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A Nightmare on Elm Street


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Also, when I was visiting the States, Dallas, Texas a few years back, I was in Dealy Plaza, and I noticed that the street that the JFK was shot on is called “Elm Street”. I think this may have been inspiration for the film’s title but never been able to confirm or deny this. It seems logical, but does anyone know off hand? – Too lazy to scour for the internet. Not that’s it’s massively important.

I've heard that Wes Craven chose Elm St because it is the most common street name in the USA. He wanted the majority of the viewers to feel like this could happen in their town. Craven also grew up in my home town in Illinois. There was definitely an Elm St there. I had 2 friends that lived on Elm St and my Middle school was also on the same street. Jim and John Belushi were also from my home town and lived on Elm St. In the DVD commentary, Craven says he had originally envisioned the film being in the Midwest.


Nice one, that sounds fair enough.



Is that Madonna at 1.51?

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That trailer gives me a bit of hope.


I think the original is actually one of those flicks that is much stronger in concept than in execution and could could probably benefit from a remake.


Hell yes.


i hope you guys arent serious, do you really think a mainstream hollywood horror remake is going to fix any problems you had with the original ? for fuck sake

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