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The Pacific

Guest El_Chemso

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Guest El_Chemso

I loved Band of Brothers, and I find it hard to tell people that the follow on, Pacific, is really a bit lame. Sure its amazing filming, and it really brings home the horrible conditions those guys lived in. But for a long hour episode, not a lot happens. I'm quite looking forward to the final part as it will be pretty interesting I think. But when I compare it to Band of Brothers, and the brilliant character build they had by following them through boot camp, and then you felt the loss when they died and the times when they were joyus at been back at camp or on the move, Pacific doesn't match up. Its just a bit too glum in some episodes, and entire hour of them sitting in the rain with a bit of fighting thrown in, and not enough characters visited.


Was just reading the reviews on IMDB seems to be pretty much the consensus.


Whats your views WATMM!?

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Guest disparaissant

my roommate's been watching it and iunno. the first half was an utter snooze fest but episodes 8 and 9 were pretty good. 8 had me cryin like a lil babby.

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i think you hit the nail on the head. its good but needs more warfare and less love storys.


i will buy it on dvd when it comes out though, because i think its good. but dosnt touch BOB one bit.

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Guest El_Chemso

Yeah gotta say the episode with Basilon was the topper so far, but WATMM I never knew we were so soft?


It just goes to show what they are lacking, character development, when they did it with Basilon it was perfect, I felt very sad for the Mrs back on the beach. For instance Eugene is called Sledge Hammer, I saw the show where they named him, I've seen every show before and after, but why have they named him that? I don't understand the character, why is he special? Compare him to Lt Spears in band of brothers, his reputation was built up over episodes through other characters. An Winters, man I'm not even american and I'd storm a MG42 nest for that guy, thats how well the character was developed.


Unfortunately I think its very common of creators, George Lucas for instance, they get so big people can't bare to tell them what they are doing is actually kinda crap, and we end up eating it. Sorry Spielberg and Hanks, its a no from Chemso :(

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Guest disparaissant

I think Eugene is called Sledge Hammer simply because his last name is Sledge, don't think it goes much beyond that. He had the nickname when they were back on the camp before they'd done any fighting or anything at all anyways.


And yeah, that Basilone stuff was heartwrenching. I'd heard of him before and


knew he was gonna die, which made watching him woo and wed that girl a fucking sobfest.


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

this show has its weak points but the fucking combat, gore and intensity sometimes its TOP NOTCH dawg

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it's alright, but nowhere near as good as band of brothers. i don't really care for any of the characters in the pacific at all (probably because we haven't really gotten to know them imo), also, the pacific and the japanese aren't as interesting as the european theatre / nazis.

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I've always found a "connection" to shows like Band of Brothers (beit historical significance or prior active duty military service), but for some reason, I don't get anything out of this new series. It just seems like "lets take this successful format, and strip everything that makes it successful and put it in another setting".

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Guest zelah

Tommy Hanks hit a home run with Saving Private Ryan so was like "I'mma ride with this now"


Yeah as said previously it's no Band of Brothers. Band of Brothers, aside from being better in general, at least had some light hearted parts, even during combat, but mother fuck, the pacific is crushing. Everything is fucking miserable. What kills me is that the little kid Tim from Jurassic Park (Eugene) is the best character.


Also Japan did not need nazis as it's main infantry was fucking insane to begin with.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

there might be quite a few things that are better about Band of Brothers but for some reason The Pacific keeps my attention better. There's quite a few times where I felt bored watching B o B (despite its probable superiority) :shrug: ((could even be the environment of the pacific seeming more unfamiliar fresh for cinematic warfare) :shrug:

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Guest El_Chemso

What kills me is that the little kid Tim from Jurassic Park (Eugene) is the best character.


HOLY COW RAPE, I didn't even realise! Man he looks like his kid self just bigger!

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it needs to be at least 20 episodes long.. i feel the 10? will be much too short.. there is what.. 60 minutes (if not 2 if its a special ) left in the series and it hasnt gone anywhere...the scope was extremely small.. i dont care abotu war bonds and why spend an entire episode about austrailia? yeah sure it could of been mentioned but not an entire episode, they could of used that time to make the highly disapoiting ''iwo jima #8'' episode amazing..but that was a massive let down



where did that guy go who had that girl in Sydney and pissed him self all the time..his character was interesting then i havnt seen him in 3 episodes!?


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

hittin play on this finale right now, better show a lil more jap killin

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Guest El_Chemso

I found that series to be like a pipette of water after been in the desert for 18 years. What a let down is my final vote. The last episode tried to be so touching with Eugene, but I just didn't feel it. And the recap of the characters at the end, I only remembered like 3 of them.


The most touching bit was when it said in the text that Sledge was Pall bearer at Snafus funeral, which proves how inept the film was in provoking emotions that a piece of factual text did more.


At least we found out why Sledge was called Sledge, cause that was his last name, how did I miss that early on?



El Chemso verdict on Pacific, the most expensive TV Series Ever = :facepalm:

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While it had its good bits ie. all the fighting, it was a massive let down, whist i havnt seen episode 10 yet, i have a feeling 10 episodes wasn't enough, but strangely enough BOB went pretty deep in the same ammount of episodes, the pacific just seemed too short.. all in all it dosnt even come close to band of brothers, a series ive seen a few times, and every time i put the disc(s) into my dvd player it was an awesome experience.


lets see where they go next in the HBO tom hanks produced war series, Vietnam?

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