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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

starting early i know but just read this and thought it was interesting.


matthew fox says:

throughout the last season, the flashbacks will stop and the story will be told in a linear manner without any more time jumping.


I know people have at times doubted the writers' ability to answer all the question they've raised over the years.. But trust me, they're going to do it. This last season is going to prove that they've known where they were going from the very beginning.



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Guest JohnTqs

i kinda lost interest around the third season because of the shitty acting and repeated angles, but i'm going to be watching this season just because i was so into seas 1 and 2 and i want some answers. if i miss an episode i'll wikipedia that shit. i hope that they don't wait until january to start

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
throughout the last season, the flashbacks will stop and the story will be told in a linear manner without any more time jumping.



does this mean we'll never see jacob again?


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he said he knows what the final image in the show is


it's an eye


It's a middle finger aimed in the direction of the fans

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Season 5 was patchy and doesn't hold a candle to even the first fifteen minutes of Series 1 which Obel recently watched again.


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

5 pages of hate is not needed. thanks anyway guys.


if you hate the show please stay out the thread

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I don't hate the show! I enjoy it still, but I think it's starting to get a bit shaky, quality wise. I'm looking forward to series 6, if only to see how it ends. And I hope they do end it.


I've been watching series 1 again though and the difference in quality is significant.

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Also I'm not sure I agree with his comment about the writers knowing what they were doing from the beginning.


The fact he has to make that statement in the first place makes it dubious. Combined with the fact that I think even Sayid said in an interview that in season 3 the writers were making it up as they went along.


Oh and also, what ever happened the the second island? You know, with the prisons?


The one that Sayid failed to spot when he walked the island in series 1 or whatever.

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you mean the zoo cage prisons?


Yeah, where Sawyer and Kate were all locked up and stuff. And where Juliet first turned up taunting Jack.


I mean, unless I hallucinated the whole seocnd island thing?! I'm sure they escaped to a hill and realised they weren't even on the original island. Then in later seasons they just kind of handwaved the second island because it was a shit idea or whatever.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the plane crashed on the second island remember. with ben, sun, the pilot guy. in the season just gone. then ben and juliet had to get the boat and get across to the dock.


fake locke and that guy were in an office talking after the crash (where ben was recovering too). could be the same building, they just didnt show the zoo part

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch




unrelated thought: i'm wondering if the reason that no one ever tells anyone anything on lost (ie telling each other info that in reality they would but for the story sake they never do) is because throughout the show smokey has been interacting with them impersonating them to move them along in a way he likes. that why they never discuss anything because 1. it wasn't them 2. they would discover it wasn't them they were talking to

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unrelated thought: i'm wondering if the reason that no one ever tells anyone anything on lost (ie telling each other info that in reality they would but for the story sake they never do) is because throughout the show smokey has been interacting with them impersonating them to move them along in a way he likes. that why they never discuss anything because 1. it wasn't them 2. they would discover it wasn't them they were talking to


It'd be a bit of a crap twist though wouldn't it?


"So it was the smoke monster all along!? Damn you smoke monster!" *shakes fist*

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Obel just hates me, not Lost. He's jealous that I have better taste than him :-P


Anyway - think Smokey, or whoever controls it, are limited in who they can "impersonate." Basically, only people who have died on the island it seems (Ecko's brother, Ben's daughter, Christian Shepherd, Locke, etc.)


It seems like we have to go back and consider the fact that there are two distinct forces at work, and that sometimes this is probably Jacob pulling the strings, and other times his Nemesis. I'd even venture to say that Smokey could be controlled by either one, though not sure about it.





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