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how do you deal with people who believe in batshit insane conspiracy theories?

Guest chax

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it's one thing to accept that people in government have their own ambitions and another to assume they are all genius masterminds who plot and calculate everything with uncanny accuracy.

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I think what makes a conspircacy a conspiracy is that the government hides infos about it. And conspiracies do exist. Proof of this is that the bristish government released its UFO files a few months ago, and in some documents there was clearly written stuff like :"The public should not be awared of this case" with a big TOP SECRET stamp on it.

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I think what makes a conspircacy a conspiracy is that the government hides infos about it. And conspiracies do exist. Proof of this is that the bristish government released its UFO files a few months ago, and in some documents there was clearly written stuff like :"The public should not be awared of this case" with a big TOP SECRET stamp on it.


And presumably anyone who claimed that this was going on at the time was smugly informed that they were batshit insane.

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lol i get it. It's because David Icke talks about lizards isn't it? Lets be friends Triachus, i am enthralled your edgy approach.

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The true conspiracy is our own inability to look at the Truth, and the things that have been interwoven into our lives that we

now except as just 'what life is all about'. All devious actions played out by factions around the

world are just distractions away from the subtler conspiracy that we fall victim to every day.

our own minds and this thing we except as home that is really a home away from home.


to find a solution we must first know where and what the problem is. the manipulating entity behind

all this earthly and dimensional universe business is very skilled at keeping the answer to

that one evading us perpetually.


you want conspiracy, open your fridge, look outside your door.


open your eye's.


it's all around you. :smile:

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well this for starters...


i believe computer games such as "call of duty" are training tools.

designed to prepare western teenagers for future military activity.

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Guest ezkerraldean

i was slagging off his grammar lol



but lol yeah. except that the people who make the games don't have any links with the military nor do they have military-political-whatever agendas to push. they're just nerds that like playing games and shit so they make games too innit. war games and shit are merely the natural progression from little metal toy redcoat soldiers you used to get back in like the 1920s. were those made to prepare kids for war?



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war games and shit are merely the natural progression from little metal toy redcoat soldiers you used to get back in like the 1920s. were those made to prepare kids for war?







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i was slagging off his grammar lol



but lol yeah. except that the people who make the games don't have any links with the military nor do they have military-political-whatever agendas to push. they're just nerds that like playing games and shit so they make games too innit. war games and shit are merely the natural progression from little metal toy redcoat soldiers you used to get back in like the 1920s. were those made to prepare kids for war?




modern warfare did have me going 'hoorah' along with my squaddies .. but it hasn't convinced me to go out and risk my life in real killing muslims for peanuts and post traumatic stress disorder ..

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Guest ezkerraldean

modern warfare did have me going 'hoorah' along with my squaddies .. but it hasn't convinced me to go out and risk my life in real killing muslims for peanuts and post traumatic stress disorder ..

yeah, this. it's like paintball too. shooting the fuck out of people in paintball is fucking fun, but i have zero intention of doing it in real life and paintball has not changed that at all. games and shit like that aren't going to indoctrinate people

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war games and shit are merely the natural progression from little metal toy redcoat soldiers you used to get back in like the 1920s. were those made to prepare kids for war?








absolutely they were! why wouldn't they be manufactured and used by children to create an image of war being whatever the child wishes to imagine it as? wouldn't you say its rather easy for a child then grown up as a cavalry leader to kill Indians indiscriminately after picking his childhood friend to be the bad guy Indian that is supposed to lose and get popped with a fake gun at the end?


im not saying that the government or whatever powers that be intentionally sold kids toy soldiers to train them into stalwart fighters, but surely this method of play affects them psychologically from a more indirect standpoint?


military simulators have been used for a long time more, and they are becoming more advanced, not only to hone the soldier's skills, but to insinuate an environment easily controllable with a pre-defined narrative, and to dull the emotive senses when put into the real battle.


why does that seem so far out to some of you?

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this thread seems to piss off the nutty batshit insane paranoid pubescent anti-government conspiracy theorists wacko's for some reason





I realize that a lot of stuff is ridiculous.. like AIDS being a product of the CIA and the latest vaccine being mind control (a la flouride in the 60's), but to say that government has never lied or purported/distorted the truth for whatever reason is being a bit ignorant, imo.

ffs did he say that?


anti-government peeps are really pretty clueless aren't they? Do they really honestly believe everyone would be better off without a government? Or do they believe they will be better off without a government that lies and distorts the truth? Well they're about the same thing so get over it.


you should go talk to someone that had to live under a communist government or someone that is living under such a government right now and tell them to "get over it."


on the topic of HIV, it creeps the shit out of me that labs all over the world keep samples of deadly viruses and bacteria. instead of getting rid of smallpox, we have caches of it in laboratories. so it always seemed to me to be possible that HIV is a manufactured virus because, like these other biohazards, it could've been kept in a lab and somehow gotten out. and why manufacture a virus like that? biological warfare, obviously. and HIV is pretty subtle, good at something like that. you can get it through most bodily fluids, you don't know you have it until a few months go by and even then, the symptoms aren't noticeable like puss-filled boils, giving you time to transmit it to more people...


or it could just be a random virus that developed in a monkey. that too.

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Now that I'm back and semi-sober, let me just address a few things:


I didn't expect that kind of response from my poorly worded rant, I was just hoping for some practical social tips and ideas before heading out that night. Thanks to the people that provided them. However I should have realized in advance that there is a large majority of people on watmm that either:


1) believe in conspiracy theories AND/OR

2) are insane


Debating about whether to 'trust the news' is crazy. I understand biases exist. For example the Toronto Star is overly liberal left-wing biased in politics and city reporting, you can easily see it in all the articles, whereas The Globe and Mail isn't and is from a neutral point of view. Thank you for the book recommendations about that kind of thing.


For everyone thinking I'm somehow naive about how the world works and criticize me about 'trusting the government', you are very mistaken.

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absolutely they were! why wouldn't they be manufactured and used by children to create an image of war being whatever the child wishes to imagine it as?


i think most video games are played by adults that can distinguish reality from fiction.

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absolutely they were! why wouldn't they be manufactured and used by children to create an image of war being whatever the child wishes to imagine it as?


i think most video games are played by adults that can distinguish reality from fiction.



i was not referring to video games in that part but to toy soldiers. my bad.

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take your worst nightmare of deception and multiply it by infinity

and you might get close.


that which manipulates this place is a predator posing as a house pet.


remember. if you don't want anyone to know something, then don't tell anyone


knowledge is power


if you want to trick someone, don't do it all at once....do it slowly over 1000's

of years. they will invariably get distracted and then you will have your chance


let it seep in slowly, slowly .....slowly.


this place is so diabolical, once you see ..it will make you shit.



the question is..... what are you going to do about it?



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absolutely they were! why wouldn't they be manufactured and used by children to create an image of war being whatever the child wishes to imagine it as?


i think most video games are played by adults that can distinguish reality from fiction.



i was not referring to video games in that part but to toy soldiers. my bad.


yeah, no prob. i get what you're saying, but i don't think it's the government wanting to condition kids from a young age. i think it has to do with our archetype of masculinity. people think that masculine men should be strong, unafraid, stoic, etc. and the soldier embodies this--so parents give their boys toy soldiers and give their girls doll houses. idk, just a thought.


i definitely think that military simulations that the army uses are to desensitize soldiers. i always remember that anecdote about marines being conditioned to shoot on sight, so they were basically trained killers at the end of their stint at boot camp. you don't want a soldier that thinks twice at the sight of an enemy or gets emotional upon shooting them.

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take your worst nightmare of deception and multiply it by infinity

and you might get close.


that which manipulates this place is a predator posing as a house pet.


remember. if you don't want anyone to know something, then don't tell anyone


knowledge is power


if you want to trick someone, don't do it all at once....do it slowly over 1000's

of years. they will invariably get distracted and then you will have your chance


let it seep in slowly, slowly .....slowly.


this place is so diabolical, once you see ..it will make you shit.



the question is..... what are you going to do about it?




you know, i considered this at some point. but it seems to me that the government, religious leaders, and other groups are just rather incompetent and susceptible to the awful condition of being human i.e. they are affected by jealousy, greed and anger.

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