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Burberry Undies

Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

So guys or girls, if you really had to buy Burberry undies, would you buy the ones that conatin the pattern burberry? Or the ones that stated by name that they are of Burberry make? Also how many of you on here own an item of Burberry clothing? Surprisingly, being a lower class, prison scumbag chav I actually own 0 items of Burberry, but I did once in 2001 own a Burberry pencil case.




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so as long as george doesn't go for the actual burbury tartan .. noone need connect his jocks with the possibility of the chav infection ... then again maybe he wears low rise trousers without a belt ... so ppl will still be exposed to the tag.. that could be a problem .. hrmm yes it could now couldn't it ...

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Guest abusivegeorge

Oh no, I am not buying anything Burberry, and never will, I only had the Burberry pencil case at school because my nan got it for me. I am just intrigued as to how much of watmm might own a Burberry piece of clothing, making a truly false IDMer of epic proportions.

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making a truly false IDMer of epic proportions.


i don't know about that ..that brand only carries the association with chavs over there ... here .. it's just another peice of clothing .. and you buy it if it catches your eye .. and doesn't cost the earth for what it is ... hence ... even if someone owned it ... who gives a shit ... still though the thread had a point given that i didn't know the burbury chav thing .. then again maybe it's been posted years ago .. who knows ...

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