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American: The Bill Hicks Story (2009)

Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Anyone who doesn't understand that Bill Hicks was a hilarious genius and a highly evolved individual that should be consider a huge gift to the greater good of the human race... get outta my fucking thread YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT


btw I hook it up phat crackaz, anyone else needs the goods?

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

Anyone who doesn't understand that Bill Hicks was a hilarious genius and a highly evolved individual that should be consider a huge gift to the greater good of the human race... get outta my fucking thread YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT


btw I hook it up phat crackaz, anyone else needs the goods?


yes indeed!

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I went to see him in Belfast sometime round '91. As a kid I loved him, as an adult I realise he was just a decent comedian with not much material.


You got a job in marketing.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

American.The.Bill.Hicks.Story.2009 Blanket Fort Collapse Deep Fried Everything 0 * Today, 09:38 AM * By: Blanket Fort Collapse




c'mon BFC where you at? hook a brotha up!


?? sure it's not in your inbox?


I will send it again either way.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Ohhh dont speak bad about Bill Hicks, he was a philosopher, man.

No he wasnt he was a comedian, who done a tried and tested routine but seems to struggle with deviation. I quite like him, but given the choice between any Hicks or Lenny Bruce at Berkeley, theres no comparison. Its funny watching people idolise him like he was the second coming.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I will cock slap the shit out of you so bad you might forget how big a fag you are.


I am only have serious kids, yes I think you're opinion is wrong, yes I think Bill Hicks was an original mind and comparison's are inevitable but irrelevant. I have seen a lot of fucking stand up and Bill Hicks is the most important to me by far. I however don't care that much that your opinion is wrong, I really could care less that you are too stubbornly blind to see how great his rants were, no loss for me, I am no insecure fan boy. I am just really sleep deprived, I have 3 hours of sleep in this 48 and I think your opinion is fucking wrong and irrelevant/I am joking around with only 3/4ths seriousness that your pessimistic opinions are fucking dumb.

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It sucks that after a master/innovator like Lenny Bruce comes along, anyone else really good who's coming from a similar place gets the automatic "he's being derivative of the real deal" criticism. I wouldn't be surprised if Lenny's in part what inspired him to consider comedy as a serious profession, but Bill was taking it other places and it without a doubt came from a very real, personal place. He wasn't just a facade like so many comedians. I mean yeah, like any comedian he had a routine that he had to commit to night to night, but he wasn't afraid to let the mask slip now and then. I think that's partly why he resonates so much with so many. George Carlin was brilliant, but he was so well polished as an entertainer you didn't get that same personal touch. Bill's talent was really starting to shine through towards the end and it's most unfortunate his life was cut short. It really seemed like his craft was still in the process of becoming everything it could be. Honestly when I look back on Lenny Bruce's last routines, it seems like he had peaked and had nowhere left to go. So while his story is ultimately tragic for so many more reasons, I still think he got out most of what he needed to say before he passed on. Bill was still honing his craft. It's in part all the rough edges that make his work as intriguing as it is. The integrity's there, no doubt about that.

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i imagine myself way back as a 16 year old stoner giving a shit about bill hicks.


so many other comedians/commentators have done his schtick a LOT better with a quicker pace, better timing and just damn funnier gags.


generation x is over kids. smashing pumpkins were shit too.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol. Calling you out for being a 75% serious screaming vagina isn't pessimistic. Go to bed.


hahah no thanks about to finally watch this right now with a cracka that appreciates Bill Hicks just as much as I. Sleep is for the weak.

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This Article sums it up pretty much

They say Hicks fearlessly told the truth to The Man. And I suppose he did, if by The Man, you mean liberal comedy club audiences. But he wasn't political in a particularly complicated or dangerous way. He had a very good line in sarcasm about war and the arms industry; he was a libertarian on drugs; he was anticapitalist in a T-shirt-slogan sort of way; and he was a fine advert for the sacred right to talk dirty in public.


Not everything Hicks did was nice or even consistent. He mocked the stupid and/or ill-educated – waffle waitresses, rednecks, Republican presidents – and he gave succour to the tobacco and pornography industries. Some also found him misogynistic, though I come down on the side of thinking his porn-loving, priapic alter-ego Goat Boy ("Goat Boy likes young girls . . . 16 years old . . . heh heh heh") essentially self-mocking.


Hicks's worldview – we are all energy; money and status are meaningless distractions; authenticity of feeling is paramount; embrace love, not fear – basically made him a hippy disguised as a punk. There was a faint hint of rightwing anarchism about him, too: a sense that big business, the military, the federal government and New Kids on the Block were all engaged in a malevolent conspiracy.


But Hicks didn't live in a fascist regime any more than the Sex Pistols did when they sang God Save the Queen – and he wasn't saying the unsayable. Preferring rock music to Michael Bolton and Rick Astley is quite proper, but it isn't a revolutionary statement. Getting a routine censored from the David Letterman show doesn't put you up there with Solzhenitsyn and Aung San Suu Kyi.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Its good to have an internet posse after your head for suggesting that a renowned iconoclast might not be all hes publicly perceived. Anyway I downloaded the video (cant believe I only found filestube.com this week, its immense, I found 80's hardcore albums I thought were lost to me for ever) and i'll watch it tomorrow, but i know already that im not going to enjoy it as much as Johnny Vegas' 'Whos Ready for Icecream' =)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I loved this film just as much as I hoped I would (a started to think a few minutes in, hey how good could this really be, maybe a year waiting and hyping is going to leave me disappointed but no it was very enjoyable and inspiring to me) and I love love Bill Hicks (I would totally have had a butt baby with him)((or 4 butt babies what the hell)). I can really relate to where he was coming from with all his bitterness while still wanting to love humanity and hoping to that it will eventually become a smarter, more evolved, rational creature. Say what you want I enjoy and connect with his stand up and his perspective on the world more than any other I have ever experienced before. I would no doubt be very appreciative to find another stand up as appealing and important as his was to me but I have looked quite extensively.


Anyone in the same ball park as Hicks I would never go in to a thread and say eh he wasn't this and he was a poor mans Bill Hicks... Okay yeah maybe I would I like to talk shit just like everyone else and you know what they say about opinions but I try very hard not to be an unnecessarily pessimistic critic.

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