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korg iMS-20


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between this and the monotron, ms-20 will be the next microkorg...not to say it isnt for the better


I was actually thinking earlier today that the Monotron could easily become the 2010s Microkorg in the sense that a lot of non-electronic bands will use it as their go-to for "techno noises". Might be a bit too limited to also act as a gateway synth for young producers like the Microkorg did/does, though.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

between this and the monotron, ms-20 will be the next microkorg...not to say it isnt for the better


I was actually thinking earlier today that the Monotron could easily become the 2010s Microkorg in the sense that a lot of non-electronic bands will use it as their go-to for "techno noises". Might be a bit too limited to also act as a gateway synth for young producers like the Microkorg did/does, though.

eh i actually think its a good replacement for a lot of the functionality i would look for in a mono-synth...plus im not really into keys so for me it would be the other way around but i suppose that's a possibility

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Yeah, as far as analog monos go it probably is a good starter (especially at that price), but when I was 12 & getting my first synth I was thinking more about how many notes it could do at once & if it had echo, not so much about warmth or the character of the lp filter.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

depends on what you want in a synth/how you want to interact with it...but im a little skeptical that someone in a band would take this on stage for anything more than a gag...imagine those people who get a little phatty because it has moog written on it and looks like an instrument

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nope not gonna buy an ipad just for that :trashbear:


same. it looks good, but a bit of a hipster toy, maybe. and doesn't sound too great either, imo.

a lot of fun to play with, though, no doubt. but you can't beat the real things. ever. yet....

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Guest Scrambled Ears

dum dee dum its always about beating the real thing huh? silly...in terms of function this is clearly something different. the sounds and interface are modelled after an ms-20 but the comparison stops here in terms of utility and interaction.


and if anyone is considering buying an ipad for one thing theyre being very foolish and oh no...a hipster toy...get over it...playing a synth will not make you a hipster and if youre considering owning a piece of gear because it will or wont make you something...just quit

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dum dee dum its always about beating the real thing huh?


not at all.

this is just a shitty, gimicky toy, imo.. period.


oh no...a hipster toy...get over it...playing a synth will not make you a hipster


but playing a frikkin awesome (babies toy) MS20 on your frikkin awesome flashy hipster iPad will. lol


if youre considering owning a piece of gear because it will or wont make you something...just quit


well i was considering buying an iPad to make me into a hipster, but i won't now.

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To me if the song's good enough I stop looking at the synth parts as "produced on 30 year old analog gear" or "produced on iPad program that came out last week", but as parts of an audio story being told. Good musical character will overcome it's technical limitations.

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but, it doesn't sound that great from the demos.. imo. it's just another one of these 'dumbed down' musical toys for the masses. they just annoy me.

you too can be a hipster popstar for only 9.95! (plus network extras) join the magical world of music today! only on your iPad. be amazed! Lol

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So what is the official definition of hipster? Is it something beyond just a catchall negative term for anything anyone doesn't like? Cause that's the only way I ever hear it used.

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So what is the official definition of hipster? Is it something beyond just a catchall negative term for anything anyone doesn't like? Cause that's the only way I ever hear it used.


i'll get back to you on that.... there's definitely a definition of "hipster", to my mind. i'll find a good picture of one.

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Yes, I think I can pick out a person that is generally dressing in the style of a "hipster", but it's when we start appending hipster as an adjective to anything, that's where it gets confusing.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

nowadays probably just a stay away for people who want to appear to be elite and different...ie a hipster...it envelopes itself


in terms of sound i have used neither an ms-20 nor the ipad app but this isnt my point. its a different way of interacting entirely and in my opinion more of an homage. not everyone wants to be tied to their studio when producing...the ability to take a little tablet somewhere inspiring and make and record music is something very powerful and it makes me laugh how many purists scoff at this. ntm if you do have the ms-20 you can replicate your settings there and get the real thing...whoppeee


either way the purist always wins and im sure we would all love to have a ms-20 but for someone who has an ipad (presumably for more than just a synth emulation) and 10 bucks its a deal...run it through the monotron filter and im sure it would sound even better. as far as baby's toys go isnt there a speak and spell in shiz-ko-e?


and by the way all instruments are toys...get over it

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Guest ryanmcallister

ya sirch dude you are being extremely arrogant and naive. remember those people that hated the 808 because it sounded nothing like the real thing?


this actually sounds great, of course as with anything it's how you process it after. but i agree with scrambled ears having an instrument that seamlessly integrates with your workflow is far more important than one that sounds a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit better to a purist (that's why i laugh at someone who says a 303 is better than a xoxbox, or even a plugin like phoscyon...seriously fuck audiophiles). when you are riding on a bus, or sitting on top of a fucking mountain and you think of the greatest idea it's awesome to have a fairly capable music making device right there in your hands to get ideas out. most of the ipad apps are a joke for sure, but the 2 korg ones actually sound killer, and are totally usable (i love the recording mode and how easy it is to transfer that to your computer and drop it in your daw).


this isn't meant to "replace" anything unless you want it to.


stop hating progress.

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i bought an ipad today and this was the first app i tried out, very impressive, though i doubt i'll ever use it for anythin other than messing around with.

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i've been trying to get touchosc to work with renoise for about 2 hours now, i don't understand any of this fucking shite. arrgh. pure data looks like something developed for windows 3.11 and i haven't used midi yoke for ages, also none of my hosts seem to find it. whatever.


http://hexler.net/software/touchosc <- none of it works!



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