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I really am impressed that a thread about not caring made two pages. Really.




lol. favorite post from you.


i also don't care. so i'm moving 1500 miles. no biggie.

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Yeah, I know how that cycling feels. If it's any consolation, I've been there many times and there are definitely ways out of it. Weed and alcohol are not effective, don't kid yourself here. They aren't bad in themselves, but they definitely are when you look to them for an escape.


There's no reason (productive or otherwise) to feel guilty or regret the past or whatever. My advice to you is to stop feeling like you need to solve everything. You don't need to figure everything out and make everyone around you feel better. Just be simple and reasonable for a little bit. When you are hungry, get something to eat. When you are tired, just rest for a bit. When its time to do work, don't make a big deal about it, just calmly go about your business. When you have free time, just do what you want. If you do this sincerely without expecting yourself to feel instantly better, things will might start to clear up.


I've done this myself, and it has helped me gain some clarity of mind. You really don't need to push that hard for things to go well. Just don't do anything stupid.


Good luck

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Symptoms of depression include:


Loss of interest in normal daily activities

Feeling sad or down

Feeling hopeless

Crying spells for no apparent reason

Problems sleeping

Trouble focusing or concentrating

Difficulty making decisions

Unintentional weight gain or loss



Being easily annoyed

Feeling fatigued or weak

Feeling worthless

Loss of interest in sex

Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior

Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

Depression symptoms can vary greatly because different people experience depression in different ways. A 25-year-old man with depression may not have the same symptoms as a 70-year-old man, for instance. For some people, depression symptoms are so severe that it's obvious something isn't right. Others may feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.


get help. It works

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thanks again folks, I feel so loved blush.gif


Theres a local community center that offers councelling services for free so I'll probably hit that up but in the mean time I'll take all your suggestions to heart because alot of stuff in this thread is not what I have been trying so far.

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exercise is the best thing in the world for anyone, depressed or otherwise. It will take willpower, but 45-60 min a day of cardio for a full week will lift your mood invariably. Also setting yourself small goals in creative endeavors and really focussing on them is fantastic medicine too.


also furious masturbation whenever you have down time.

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Guest ms-dos

Maybe your wife would find you more sexually appealing if you didn't steal dogs


I can't stop laughing at this. Not sure if I want the context.

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