to you tauboo.. i was using the internet in some shitty place in the red light district and didnt have much time... but i still really appreciate your help! we werent really in amsterdam long enough to meet up. we got weird vibes from that city and wanted to leave asap./

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Guest zaphod


he used to be a traveller but now he's obsessed with body language and women and lattes and dressing fancy




you met jswift?

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he used to be a traveller but now he's obsessed with body language and women and lattes and dressing fancy




you met jswift?


I was going to say ianC...

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Guest my usernames always really suck

Hey Aron, this is something I've been thinking of doing for a long time... traveling and just coming across whatever I come across.


Do you think this would be risky, though, for someone shy like myself? Good "people skills" are probably a must for doing this sort of traveling, but ...maybe not really necessary?

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i dont think it would be that risky, but we always carried around a knife just in case. there were some sketchy incidents with drunks and drug adicts, and people giving us rides to weird places. but it shouldnt be too much trouble if you play it cool.. people are probably more scared of you than you are of them lol... unless your blatantly walking around like some tourist douchebag that could be easily ripped off. it's nice to have a place to stash your bags and shit. like in a bush or something.

people skills would definitely help though. talking to people = getting better rides and offered places to stay and food. if you dont talk to anyone you'll likely get shittier rides and sleep outside and have to figure out your own ways to get food. we also met some really cool people just from kicking around shooting the shit. but if you got lots of money it would probably be easier. we were living in serious hobo stylings, so any place to stay or meal offered helped us greatly.

i'd say go for it if youre looking for adventure, but it definitely isnt no walk in the park. there were lots of frustraing days standing on highways in the middle of nowhere with no water or food in the hot ass sun (or rain), waiting for like 4 hours to get a ride an hour down the road to a simmilar place. or getting stuck in large city centres with no place to stay. steer clear of major cities is my advice. the only reason we ever went to cities was because we had to play on the streets to make money. there's no one around in small towns to give you money for playing shitty music,, but the dumpster diving is better.

it's quite easy in europe, but other places might not be as good. i've been thinking about hithiking through the states down into mexico, but i have a feeling it would be far more difficult.

just my 2 cents

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