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Near death experience

Guest Rabid

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Guest Rabid

first of all WTF happened to the forums?!


Ijust had a near deth experience, typing is painful atm so I'll post more info tomorrow


Tell me about your near death experiences

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my sister had a near death experience.. you mean visions when you're about to die right? she fell off a fucking cliff. i don't remember how high up she was but it was ridiculous and even if i typed it people on here wouldn't believe me. thank god though she was banged up a bit but nothing serious

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when i was about 14 i skipped dinner and drank a bunch on new years eve. i'm diabetic, so to sum it up i ended up passing out due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), getting dragged for a few blocks back to the house i started drinking at only to get strippped naked and taken away by an ambulance. the closest hospital was 30 minutes away so, on the way, whilst suffering from hypothermia and hypoglycemia, my blood pressure plummetted and my heart stopped for a time, how long i'm not sure. i was revived just as we got to the hospital, but lapsed into a coma for about 24 hours. woke up covered in frostbite, vomit and IV tubes. i had no fucking clue where i was. was a hell of a night.

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not to sound like a gay hippie but i didn't see family and lights and all of that shit, but i felt immense well being and love, a great comfort.


and then i woke up with the worst hangover ever experienced.

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That's intense, essines. Does drinking sugary liquor help or hinder your diabetes when you're drinking?

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Well, sugary liquid (like wine coolers) are advised, but that makes no sense to me. Alcohol kind of acts like a long term, fast acting insulin, in that you'll be fine for about 8 hours after drinking, at which point your blood glucose will drop. So the danger in drinking is that if you don't eat enough or watch yourself you can get shitfaced, pass out for 10 hours and not wake up because your glucose levels have dropped beyond repair. But, drinking a sugary alcoholic beverage doesn't exactly help because what simple sugars like soda will do is skyrocket your glucose levels almost instantaneously (we're talking within 15-20 minutes) at which point, if you're awake, you'll want to take insulin because you'll feel shitty and have to piss every twenty minutes whilst constantly ingetsting fluids, which = no fun. so the key is to east a hearty meal and then snack through out a night, or at the very least at home before you go to bed. as long as you know where your glucose levels are at before you go to bed you can pretty much assume where the'll be within 8-10 hours given how much you've drank and how much you've eaten. it's all about balance.


but to answer your question directly, drinking sugary liquid is never a good idea when diabetic, but in moderation is fine. Alcohol is the same. they do not, however, balance each other out or anything like that.

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  • 1 month later...

my dad had one. He saw relatives, a big light, all that stuff. Bad car accident

I was in a car accident once, the thing flipped over. Quite traumatic.


not to sound like a gay hippie but i didn't see family and lights and all of that shit, but i felt immense well being and love, a great comfort.


and then i woke up with the worst hangover ever experienced.

Thats for sure the endorphin rush. I had one when making this thread, in fact I don't even remember making this thread. What happened was I was going down a hill on a friend's bike, he forgot to tell me the breaks didn't work. Almost cracked my head open, I was very lucky.

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Guest Mr Salads

when i was about 14 i skipped dinner and drank a bunch on new years eve. i'm diabetic, so to sum it up i ended up passing out due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), getting dragged for a few blocks back to the house i started drinking at only to get strippped naked and taken away by an ambulance. the closest hospital was 30 minutes away so, on the way, whilst suffering from hypothermia and hypoglycemia, my blood pressure plummetted and my heart stopped for a time, how long i'm not sure. i was revived just as we got to the hospital, but lapsed into a coma for about 24 hours. woke up covered in frostbite, vomit and IV tubes. i had no fucking clue where i was. was a hell of a night.


Damn that sounds intense dude.

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Guest assegai

I was standing on a street corner near this guy dressed up as the Grim Reaper, and I must say, it was an experience.



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Guest theSun

fell out of a 2 story window when i was 2. luckily my parents just put down a garden outside that window or i would have smacked right onto concrete

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I was standing on a street corner near this guy dressed up as the Grim Reaper, and I must say, it was an experience.






Nah but seriously keep it serious in my thread <_<


fell out of a 2 story window when i was 2. luckily my parents just put down a garden outside that window or i would have smacked right onto concrete

Dude, ouch! I fell off a roof a couple weeks ago but it was only about 10 ft. high.

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Guest dese manz hatin

luckily my parents just put down a garden outside that window or i would have smacked right onto concrete

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Guest affliction

i felt immense well being and love, a great comfort.


and then i woke up with the worst hangover ever experienced.



sounds like my near death experience --



witnessing 2 girls 1 cup for the first time...

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Guest Adjective

when i was little my dad took me on a drug fueled drive that included getting shot at at a red light, but it was more awesome than anything

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