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the us senate will be voting on this bill soon


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Guest Franklin

some dude living nearby me just got busted for selling milk out of his barn from his dairy cows. he was fined $100 000 and basically is bankrupt.


there probably are some decent reasons why it's good to control the food supply in order to pinpoint spread of disease but this proposal is absolutely crazy.

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I hope this passes. So that it fucks up the economy. Then gets people pissed off. So pissed off they get angry. And so angry that a resounding "Fuck you Gov't!" is produced so as to cause richter 8.00 earthquakes all around the country. So resounding that it tears apart the Government's foundations. And we are forced to start anew. Then this law will be passed again. So that it fucks up the economy. Then gets people pissed off. So pissed off they get angry. And so angry that a resounding "Fuck you Gov't!" is produced so as to cause richter 8.00 earthquakes all around the country. So resounding that it tears apart the Government's foundations. And we are forced to start anew. Then this law will be passed again. So that it fucks up the economy. Then gets people pissed off. So pissed off they get angry. And so angry that a resounding "Fuck you Gov't!" is produced so as to cause richter 8.00 earthquakes all around the country. So resounding that it tears apart the Government's foundations. And we are forced to start anew. Then this law will be passed again. So that it fucks up the economy. Then gets people pissed off. So pissed off they get angry. And so angry that a resounding "Fuck you Gov't!" is produced so as to cause richter 8.00 earthquakes all around the country. So resounding that it tears apart the Government's foundations. And we are forced to start anew. Then this law will be passed again.

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some dude living nearby me just got busted for selling milk out of his barn from his dairy cows. he was fined $100 000 and basically is bankrupt.


there probably are some decent reasons why it's good to control the food supply in order to pinpoint spread of disease but this proposal is absolutely crazy.


raided with guns drawn.



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why is it that when stories like these come out no one actually cites text of the bill.


did you even read it before you posted this?


i'm not saying you're wrong but in the first section of the thing you can find this:



(b) Annual Registration-

(1) DEFINITION OF FACILITY- Paragraph (1) of section 415(b) (21 U.S.C. 350d(b)) is amended to read as follows:

‘(1)(A) The term ‘facility’ means any factory, warehouse, or establishment (including a factory, warehouse, or establishment of an importer) that manufactures, processes, packs, or holds food.

‘(B) Such term does not include farms; private residences of individuals; restaurants; other retail food establishments; nonprofit food establishments in which food is prepared for or served directly to the consumer; or fishing vessels (except such vessels engaged in processing as defined in section 123.3(k) of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulations).


i didn't read the rest of the thing. you would do good in finding where in the text is stated or implied what you're saying. it's a good excersize.


edit: and by glancing more at it seems like most of the bill, including the new hazard analysis thing, only applies to 'facilities'. prove me wrong.

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why is it that when stories like these come out no one actually cites text of the bill.


did you even read it before you posted this?


i'm not saying you're wrong but in the first section of the thing you can find this:



(b) Annual Registration-

(1) DEFINITION OF FACILITY- Paragraph (1) of section 415(b) (21 U.S.C. 350d(b)) is amended to read as follows:

‘(1)(A) The term ‘facility’ means any factory, warehouse, or establishment (including a factory, warehouse, or establishment of an importer) that manufactures, processes, packs, or holds food.

‘(B) Such term does not include farms; private residences of individuals; restaurants; other retail food establishments; nonprofit food establishments in which food is prepared for or served directly to the consumer; or fishing vessels (except such vessels engaged in processing as defined in section 123.3(k) of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulations).


i didn't read the rest of the thing. you would do good in finding where in the text is stated or implied what you're saying. it's a good excersize.


edit: and by glancing more at it seems like most of the bill, including the new hazard analysis thing, only applies to 'facilities'. prove me wrong.


i'm surprised kcinsu's senator didnt tell him this when he called.

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and what is your source for that snippet? I just did a search of the bill, and couldn't even find the phrase Annual Registration.


different versions?


But no, I have not personally read the bill. I go on the faith that there are people more passionate and dedicated in covering these matters, and are spreading the information to the public, who cannot be reasonably expected to follow every bill that moves through our government.

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6:30 PM is not a good time to call. I emailed. I intend to call during normal hours of operation. I highly doubt I will speak personally to my senator though, I'm sure they have interns for that. But if they get swamped with calls, they pass that info along.

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GORDO is actually citing from Bill HR 2749, because Alex Jones links to that bill on his website when he writes on S510. HR 2749 can be found here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-2749


However, HR 2749 is relevant because s 510 seeks to amend certain sections of that bill. It does not however, seek to amend the definition of what a "facility" is.

I haven't looked at if it seeks to alter who has control over awarding fines etc. but I would wager that since the hysteria about "shutting down family gardens" has proven to be unfounded, the rest of this is probably a non-issue as well.


Relevant link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/organic.asp

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and what is your source for that snippet? I just did a search of the bill, and couldn't even find the phrase Annual Registration.


different versions?


But no, I have not personally read the bill. I go on the faith that there are people more passionate and dedicated in covering these matters, and are spreading the information to the public, who cannot be reasonably expected to follow every bill that moves through our government.


people spread information in the same way that you are now doing it: without actually knowing anything about it. there coul dbe shayd interest behind the spread too, you have to check yourself.


anyway... there's a link to details about the link in the first paragraph of the infowars webpage, from there you can access the full text.


here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-2749


this is


H.R. 2749:

Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009


what are you reading? i see a possible mistake, infowars referes to it as the blablah act of 2010. maybe it's a new one?


(minutes later)


okay here's the actual s510 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-2749 it seems like ammends to the previous one? don't really understand what is it ammending, most of it seems like wording things differently and changing the order of some other paragraphs. anyway i'm not even a u.s citizen i don't care :P

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GORDO, unfortunately, in the modern world, people who aren't US citizens have to care what their shitty, polarized government does, because of the economic influence they still exert. Especially you guys in Mexico.

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thanks chenGOD. also a curious thing is that a previous ammend actually added to the excpetions of definition of facility the words 'private residencies of individuals'. so seems like they actually care about you, or at least at that point... lol.


but govtrack says that one hasn't passed the senate. so s510 is a companion bill to hr2749?


okay i should stop or i'll end up reading every bill ever.

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GORDO, unfortunately, in the modern world, people who aren't US citizens have to care what their shitty, polarized government does, because of the economic influence they still exert. Especially you guys in Mexico.


well i do care and i try to stay informed but as i can't vote or do shit about it i shouldn't be too worried about what the bill actually says or not. i just don't like how people spread news sheepishly.


a few months ago the was so fear about a suposed act that would give george bush full power in case of an emergency, the thing ended up being merely a protocol for an emergency situation.

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GORDO: i fully understand you on people just spreading information without bothering to check for themselves (quick aside: Alex Jones is a nutjob of the first order and should be disregarded on principle).


s510 would be a bill in its own right, but it does seek to amend sections of other bills, including HR2749. However, s510 has only been read in committee and recommended to senate. It won't pass senate, it's an insane bill which would cause many senators to lose their seats. Apparently it is in cloture, which means up to 30 hours of debate are allowed on the bill before voting can commence.


There is an excellent, balanced discussion here: http://www.grist.org/article/food-2010-11-17-does-the-food-safety-bill-give-the-fda-too-much-power

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Posting on watmm IS fact checking. No better way to get to the bottom of something than to share with a bunch of people who love to continually prove everyone else wrong.

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Good thing about you all reading about this is that the more people aware of the name Monsanto,the better.

Further reading?Anything with the words Monsanto or Corn in the title.(the new FDA food csar is a former Monsanto executive.) :whistling:

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