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Brits getting butt-hurt over attacks on BP

Guest blicero

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Guest Drahken

We still have Chuck Norris though he would opt out of using a knife because his fingernails are just as deadly.

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Guest Funktion

i am being sincere



or am i????????



hint: im not



but maybe i am!!!!!!







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Guest disparaissant


No. No one is blaming Britain. That's why I made this thread. Obama comes down on BP, and for some reason, british public officials feel the need to come to BP's defense and turn it into an attack on Britain as a whole.



this, this right here. that's what i don't quite understand. it's obviously not an attack on britain as a whole, and the people who are claiming it IS just seem really defensive. it's stupid.

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the reason some British economists and politicians chimed is because of Britians dependence on BP.

Its not that big an employer - I believe 2/3 of its employees are American / Canadian.


One in every Six Pounds that is earned or recieved by British Pensions funds comes direclty from BP.

They are by far the biggest dividend payer listed on the FTSE. I dont expect many on here to care but if you have a pension

in the UK, rightly or wrongly Obama managed to cut about 10% of its value in one swoop. The Share price crashed after he

started sticking the boot in.


Previous posters are right, BP just happen to be the wrong company in the wrong place at the wrong time. This could have been Exxon

or Shell. They'va all had their share of disasters and recovered.


Oil Exploration is the riskiest industry their is and there is little to none legislation on this type of deep water drilling

as its the new frontier in Oil Expo. Anyone who has read the details on this will know that the US regulators and safety commisions

are just as much if not more to blame for this than BP. The are a private company they should not be trusted to make the choice between making a profit or ensuring 100% safety. The US legislators allowed BP to do their own safety test !!


Due to americas dependence on Hydrocarbon is a bit late for Obama to come over all holier than thou...

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Guest blicero

Previous posters are right, BP just happen to be the wrong company in the wrong place at the wrong time. This could have been Exxon

or Shell. They'va all had their share of disasters and recovered.




BP had 760 egregious & flagrant safety violations... while Exxon had ONE.




This is a good watch: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-june-1-2010/cenac---the-spilling-fields---oil-leak-containment-ideas

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Oil Exploration is the riskiest industry their is and there is little to none legislation on this type of deep water drilling

as its the new frontier in Oil Expo. Anyone who has read the details on this will know that the US regulators and safety commisions

are just as much if not more to blame for this than BP. The are a private company they should not be trusted to make the choice between making a profit or ensuring 100% safety. The US legislators allowed BP to do their own safety test !!


Due to americas dependence on Hydrocarbon is a bit late for Obama to come over all holier than thou...


Complete bullshit man. BP had this rig flying under a Marshall Islands flag so they could avoid the lengthy inspections required on American Oil Rigs.






Do a little research before you spout bullshit like this.

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Guest hahathhat

this OMG BP IS BRITISH! shit absolutely mystifies me. i've never heard americans speak out against england, even the conservative, stupid, idiotic ones. i suspect this is a media tactic to deflect blame from the oil industry. OMG BRITISH HATRED!! no, nothing of the sort. hatred for a company that trashed our coastline. nationality has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with it.

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*bursts into hysterics*

HAHAHA, I really loved it. I would even consider PayPal'ing you £ (not really) if you smeared a load of eyeliner on and got under the covers with a webcam and said those same words for me. Fucking priceless it would be!!! It might exceed my current record of the bravest WATMMer ever--Dolla Menu when he took a picture of himself topshelfing a toilet with his ballsack in full view hahaha! I still pull that picture out to get me out of a sour mood--you just can't be upset with his shit-eating grin and the thumbs up! The weed pictures kinda count because they make my penis hard but...I just think it took more cajones for that upper deck shot; girls like weed take pictures of their assets like it ain't no thang, appreciative as I am to look at them....yeah, yeah, flame if you want but I'm straight and like naked women so...


lol, much as i'd love to oblige....

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in case you blinked and missed it.



hurricane season.





What exactly would this mean for us? I know absolutely everything everywhere would be horribly polluted but does that mean lots of people are going to get sick and die?

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Guest disparaissant

in case you blinked and missed it.



hurricane season.





What exactly would this mean for us? I know absolutely everything everywhere would be horribly polluted but does that mean lots of people are going to get sick and die?


provided the winds are strong enough, you could have a nice coat of oil on top of all the water, covering houses, covering buildings, etc. something happens, you get a spark, fire starts, is accelerated by the oil, bad stuff, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest acknowledgeandproceed

Britain is filled with more xenophobes than xenophiles. America is filled with more xenophiles than xenophobes. And Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Now, these are all fictions that tell the truth.


Britain refined the Empire Process so well that when they "dismantled" it and handed it off to America in the early days of the 20th the companies they incorporated the Corporate Fascist Model molded seamlessly, to wit: U.S. Steel sold the Nazis steel, the Nazis make tanks. Make tanks, make war. What is war, at its heart? Impotent old men sending young virile men off to die. The poor, as always, pay the blood tax.


It's not about nations. There are no nations, only quasi-governmental entities working on breaking a populace down to the point that when that oil-caked boot gently lowers onto their face they will be too weak to struggle very much, and somehow still be thankful that it's not the rat-cage this time.


Terrifying thing for me is America's reaction on an individual level. Ostriches with their head in the sand, mostly, but also GOP Monsters bending over backwards to suck off BP's Phony Wayward during the Congressional Stonewalling Scenario. Not many people on the street care to know about the Burning Sea Turtles incident, for instance. Unless you live in or hail from a Gulf State, you can't wrap your head around the horror of it, the unmitigated gall on BP's part, at large. Even then, the federal judge with oil investments that countered Obama's moratorium on drilling became a Lousiana hero because, well partially because Louisianians are morons, maybe, but also because the Oil Industry there creates a lot of jobs. Threaten a politician in any country with job-loss, watch how fast they turn fascistic.


Then there's the way that BP hires off-duty cops to keep citizens from filming or documenting BP or the beaches. They keep their uniforms on, despite being off duty. ACLU had to gently remind BP that was not legal... citizens should in theory be able to film whatever they want in public... then the Coast Guard enacted a convenient new law yesterday (just in time for the "Freedom Weekend", yey) wherein media are not allowed to come within 65 feet of an oil boom without direct personal permission from the Top Guy in the Coast Guard, under penalty of $40,000 in fines and a Class D Felony. This means if an island bird sanctuary, say, surrounded by oil booms exists (and they do), and is coated heavily with oil or... ahem, (Britain-banned) Corexit-thinned tar balls, the media don't have the "unlimited access" promised but not delivered in the early days of this Horror. Whale sharks are swimming through oil slicks. Dolphins are choking and dying, washing up on shore. Pelicans are dead. The Red Knots and the Horseshoe Crabs don't get much coverage, but they are next. To "clean up" the oil off of beaches, BP skims the sand, then imports sand from other cleaner beaches to cover over the oil they don't clean up. Floridians are being told to go to the beach. Yesterday a woman and a three year old child drowned in Orange Beach Alabama, now Oil Haven to Death itself.


If you were a police officer, say. You come to a murder scene and find the murderer still there, trying to hide the bodies, do you let them stay there to investigate their own actions? Metaphors fail to encapsulate this. It's too horrible.


America's Government is steadily showing darker shades of fascism in response to the Horror, and the British (conservatives, mostly, right?) whine that they are not involved with BP, and screw Obama for even insinuating that, though their London offices (open since 1901 or so, long before the token-name-change mockery "Beyond Petroleum" or whatever) beg to differ, at least historically.


It was revealed by Madeline Albright in 2000 that in 1953 the CIA worked with the British Government to instigate a coup and overthrow a democratically elected government in Iran for the sake of British Petroleum. Now, are you under the impression that Oppression is Eternal and Inevitable? Are you going to argue that they weren't British back then, either? Maybe it happened long enough ago that it doesn't count. If that's so, what about the creation of Israel by Britain? What about Bloody Sunday (JUST getting resolved in court)? What about the Bhopal Incident? What's that about history repeating itself? Ey, wot?


Dear Phony Wayward speaks with the air of a man who's accustomed to snorting his Xanax out of the navel of extremely expensive Russian prostitutes. And he wants his life back. Well, he's got it. Let the fellow that called lower-class Americans "small" deal with it. Get that demon stuffed in a Mister Bean outfit off the stage. In fact, get those oil-soaked pelican pictures out of here. Stop looking at the dead whales, and so on. Better not to think about it, right? Out of sight, out of mind. No news is good news. Right.


If the cornerstone of modern society is oil, our dependence on it in light of these recent events is clearly unsustainable. The Gulf Sea Floor is fractured beyond any semblance of "repair", and you better believe that once the Horror hits the Gulf Stream, shoots up the Eastern Seaboard and then despoils Iceland, Greenland, and then, oh sure, Ireland, England, the Atlantic Ocean in general, that maybe Brits whining that "they aren't us" will seem irrelevant and silly. Let me put it another way. Only the concept of division divides us. We're all culpable. We're all participants in a conspiracy we were born into, regardless of class, race, or nationality. We're all accessing doors that lead to the same room, and by cutting costs, lacking imagination, and going about every single level of activity like a devious criminal supervillain, the Oil Industry at large has instigated/ IS instigating Eschaton Prime. For themselves. For many innocents.


When it rains Corexit-thinned oil mixtures in your own backyard, maybe you'll understand. If or when the food riots begin, you might have some inkling. If 3/4th of the world's population (not just humans) are decimated, it might be crystal clear.


Or maybe They'll keep you from knowing until the Chaos Reign spills into your tiny fraction of the world. Then it will be far too late.


One more thing, and then I'll be going. It's July 4th and this is America. BBQ Whirled Cervix, in no way related to the BBC World Service. Yesterday a tanker filled with petrol overturned in the Congo between World Cup Matches. Reports state that there were people milling about around huts waiting for the next game when this happened, and when they saw the petroleum spilling out of the tanker they grabbed canisters and ran up to it.


The U.N. reports that roughly 220-plus people died when it exploded into what must have been a spectacular fireball. Dozens of women and children, hoss.


They say addicts must hit a brick wall before they realize that their addiction amy kill them. Have we hit it yet? No? Think about it next time you fill up at a BP station, and we all know you will. Or Chevron (Ecuador, billions of gallons of oil dumped directly into the Amazon) or Shell (Nigeria's been suffering Oil Spills worse than the gulf incident for years) or whatever. You're part of it. We all are. Get over yourself, and affect change. Or wait for the Chaos and take your petty fear out on everyone else.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

They should be held accountable absolutely but I get the impression that the they are being made the focus of criticism to distract from the governments failures too.


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