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the thick of it

Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

how did i miss that this has been on since october! damn you uk watmmers for not telling me.


just caught up on episodes 1-8 yesterday. good good shit. i expected it to dip but its still a great show. how many episodes in a series?



removing the paedos name from the office door was a nice touch


malcolm tucker hasn't annnoyed me at all. which i was worried he would after the in the loop movie.


the MP from in the loop is back as 'the fucker'


the guy from the thin blue line is tuckers rival. i thought he was overplaying it at first but he reminded me of someone so it felt realish.


the new female MP...her from (blue) jam... is ok. shes brave and incompetent.


why do glenn and ollie leave when the election is announced?




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sorry mate. Don't get aggro, Didn't meant to be a wanker and diddle you. I meant to knock you up, but life is busy these days innit? So, this show is not for the blinkered, but its not blooming likely they'll find it anyway.

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Yeah. It wasn't quite as good as the first series or the specials but had a few episodes that were up there.

It might also be the last series, I'm sure I'd read somewhere before this one started that it might not come back but then Armando was talking about the next series in the red button bit like it would be happening. They seemed to be assembling an opposition cast in the last episode, which would be some small consolation if the Tories won the next election.

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I'm sure I've read an interview with Armando Iannuci elsewhere saying it will be back, and as stated above, the opposition cast seem to be featuring a bit more prominently. Not sure about "The Fucker" - he seems a bit too much like Malcolm, and I just thought of Simon Foster in In The Loop when I saw him.


A couple of the opposition characters look interesting; so if the Tories do get in, they can feature more heavily. I think Peter Mannion comes across as a good character. I liked Malcolm's new fleece-wearing personality, which disappeared as soon as his suit came back from the dry cleaners.


The whole series has been one of the best things on TV for ages.


Dragon's Den for Children in Need? "I'd rather fuck a real dragon."

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Guest ezkerraldean

Thick of It's absolutely fucking amazing even just for Tucker. haven't seen any of series 2 at all yet for some reason. only really discovered it a few months ago

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

looks like that was the last in the series. said "to be continued" i think at the end.



the start of epsiode 7 was hilarious. glenn cracking really bad dad type jokes




the tories won't get in surely? irl. doesn't everyone hate david cameron?

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the tories won't get in surely? irl. doesn't everyone hate david cameron?


Everyone I know does, but then again no-one I know buys the Daily Mail and watches Eastenders, but both are inexplicably popular. Hopefully the Sun and their influencial ilk backing "Dave" won't have too big an influence. Time to pick up weapons and throw them aty the "fucking ROBOTS" coming over the hill...

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a series is the sum total of all the individual episodes, and a season is what you are referring to as a series... that's how it's done in america

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

a series is the sum total of all the individual episodes, and a season is what you are referring to as a series... that's how it's done in america


yeh its a bit confusing.


a US season = a UK series

a US series = a UK ? - do we have a name for an entire show run?

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the tories won't get in surely? irl. doesn't everyone hate david cameron?


Think everyone hates Brown more. I have literally never heard a supportive word for him.


I'll be surprised if Labour survive the next election.

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it's a very different show, but i think if you have an appreciation of british comedy & profanity you will enjoy the thick of it


Your avatar is the reason I checked this show out, weirdly enough. I was familiar with Peter Capaldi and In The Loop, but not seen the shows or the film. I thought I had to watch it if an American can appreciate it (I mean, British comedy doesn't usually translate so well, so to speak).


I fucking LOVE this show.

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i tried to show it to some americans who are big fans of the british Office but i think most of it went over their head.

besides my wife i think i love british comedy stuff more than most people i know, im a big Monty Python series fan as well as a regular watcher of the stuff they used to air on KQED here like Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers and Mr. Bean (probably the 'safest' british comedy for americans)

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Yeah, it has that hostility and bluntness that is just lost on most of America I think. Probably because of the more upbeat attitude of most American comedy I suppose.


This is purely speculation.

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you're mostly right in so far as that even some of the better shows still try to tug at the heart strings or make you really sympathize with a particular character in an overwrought way. the only show i have seen lately that

throws these rules out the window is Always sunny in philadelphia, which is definitely the most depraved non punch pulling comedy show on american TV right now.



did you hear about the bombed pilot for an American cast version of The Thick of it?




Albert Alger (played by John Michael Higgins) - the main character and a newly-elected Congressman.

Malcolm Tucker (played by Oliver Platt) - protective and intimidating committee chairman.

Glen Glahm (played by Michael McKean) - Alger's scatterbrained chief of staff.

Ollie Tadzio (played by Rhea Seehorn) - Alger's young and ambitious speech writer.

Hope Mueller (played by Alex Borstein) - Alger's press secretary that he inherited from the previous Congressman.

Taylor (played by Wayne Wilderson) - an ambitious political blogger.


i'm curious to see it, but i can't imagine it would be very good

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