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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

yeah what did you right click oh master of finding things to right click, I tried to understand but apparently my right click scouring ability is not up to par.


I like the track a lot, put a smile to my face, love the pretty boy floyd samples but I thought they could have been a little less repetitive or could just be used about 1 3rd less often in the track. I really liked the moment you dropped I am the future I can do anything it really fit that section of the track. Definitely made the part seem really arrogant in a good bad ass way the beat sounded even kewler right there because if it. that section is wicked as fuck I must add.


no real constructive crits beyond thinking the vocal samples could be manipulated more or used less

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yeah what did you right click oh master of finding things to right click, I tried to understand but apparently my right click scouring ability is not up to par.


I like the track a lot, put a smile to my face, love the pretty boy floyd samples but I thought they could have been a little less repetitive or could just be used about 1 3rd less often in the track. I really liked the moment you dropped I am the future I can do anything it really fit that section of the track. Definitely made the part seem really arrogant in a good bad ass way the beat sounded even kewler right there because if it. that section is wicked as fuck I must add.


no real constructive crits beyond thinking the vocal samples could be manipulated more or used less


Hey thanks, and thanks for the crit. How does the mix sound? I've been trying to step up my mixing game, trying to make things gel better. For instance, this is like, maybe the 3rd track ever that i've I've used compression in, but I think I'm finally starting to understand it enough to use it. That's funny you caught the arrogant-ness, because that was totally what I was going for there.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the mix sounded pretty good when I peeped the track at my ex-girlfriends on built in monitor speakers


I will listen to it with my mediocre studio monitors + mega cheesedick cheap reference subwoofa in second when after I smoke a cig.


I will have to take a break from working on a track and fucking rewire my output though... that's a lot of work for a track that's not "bleeding edge" lol

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

indeed the production does sound a lot more epic on decent speakers.1


the mix sounds great on my rig, I'm still tweaking the volume/crossover on my sub but the lows seem like they are at the perfect amount of tight boom thick kick. I can definitely hear the compression on the drums distorting but it sounds wicked raw like that. other than that the compression sounds pretty clean. I would definitely cut some of the bass on the pretty boy floyd samples. that would make them easier to understand in the density and also make the rest of the mix sound less muddy. not saying it sounds muddy but it everything would be more intelligible with less low end on the floydsker samples for sure.

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yeah, before I rendered it, i tried to just cut the lows more (i was already hpf-ing it) but it made it start to sound too tinny when i pushed it even a little further. After a few minutes, i just moved on.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the vocal samples?? the lows on everything else are perfect. just mean the vocal samples are too bassy alone .

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Compared to your other music i've heard i think this track is a step down in quality of mix. It's compressed too much, or limited whatever you've done, to the point where the dynamic range is too low and there's no room for each noise to breath. What's the crest factor? Sounds like about 4db or something to me which is way too low for this stuff in my opinion.


...but hey, if you've heard any of my tracks you know my mixes are pretty poor and covered in mud so hey what do i know... maybe you shouldn't listen to me :)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the main percussive beat is slammed really hard and it sounds really good that way in my opinion. compression is very subjective

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really great mixing


well it sounded sparkly and clean which was cool. it was pointy in a good way.


however i do think there was no room for turning it up. it was almost all too loud in a way so it was hard to feel anything moving around.


but still, it was nice.

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really great mixing


well it sounded sparkly and clean which was cool. it was pointy in a good way.

however i do think there was no room for turning it up. it was almost all too loud in a way so it was hard to feel anything moving around.

but still, it was nice.


hmm, i wonder in the future how i can fix that. unfortunately, since every song i do is in a diff style pretty much, i bet it would be hard to get a good answer for that.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

uhh I would have to look at the waveform to see if this is really that compressed/lacks that much dynamics. Sounded pretty compressed mostly just because of the main percussive bass drum and snare slam business is compressed pretty hard. I specifically separated my ears from that and payed attention to trying to hear if I could hear the compression squashing the rest of the mix and I couldn't hear much of that. Could only the main drums getting squashed which is in context and pleasing in my opinion for the vibe of the track.


My favorite artist where I fucking hate how I can hear the entire mix being squashed all ghetto crunched out far beyond aesthetically raw is Flying Lotus. This is nothing like that. On Cosmogramma you can hear the entire mix distorting and phasing in and out from the compression. (not talking about intentional sidechaining) it just sounds like in mixing and mastering the whole track is being squashed by an old tape deck and ran through an extra distortion unit from 1957. Its too much in my opinion.


I definitely hate when something sounds unpleasantly compressed and this never made me feel like it is. I repeat I am a snob about in-tasteful use of over compression distortion, this track did not set off those red flags for sure. Whether it could actually benefit from having more dynamics and being much less limited having more breathing room is a subjective question.


Would it sound less aggressive, too nice and clean if it was lite as flower never slamming on the compression ceiling at all? That's a possibility. Sound engineering, mastering and mixing are not concrete science to be repeated in any circumstance. Obviously they aesthetically subjective art forms where the wrong way might be the right way.



ANYWAY sneak all you have to do give a track more breathing room and give the listener that ability to turn up the mix really loud while not being over aggressive is make sure when you zoom in on your tracks that they have lots of peaks and valleys from not having sounds that are thrown against the wall compressed. sometimes your sample's/breakbeats/one shot hits or whatever with added distortion are already brickwall limited before any added compression or mastering.


You know the big gauge of how compressed/limited your track is its RMS (average volume level) basically. That tells you how much track the volume drops down after a loud bass drum or whatever. When a track is really compressed the RMS is high because everything is being pushed to the ceiling and your loud bass drum doesn't make a significant increase in decibels from your chill atmospheric pad synth and it your punch wont thap attack boom hit your chest the same. but sometimes over compression/limiting can sound good again, its all subjective.. but its pretty easy to make sure your tracks aren't over compressed and avoid what your saying about vamos' biased opinion heh



/knee jerk response novel

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oh i know not to over compress. It's as you said, it FIT this track, and if you look at the wave form, there IS a lot of peaks and valleys. I dont really do the brick wall shit jah know? Also, it sounds pretty good loud here, so :shrug: I need to hear it on a car system.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

well I dunno if you were being sarcastic but you asked how to avoid the "problem" biased vamos stated as his opinion. tried to give the best relevant rant I could on the subject matter. (well I didn't want to rant, I just ended up doing so because I was running on no sleep and for some reason I type really fast and sloppy when I'm sleep deprived)

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