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I am horribly sick from quitting smoking


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This fucking sucks. I have gone a week without smoking anything (weed, cigs, crack), and I feel absolutely miserable. There's some horrible head cold, the past 4 days, and it will not go away..


The first day it was just a nose drip and a bit of a headache, the past two days however Ive mostly been laying on my bed and taking multiple showers because I feel disgusting.


WTF is this?




anyone else here quit and get horribly sick?


i might crack a beer, beer is a good painkiller.

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you might have an unrelated illness

this or you might be experiencing withdrawl. just soldier up, keep healthy and it'll go away once your body gets used to that sort of functioning. good luck!

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well with weed you wont get any physical withdrawal symptoms unless youre a heavy user, and even then it wouldnt be that noticeable (mentally is another thing).. ive never heard of anyone getting sick from nicotine withdrawal.

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when we quite something that is toxic to our systems then the body starts work on

unloading all the toxic elements that have stored up. sometimes this flow of

released toxins becomes to much and overloads the regular out roads of the

human body for waste, i.e. the lymphatic, mouth, nose, bowl ect...


when this happens in conjunction with an outside virus coming along then the

body goes on red alert. the immune system is not able to properly defend itself

from the outside virus which is yet more toxins entering the system and the

body then increases its mucus and eliminatory mediums and functions

to get the waste out so it can concentrate at the task (the virus) at hand more readily.


this is how we get sick. not because of the bodies inability to fight outboard

viruses, but because we gum up the works inside and incapacitate the bodies

normal defense systems which are more then capable when running at

full strength.


so...... if you can make it through the tough time in between with quitting all

those smokables then you will get the rewards, but beware of the power of the-time

-in-between to trick you into thinking there is nothing to be gained from stopping this wicked cycle.


remember.....all these substances are fighting for your involvement with them as

much as you are fighting against them ...so they will use as many tricks to

keep attached to you as they can come up with.



stay strong in the truth my friend.

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at this point i dont really even want a cigarette anymore, weed however i shall smoke in the future, just extremely sparingly and probably with a vaporizer.


i wish you all luck..


if you can keep it at one cigarette that is a feat, i wasn't able to control myself enough for that.


i need to conquer this head cold so i get out and at least do an hour of running...im gaining weight just by chillin here.



though i gotta say, by and large the best part about not smoking is that my clothes dont reek after a day of wear....normally i do a two or three day run with each pair of jeans, but when i smoked they smelled awful after one day.

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if you can really stop smoking, around those days that it was really hard for me not to i would go out with others for their smoke break and breathe in second hand smoke

whatever works though

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i can quit smoking for weeks with complete ease, i feel a little shivery the first two days, and thats it. the thing that starts me again is getting drunk and just... wanting one when im out with my mates. i have one, and then thats the end of that.

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i quit tobacco about a year ago and feel noticeably better. i cut down on greens as well (maybe once a month?) and feel noticeably better. stay strong man.


also, the more you sweat and replace your body's water, the faster your body can get all that crap out of your system.

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Guest placidburp

I could eat my own fucking arm off now, I want a cig so much... I already quit once for nearly 3 years...then had one spliff like 6 months and then started having one or 2 at weekend when I went out. None in the week though, but I could feel myself wanting one through the week even when I hadn't had a drink. So decided to knock it on the head again. That was 3 weeks ago. The cravings eventually leave your system though after a month or so, I found anyway.

I never felt sick not smoking though, I just find having a drink makes me want one really bad...and that's the time I cave in. But I'm determined this time...


I'm drunk now though! :D


good luck.

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i quit tobacco about a year ago and feel noticeably better. i cut down on greens as well (maybe once a month?) and feel noticeably better. stay strong man.



exactly man, people tend to underestimate just how much damage vegetables can do to the internal organs

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luckily i had a few beers a day or two ago and i didnt feel the need to smoke



the out with friends thing is what i gotta watch out for though...that could be rough.


i quit once before for 4 months, but once i got to korea and cigs were somewhat like 2 dollars a pack, i was all over them again.



hopefully this will be permanent.

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i quit tobacco about a year ago and feel noticeably better. i cut down on greens as well (maybe once a month?) and feel noticeably better. stay strong man.



exactly man, people tend to underestimate just how much damage vegetables can do to the internal organs


Heal WIth The Power OF STeak


(actually i'm a vegematarian so i do untold damage to my bodies every day)

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i would actually love a steak right now.



i figure, im fucking quitting smoking, i should reward myself with shit, after all im saving about 15-18 bucks a week...might as well buy a 10 dollar steak and cook it right up with some cracked pepper.

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i would actually love a steak right now.



i figure, im fucking quitting smoking, i should reward myself with shit, after all im saving about 15-18 bucks a week...might as well buy a 10 dollar steak and cook it right up with some cracked pepper.




yes! eat what you want.... priorities priorities. first work on the substance (smokables and even the drink if you can)

then move to working with your diet more when you can wrap your mind and your spirit around it.

first things first.


you are saving money so..... give yourself rewards and stay physically active-you seem to be already

on top of that-it is very important.


i send you good will and strength.


give your body it's freedom!

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i honestly dont want to quit alcohol, because, well, i dont want to quit alcohol.


though i definitely go through phases of not drinking anything now and then...i love wine and beer far too much.


i don't drink hard liquor anymore though...which i guess is a plus.



i feel a little better, did some work cleaning and organizing, keeping myself busy, doin laundry....tryin to figure out what to cook tonight.

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did some work cleaning and organizing, keeping myself busy, doin laundry....tryin to figure out what to cook tonight.




i'm having avocado and tomatoes sandwiches on sunflower-seed flat bread

w/ sun dried tomato /olive tapenade, spicy cashew mayonnaise, pesto, fresh arugula and cilantro.


spicy mango salsa fresca with chips on the side.


mmmmmmmmmm :smile:

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that sounds fucking amazing!


i ended up buying a huge veggie lasagna and plan to snack on it for the next 3-4 days




mmmmm good ricotta cheese in there?


take and bake? where did you get it?


sounds good, sometimes i make a living foods version of lasagna out of

micro-thin sliced eggplant, tomato, zucchini, cashew cheese,

pesto and tomato sauce. layer it up just right with a few other

ingredients (maybe some portobello mushrooms) and its

quite amazing.


Bon Appétit

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