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How to live to be 100+

Guest Fishtank

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I have a pretty dim view of age because I work as an in-home aide for the old and infirm so the family can go bugger off for a period. My guy is 86 and totally fucked with health problems. When he's shitting on his commode with his diaper around his ankles, he growls "oh, why did it go this far? Why did I have to fade away? I just want to die" He doesn't whine it either--it has a soul chilling sound to it. He told me about seeing an angel so pure and innocent one time so I tell him "it's not much longer client, that angel's coming to carry you home." I've thought more than once about a "Million Dollar Baby." Who would ask? Except I've worked for the medical examiner and know that my ass would get busted no matter how many people thought it was humane or whatever.

Hunter S. Thompson had it right I think.



we reap what we sow and others show to us sometimes a reflection through their lives of this

so that we can learn from it and avoid the same suffering. sometimes the harder, blinding reflections are difficult to watch.


however it is not for us to get involved to end life, only to give it.


the truth of how to truly help give life can be hard to obtain and

even more difficult to implement, but it is there none the less, waiting

for us to take it and use it. To use life giving energies together so that we don't have to

suffer in false ways anymore.


the truth and only the truth will set us free. a life of indulgences will

have to be paid for at some point. we must enter the streams of

enjoying life without creating harm to ourselves and the other

living things around us. this can be done, but it takes some

work to change our lives and how we engage with this experience together,

it takes work and openness in ones heart to know how things should be changed.


if we search for solutions based on simplicity and truth, we will find them.

problem is....most people aren't searching....they are seduced by the lie.


therefor they end up sickened by this lie when they are old, instead of

sharing their wisdom with the following generations and dying

peace-full natural deaths.

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we'll all keep talking tough until we're old, and then all of our tough-minded notions will be thrown out of the window along with our dignity, like every generation before us.



which is why i do not want to be that old.


besides, no one here is interested in exploring the great beyond?


or in atheist terms, complete non-existence?


fascinating stuff here

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Go Vegan. Live Longer.




animal agriculture produces more pollution then anything

else we do as human beings. from the farming for the feed,

to the cutting of forests and on and on to the supporting

of the pharmaceutical industry as well as all the packaging,

machinery and transport involved. it is sad that we concentrate

so much on the car polution without looking at the meat,

the meat is the real problem.


Vegan could change the world and eliminate the need for billions of

lives worth of pain sorrow and suffering, our own and the ones who we eat.


We support those things which we except or condone in our lives....if we change then the world changes.


life from life, death from death.

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we'll all keep talking tough until we're old, and then all of our tough-minded notions will be thrown out of the window along with our dignity, like every generation before us.



which is why i do not want to be that old.


besides, no one here is interested in exploring the great beyond?


or in atheist terms, complete non-existence?


fascinating stuff here


...but first we must finnish the work we are here to do in the most focused way possible. we should not

look for our death or we will miss what life truly is defined by and has to offer.

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i gotta say though



ill admit right now, that veganism is probably the way to go.


but i dont want to change to that. im too comfortable the way im eating.


i eat fruits and rice most of the day and occasionally some beef for protein.


ive had arguments about this with my best friend, and i just can't do that.


if the US all of a sudden outlawed eating meats, then maybe, but even then i gotta give up eggs? cmon.....i love eggs.


we'll all keep talking tough until we're old, and then all of our tough-minded notions will be thrown out of the window along with our dignity, like every generation before us.



which is why i do not want to be that old.


besides, no one here is interested in exploring the great beyond?


or in atheist terms, complete non-existence?


fascinating stuff here


...but first we must finnish the work we are here to do in the most focused way possible. we should not

look for our death or we will miss what life truly is defined by and has to offer.



I am not looking forward to death, just accepting it has as much importance as life and it is inevitable.

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i gotta say though



ill admit right now, that veganism is probably the way to go.


but i dont want to change to that. im too comfortable the way im eating.


i eat fruits and rice most of the day and occasionally some beef for protein.


ive had arguments about this with my best friend, and i just can't do that.


if the US all of a sudden outlawed eating meats, then maybe, but even then i gotta give up eggs? cmon.....i love eggs.


we'll all keep talking tough until we're old, and then all of our tough-minded notions will be thrown out of the window along with our dignity, like every generation before us.



which is why i do not want to be that old.


besides, no one here is interested in exploring the great beyond?


or in atheist terms, complete non-existence?


fascinating stuff here


...but first we must finnish the work we are here to do in the most focused way possible. we should not

look for our death or we will miss what life truly is defined by and has to offer.



I am not looking forward to death, just accepting it has as much importance as life and it is inevitable.


first things first

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also, i was arguing with a friend about death, because he was accusing me of posturing like this tough-guy "i am not afraid of death" thing, but after going through severe depressions and a lot of "soul-searching" this and that, i can honestly say, i think what bothers most people is the transfer into death



I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of how it will happen. Will it be painful? Will I be expecting it?, etc etc, thats the scary part, not death itself.

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it is hard to come to terms with giving up experiences we love for the sake of the truth,

but this is the only way. there are some damn good vegan foods out there right now..

it's all in how you prepare the foods and then everything is just as satisfying.


it's a learning curve, then we can be just as satisfied and get all the protein that we need.


protein and calcium are two of the most common elements in food stuffs.

they just sold us this fear about them so they could sell their shit.


in america at least-and everywhere else i'm sure-they accentuated the need for

commodities that need to be sold, based on their false economy....


i.e meat and dairy. (and a bunch of other shit we don't need that fucks everything up)


slowly these rules of life naturalized themselves in our lives, as our knowledge

of how things are done.


this same process has been repeating itself not just in the past 100 years, but for 1000's

of years... perpetuating the lies.

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how would you describe this as a lie to the bedouin or those migratory tribes that are unable to cultivate vegetables? how was it a lie for them thousands of years ago?

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also, i was arguing with a friend about death, because he was accusing me of posturing like this tough-guy "i am not afraid of death" thing, but after going through severe depressions and a lot of "soul-searching" this and that, i can honestly say, i think what bothers most people is the transfer into death



I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of how it will happen. Will it be painful? Will I be expecting it?, etc etc, thats the scary part, not death itself.



i agree, there is more to it i believe though. Our choices are a factor in how we will die, so to a certain degree we choose how we will die ...whether it be harder or softer.

Through understanding more about what's next while we are here we become humble as we see more clearly, because it is more complicated then we might think after we die.


what we do now is important in how it relates to that which is after, they are connected.

it is all connected. if we just worry about ourselves then we disconnect ourselves and that

can cause problems .....and thats putting it lightly.

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this thread is right silly, life = a huge mesh of complex systems which can only be perceived by us as chaos. everything is connected simply because we all inhabit the same closed system called earth.


troon - i can start spouting off examples, but how do you suppose our choices really factor into how we will die? isn't it just as important how everybody else lives? like getting killed by a car or lightning or a foul ball.

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how would you describe this as a lie to the bedouin or those migratory tribes that are unable to cultivate vegetables? how was it a lie for them thousands of years ago?



we are here to change all that together!


out with the old worn out ways in regards to some things form the past and in with new opportunities built on truth.

in with the old tried and true ways and out with some of these modern ones that are shite.


this is how life is to work. if we just wallow in past ways then we are not doing our job.


traditions are building themselves !right now! the car the tv, the cell phone are becoming traditional.

this same epidemic also has happened in our past.... dose this mean we should just blindly except

them because they are traditional?


We can all create abundance in a plant based reality in this day and age with the resources

knowledge and wisdom that is floating around. there are no more excuses for not creating

solutions with bedouins to grow food forests and create more opportunities in existing ecosystems.


we have the spiritual technology!

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I've programmed my phone to send me a text message the moment Troon dies so I can laugh at what a douchebag he is before dying myself.

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we don't even have choices that's the funniest part, never mind choices affecting how we die. There is only the appearance of choices but there isn't any free will so there's nothing to choose.

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I've programmed my phone to send me a text message the moment Troon dies so I can laugh at what a douchebag he is before dying myself.



there is a warm feeling in my heart right now....... no thanks to you.

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we don't even have choices that's the funniest part, never mind choices affecting how we die. There is only the appearance of choices but there isn't any free will so there's nothing to choose.




this can be understood on two levels.

yes you are right, but in truth.... both are going on at the same time.


choice and predestination


image for a moment that you are on tracks, you are like a train.

you move in the same direction no matter what depending on the way

the tracks are directed right?.... but we also have choice of how much we want

to except the direction we are going in our hearts or how much we want to

try to push ourselves off the tracks.


we will never get off the tracks, yet we still struggle and the struggling

is what slows the process of getting where it is written that we are to go.


we must stop resisting the truth when we come across it, it slows the train.

instead we must go strong, full force, strong in the truth.

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it's sounds like you are saying there is a limited amount of free will - a final destination, so to speak, but it's up to you how you get there. I'm saying that you are literally a passenger and have never done anything. I'm saying there is literally no difference between this and watching a film except our viewpoint is from within a human.

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how would you describe this as a lie to the bedouin or those migratory tribes that are unable to cultivate vegetables? how was it a lie for them thousands of years ago?



we are here to change all that together!


out with the old worn out ways in regards to some things form the past and in with new opportunities built on truth.

in with the old tried and true ways and out with some of these modern ones that are shite.


this is how life is to work. if we just wallow in past ways then we are not doing our job.


traditions are building themselves !right now! the car the tv, the cell phone are becoming traditional.

this same epidemic also has happened in our past.... dose this mean we should just blindly except

them because they are traditional?


We can all create abundance in a plant based reality in this day and age with the resources

knowledge and wisdom that is floating around. there are no more excuses for not creating

solutions with bedouins to grow food forests and create more opportunities in existing ecosystems.


we have the spiritual technology!



hold on though, you didn't answer my question. how was it a lie to the bedouin or migratory tribes thousands of years ago?

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how would you describe this as a lie to the bedouin or those migratory tribes that are unable to cultivate vegetables? how was it a lie for them thousands of years ago?



we are here to change all that together!


out with the old worn out ways in regards to some things form the past and in with new opportunities built on truth.

in with the old tried and true ways and out with some of these modern ones that are shite.


this is how life is to work. if we just wallow in past ways then we are not doing our job.


traditions are building themselves !right now! the car the tv, the cell phone are becoming traditional.

this same epidemic also has happened in our past.... dose this mean we should just blindly except

them because they are traditional?


We can all create abundance in a plant based reality in this day and age with the resources

knowledge and wisdom that is floating around. there are no more excuses for not creating

solutions with bedouins to grow food forests and create more opportunities in existing ecosystems.


we have the spiritual technology!



hold on though, you didn't answer my question. how was it a lie to the bedouin or migratory tribes thousands of years ago?



there are new opportunities that haven't been presented yet, that now can be presented. out of necessity these people did what they had to

to survive given the knowledge that they had available. Now there is more knowledge and opportunity

in circulation so it is time for change.


the question always still remains... are we going to change our transitional ways or are we so attached

and addicted to them as being the truth that we can not move forward?


we must change from what we are now into what we were all always meant to become.


it's all about learning our way out of old patterns that don't really make sense

and moving forward together.

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