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Off You Go

luke viia

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hello. this is my first poast here. a good number of you people seem to be certifiably insane. hopefully that's not just a phase.




this is a track i finished earlier today. i checked out that free VST thread the other day (most excellent), and after downloading a few, this is what i ended up with.





whaddya think?

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that first one is fantastic. i need to listen to the other two still.


great melodies, composition, usage of synths. i need to get into this genre of music more.


how do you get those sounds?i really want to make a track with these same sorts of synths, i don't know where to find them

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thanks! i actually got most of those sounds from the free plugin list thread here. i gave 5 bucks to the dude @ tweakbench for the whole deal, 'toad' in particular is a great free VST (those 4-8-bit drums). minimogue is in there too.



the other two tracks are more or less the same sort of general square synth funk =D



i've been listening to a ton of skweee releases lately (well, not a ton). most of it is a fun time, and now it's starting to influence what i'm writing. also these songs are a part of my larger plan- shamelessly promoting don bluth & his dinosaurs.

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thanks for the kind words/advice dudes.


WMjohnsson - good call, i guess i had kinda ignored the fact that those coin/fireball shits were a little too loud cuz no one had said anything to me. i'll fix them.


jonas, yeah, agreed, it is kind of predictable. that's kinda what i was going for though. what kind of processing do you think would benefit that sound? + check the other two if you're interested, they leave that straight chiptune stuff behind and get a little weirder (*). i'll be eq'ing that bass & kick in Off You Go a bit so they aren't running into each other anymore.. so any other ideas while i'm at it would be most appreciated




*soundcloud links to newer tracks:


stomping ground




^ same tracks uploaded to the 2nd post. i could use an actual title for that "herbivores" track. that's a terrible name.

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Listening to Off You Go right now.


I've got all these softsynths too, but the mellotron's the only one I've really put to use. I ought to change that, because they really are great plug-ins. Super shrill when you just hear them dry though (and like 5 times louder than everything else I'm using, heheh). Anyway, this is a really cool track --you've got good melodic sensibilities. This would have been the perfect soundtrack for one of the NES Ninja Turtles games. These sounds conjure up instant nostalgia. The only suggestion I'd have would be to add more variation to the sound as the track progresses, so there's more of a journey to be had. More processing would help to make something like this more unique of course, as mentioned by Jonas. That's the problem with using these free softsynths --there's always going to be a thousand other bedroom musicians using the same ones, which makes it a bigger challenge to make your own track stand out from the bunch. But on the other hand, I guess that's not always the point of using classic NES 8 bit sounds. The instantly-recognizable factor is part of the charm. Verdict: I like it.

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