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Mystery Missile Launch.


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Monday evening, something launched approximately 35 miles off the Californian coast. A news helicopter even filmed the rocket-like contrail rising like an arced pillar in the sunset. If seeing is believing, there was definitely a rocket launch of some description.


However, no one is claiming responsibility. The U.S. military seems baffled, U.S. airspace was not notified of any commercial satellite launches, no regional Air Force bases had any launches planned and all we're left with are scores of theories as to what it might be.






I think its a space rocket heading for the moon so the can continue building their super secret moon base.


Now the government is like "idk what it is? Beats me, you act like I'm responsible for shit that gets launched in the sky.."

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Hocus Pocus I know what I see. You calling me crazy boy!


really though what does that explain? Nothing as far as I can tell. Are they saying it was a plane cause I have seen planes and jets in the sky before doesn't look like that.

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i don't get it, even if it is a rocket launch - so what?


No one knows why. Random rockets launched in the air with out notification or without anyone claiming responsibility is a little cause for concern don't you think? We wouldn't want some random unclaimed Nuclear Missile bombing some unfortunate country would we...

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who said it's got anything to do with nuclear missiles? it's probably a con trail from a plane anyway, but if the US wants to launch a rocket somewhere it's no big deal, rockets get launched all the time by china and lots of other countries. that's what you do with a rocket - set it off. no point fucking inventing them if you're never going to use the bloody things. fucking people love to read the most sinister conspiracy shit into everything...don't worry about it.

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who said it's got anything to do with nuclear missiles? it's probably a con trail from a plane anyway, but if the US wants to launch a rocket somewhere it's no big deal, rockets get launched all the time by china and lots of other countries. that's what you do with a rocket - set it off. no point fucking inventing them if you're never going to use the bloody things. fucking people love to read the most sinister conspiracy shit into everything...don't worry about it.


I'm not worried about it and it wouldn't be weird if the US Government acknowledge that they did it. They say they don't know what caused it and that they didn't do it so that makes it a bit of a wtf who launched this?

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well, if it came from california i think you can safely say it was launched by the US.... if they're choosing to claim ignorance of the launch then i guess they're lying innit. probably want to keep it a secret like.

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well, if it came from california i think you can safely say it was launched by the US.... if they're choosing to claim ignorance of the launch then i guess they're lying innit. probably want to keep it like a secret.



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Hocus Pocus I know what I see. You calling me crazy boy!


really though what does that explain? Nothing as far as I can tell. Are they saying it was a plane cause I have seen planes and jets in the sky before doesn't look like that.


yes they're saying it's a plane. imagine a jet flying in YOUR direction. becasue the trails widen from back to top it seems like they are closer even if they are furthest, it also gives the illusion that its is moving vertically instead of horizontally towards you.

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The route from Hawaii to Phoenix is traversed by airplanes very often though; so how come this one looked different?


think about where in respect to sea-level the footage was shot from




god damn must have been a slow news day - everyone picked this shit up.


even shit forums have shit threads

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

keep it like a secret.




You have not the stature to bring up my favorite local band, I'm gonna get my older brother to tell Doug Martsch that you broke the law out of line and aren't allowed to see BTS or buy their records ever again. You're done.

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