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cubus - and then the world fell further down


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Download and free stream here - http://buy.ilovecubus.co.uk/


1. start as you mean to go on 02:40

2. rehearsal 16.08.86 03:26

3. a tribute to the last few cycles 06:46

4. luke's got all the friends we need 05:38

5. don spaghet 06:02

6. stuckcdc-adoskdmsc 05:58

7. summertime boex 04:05

8. 73st. 04:00

9. branigan 06:25

10. eyes on two 06:52

11. chaffron bevron (we know nothing else) 02:08

12. james hankridge 04:16

13. happy birthday eilleen 04:16

14. that's it for tuesday 03:16


Almost three years in the making 'and then the world fell further down' is the latest album by cubus. Marking a slightly darker and more mature approach to sound design the album fuses field recordings, found sounds and downbeat ambience. Mixing acoustic and electronic instrumentation 'and then the world fell further down' contains over an hour of brand new material with a nod towards the works of musicians like Angelo Badalamenti, Carsten Nicolai and The Future Sound of London. Each track has been carefully mixed to create a complete narrative over the course of the hour, opening with the distressing sounds on the city streets and closing with a broken boiler !


Cheeky teaser trailer ...


(High definition version of teaser -



yeah I didn't think it would happen either ....

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That's a heck of a trailer... very slick... I really like the atmosphere... probably feels like I can gel with the feel of it really well right now cos I got a cold and I feel a bit woozy and sleepy :P

Are you guys gonna do more video stuff?


When can I pre-order?

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Thanks for the support guys, I'm hoping to get this out before my birthday so I'm aiming for about 3 weeks time for a release. I'll probably stick it on bandcamp again as that was quite painless last time (so unfortunately no physical release, but it's always been a bit of a pain in the arse doing that).


All the tracks have been finished and I've put it all together in a coherent album form but I've asked Joe to completely rejigger the order of things like the segues etc. as I really wasn't happy with the atmosphere of the middle third of it. We're aiming to make it the most coherent sounding album in that every track will [hopefully!] seamlessly blend from one piece to another. Before we've felt that even though we've done segues between tracks they've never really blended together: it was always just track-segue-another track-segue etc. but often they wouldn't completely gel (I think the best quote I heard (I think from here) about one of our mixes was that it was like you were drifting off to sleep in bed and then some angry bear shits in your mouth....).


Springy - We may well do some videos in the future, I've only just (as of two weeks ago) got a camera and the above video was more of a play about than anything else. Though I'll probably need a better machine and my laptop hates editing in HD, the above video took about 3 hours to render ... I did do a full length video to an extended version of Iso's Dream for my final year project, but it was so messed around with to try and appeal to the people marking it that it ended up being a complete horrible embarrassing shambles (though I did get a First so that worked, hoorah !).

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I think the best quote I heard (I think from here) about one of our mixes was that it was like you were drifting off to sleep in bed and then some angry bear shits in your mouth.


As I recall, that comment was specifically directed towards the fact that Mouse March comes straight after My Final Wish on Pathenogenesis... unless the same thing was said on more than one occasion (how do I remember these things and yet I forget things like my birthday quite often...)



Springy - We may well do some videos in the future, I've only just (as of two weeks ago) got a camera and the above video was more of a play about than anything else. Though I'll probably need a better machine and my laptop hates editing in HD, the above video took about 3 hours to render ... I did do a full length video to an extended version of Iso's Dream for my final year project, but it was so messed around with to try and appeal to the people marking it that it ended up being a complete horrible embarrassing shambles (though I did get a First so that worked, hoorah !).


Yeah video editing and even fairly basic animation require pretty powerful computers. Maybe one day I'll set something visual to some Cubus but I say that for a lot of music. I'm sure I told Dan Deacon I was gonna make a music video for him which never happened, but people like him probably get that from a lot of people anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



i don't like the "$4 or more" bit though. just set the price i say. it's like a tip jar in a record store.


looking forward to listening. might save it for thisevening, probably not a morning record, although it is dark and raining so maybe

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i don't like the "$4 or more" bit though. just set the price i say. it's like a tip jar in a record store.

I think you're reading too much into my intentions for that. I priced the album low as I wanted to make a little return from it (somehow the album has cost me several hundred pounds since we first started on it !). So the 'or more' was more a 'yeah cool if stick in an extra dollar but absolutely no bother of not'. No one is judging you :lol:


But thanks for the purchase, hope you enjoy it! Yeah it's definitely more a night album - but would probably work just as well as a rainy day album ....

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Guest arbee

great news ! just bought it. cannot wait for tonight to smoke some green and just travel with you guys. arbeelovescubus.

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great news ! just bought it. cannot wait for tonight to smoke some green and just travel with you guys. arbeelovescubus.

Cheers man, you're a bloody star :beer:


Fun fact - the opening field recording was me just trying to record some raindrops under the walkway by my flat, however the woman that then walked overhead followed by the police sirens was the most unbelievable luck I think I'll ever have when recording. The whole thing sounds completely staged but it actually happened exactly as you hear it (apart from the increase of reverb towards the end of the recording). So, erm, yeah - every time I get to the bit 45 seconds in when she says 'Help me' I always feel really guilty for not coming to the aid of a clearly distressed woman :sad: (though I have no idea if she knew I was there or not)


Hope you enjoy

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great news ! just bought it. cannot wait for tonight to smoke some green and just travel with you guys. arbeelovescubus.

Cheers man, you're a bloody star :beer:


Fun fact - the opening field recording was me just trying to record some raindrops under the walkway by my flat, however the woman that then walked overhead followed by the police sirens was the most unbelievable luck I think I'll ever have when recording. The whole thing sounds completely staged but it actually happened exactly as you hear it (apart from the increase of reverb towards the end of the recording). So, erm, yeah - every time I get to the bit 45 seconds in when she says 'Help me' I always feel really guilty for not coming to the aid of a clearly distressed woman :sad: (though I have no idea if she knew I was there or not)


Hope you enjoy



Wow I thought it was from a movie or something...


Umm... yeah you err... probably should've checked out the situation... but then again who was she talking to? Presumably someone who she wanted help from...

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From what I could make out (I couldn't actually see her) she was just pushing her child along in a pushchair before getting into the flat (you can hear her getting her keys and slamming the door) so I think it was just a 'help me' to the world rather than anyone specific. I didn't want to ruin the sample though by interfering :blush:


Yeah all the samples and field recordings were recorded by my oh so lovely Zoom H2, we didn't get any samples from other external sources (films, websites etc.)

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From what I could make out (I couldn't actually see her) she was just pushing her child along in a pushchair before getting into the flat (you can hear her getting her keys and slamming the door) so I think it was just a 'help me' to the world rather than anyone specific. I didn't want to ruin the sample though by interfering :blush:


Haha I think that would've made the sample even cooler! Although possibly a little pretentious (hey guys, check it out, I'm saving a lady and putting it against some moody music :P )

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i hate how fast a thread move to page 2.


it's raining and i'm listening to cubus


don spaghet just made me happy

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