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Halloween Mix


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OH FUCKING SNAP. gots me class bright and early but good ole jacky boy will be listening to heres tunes quite surely first thing tomorrow after I get me old head off work and home from the trip to see ole patty, my trusted and reliable provider. gonna get mad before listening to this.







note: this was reposted from the watmmixes thread... but I figured since there are more ghosts that browse that forum then members I would re-apply it to this thread.


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All work and no play............................



Demon: What an excellent day for an exorcism. Father Damien Karras: You would like that? Demon: Intensely. Father Damien Karras: But wouldn't that drive you out of Regan? Demon: It would bring us together. Father Damien Karras: You and Regan? Demon: You and us.





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If only poor old jacky lived a bit in the future and then could have occupied himself with some real horror show video games.... could have released his problems over xbox live to wee children from all over the world. What a uniquely different outcome that would have been for that family.



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not sure if that would have helped..


the ghosts and all...


maybe they would have dug the xbox as well...




true... the ghosts would probably show no interest in the video games unfortunately. It's beyond their comprehension. He really just needed to watch Ghostbusters a few times.


A shame.

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thanks George, I hope some more of you enjoy this as well...




got some music in here just for you!


Listen to it...


or don't...


Kaini, you as well...


c'mon fuckers!


support a nokka! :emotawesomepm9:

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