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Chinese kid lodges chopstick in brain


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Beijing, China (CNN) -- Li Jingchao learned the hard way -- be careful what you stick up your nose.


The 14-month-old boy was playing with chopsticks when, his doctor says, he fell and one of the sticks pierced his nose.


"It touched upon the deep area of his brain, four centimeters of the chopstick was inside his skull," Dr. Sun Wei told CNN.


Jingchao's mother, Zhao Guilu didn't see what happened -- she was in another room at the time, but came running when she heard her son crying.


"I was washing dishes. I rushed in and saw him lying on the ground. He couldn't stop crying and I noticed a chopstick stuck in his nose."

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i lost a pencil eraser up my nasal cavity once whilst taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS Test) in 5th grade. Full-on panicked for about 1 minute, totally losing my shit, figuring it had drifted up into my brain, then i decided to blow as hard as i could. thankfully this produced the pencil eraser.

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i lost a pencil eraser up my nasal cavity once whilst taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS Test) in 5th grade. Full-on panicked for about 1 minute, totally losing my shit, figuring it had drifted up into my brain, then i decided to blow as hard as i could. thankfully this produced the pencil eraser.


so how'd you score on the test?

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i lost a pencil eraser up my nasal cavity once whilst taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS Test) in 5th grade. Full-on panicked for about 1 minute, totally losing my shit, figuring it had drifted up into my brain, then i decided to blow as hard as i could. thankfully this produced the pencil eraser.


so how'd you score on the test?


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i lost a pencil eraser up my nasal cavity once whilst taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS Test) in 5th grade. Full-on panicked for about 1 minute, totally losing my shit, figuring it had drifted up into my brain, then i decided to blow as hard as i could. thankfully this produced the pencil eraser.



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Guest abusivegeorge

i lost a pencil eraser up my nasal cavity once whilst taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS Test) in 5th grade. Full-on panicked for about 1 minute, totally losing my shit, figuring it had drifted up into my brain, then i decided to blow as hard as i could. thankfully this produced the pencil eraser.


Fucking LOL

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Guest bitroast

i had a somewhat disabled friend as a kid who used to put unpopped popcorn up his noise (lots of it on one round) and just blow the shit out in every direction. bouncing off walls and whatnot.

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