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Anonymous and others start leaking


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Leaking those facilities was the nail in their coffin. It will be quite easy to paint wikileaks as terrorists now, as it's providing a list of targets to terrorists (that's how the govt will paint it). And really, a list of key facilities... Why is that leaked? What's the crime? I'm all for exposing abuses and corruption, but I'm not sure how this list is justified.



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Leaking those facilities was the nail in their coffin. It will be quite easy to paint wikileaks as terrorists now, as it's providing a list of targets to terrorists (that's how the govt will paint it). And really, a list of key facilities... Why is that leaked? What's the crime? I'm all for exposing abuses and corruption, but I'm not sure how this list is justified.




In my opinion its just one leak of many to come now.

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Yeah, I perused that cable earlier and I'm a little concerned as to why it was released too.


It clearly states that Clinton wanted to have a list of major facilities in ally countries as a contingency for natural disasters and wars. I think it's actually pretty important to know where the best industries are and who you'd need to talk to.


There's no corruption or sneakiness involved at all and it is therefore pretty inflamatory for them to release it. I guess this is the sort of stuff they should be running by Assange before they publish it, but he's been a bit distracted with acting like a Matrix-Robin-Hood.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Leaking those facilities was the nail in their coffin. It will be quite easy to paint wikileaks as terrorists now, as it's providing a list of targets to terrorists (that's how the govt will paint it). And really, a list of key facilities... Why is that leaked? What's the crime? I'm all for exposing abuses and corruption, but I'm not sure how this list is justified.



My thoughts exactly, I don't see why I ought to be privy to the workings of everything anyway, least of all when it seems to compromise important things like relationships between countries and the safety of innocent people

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Leaking those facilities was the nail in their coffin. It will be quite easy to paint wikileaks as terrorists now, as it's providing a list of targets to terrorists (that's how the govt will paint it). And really, a list of key facilities... Why is that leaked? What's the crime? I'm all for exposing abuses and corruption, but I'm not sure how this list is justified.



My thoughts exactly, I don't see why I ought to be privy to the workings of everything anyway, least of all when it seems to compromise important things like relationships between countries and the safety of innocent people


i share this opinion. whistleblowing is one thing, but there seems to be an assumption from wikileaks et al that every single aspect of governmental or corporate information and communication should be available to everyone everywhere at all times. and i'm not sure i agree with that at all.

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Tue 7 Dec 15.55 GMT


Julian Assange Defense Fund frozen.


The Swiss Bank Post Finance today issues a press release stating that it had frozen Julian Assange's defense fund and personal assets (31K EUR) after reviewing him as a "high profile" individual.


The technicality used to seize the defense fund was that Mr. Assange, as a homeless refugee attempting to gain residency in Switzerland, had used his lawyers address in Geneva for the bank's correspondence.


Late last week, the internet payment giant PayPal, froze 60Keur of donations to the German charity the Wau Holland Foundation, which were targeted to promote the sharing of knowledge via WikiLeaks.


WikiLeaks and Julian have lost 100Keur in assets this week.


One of the most fascinating aspects of the Cablegate exposure is how it is throwing into relief the power dynamics between supposedly independent states like Switzerland, Sweden and Australia.


WikiLeaks also has public bank accounts in Iceland (preferred) and Germany.


Please help cover our expenditures while we fight to get our assets back.



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The problem is that there is no evidence, as I suppose there rarely is in rape cases.


Most strangely, days after the alleged rape, the accuser brags on Twitter that she's hosting a party for Assange.


He should really just go to the trial though. He's no safer rambling around London.


well they aren't saying he raped them anyway, they are saying that he had unprotected sex with them when they wanted to use condoms, one of the girls then boasted on twitter about her conquest and they held a party in his honour. It's clearly bullshit, most people who've read about it realise that. It's just taken a while for the agenda addled pundits to catch up.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

The actual truth about rape charges ?




Prosecutors 'making it up as they go along'


A lawyer who recently represented Julian Assange says the Swedish sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn't use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.


James D. Catlin, a lawyer in Melbourne, Australia, says in an article published Thursday that Sweden's justice system is destined to become "the laughingstock of the world" for investigating rape charges in two cases where women complained that Assange had had sex with them without using a condom.


Catlin, who confirmed to Raw Story that Assange retained his services for a "limited duration" in October but did not provide details, also said both of the accusers "boast[ed] of their respective conquests" after the alleged crimes had been committed. "The Swedes are making it up as they go along," he wrote.


Catlin's claims are likely to add fuel to speculation that Sweden's investigation of Assange is politically motivated.


He writes:


Apparently having consensual sex in Sweden without a condom is punishable by a term of imprisonment of a minimum of two years for rape. That is the basis for a reinstitution of rape charges against WikiLeaks figurehead Julian Assange that is destined to make Sweden and its justice system the laughing stock of the world and dramatically damage its reputation as a model of modernity.


Sweden’s Public Prosecutor’s Office was embarrassed in August this year when it leaked to the media that it was seeking to arrest Assange for rape, then on the same day withdrew the arrest warrant because in its own words there was “no evidence”. The damage to Assange’s reputation is incalculable. More than three quarters of internet references to his name refer to rape. Now, three months on and three prosecutors later, the Swedes seem to be clear on their basis to proceed. Consensual sex that started out with a condom ended up without one, ergo, the sex was not consensual.


Catlin's article appeared Thursday in the Australian online current affairs site Crikey.


He argued that Sweden has been pushed into a corner by the investigation and has found itself moving forward with a flimsy case because, in this day and age of social networking news and instant communication, prosecutors can't add new evidence without publicly discrediting themselves.


Catlin also said that the two alleged victims -- whom he names in the article -- boasted of their sexual "conquests" online after the incidents took place.


They sought advice together, having collaborated and irrevocably tainted each other’s evidence beforehand. Their SMS texts to each other show a plan to contact the Swedish newspaper Expressen beforehand in order to maximise the damage to Assange. They belong to the same political group and attended a public lecture given by Assange and organised by them.


According to an August report in the Daily Mail, both of the accusers' complaints stem from lack of condom use. In the case of "Woman A," as the Daily Mail identifies her, a condom broke during intercourse. In the case of "Woman B," Assange reportedly did not use a condom during a second round of intercourse.


Catlin states that neither of the women's police statements "complain of rape."


"But then neither [of the accusers] complained to the police but rather 'sought advice,' a technique in Sweden enabling citizens to avoid just punishment for making false complaints," Catlin alleges.


Catlin promises that, as the investigation goes on, it will reveal "damning evidence" about "what passes for legal process in Sweden." Even though the investigation has been ongoing since August, he says Assange's lawyers didn't receive any documents from prosecutors until November 18, and then the documents were only in Swedish, "contrary to European Law."


When the investigation was first announced in August, Assange said the timing -- which seemed to coincide with the release of a cache of Afghanistan-related documents -- was "deeply disturbing." He has speculated that the Pentagon may have been behind the investigation.

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this 'key facilities' thing is not a big deal, 'terrorists' who do their research will know all high level targets. The fact that no 'terrorist' has been smart enough yet to bomb Bohemian Grove (take out most of the US's world leaders in one attack) yet makes me doubt the existence of the threat in general


i'm all for revealing most if not all the secrets of the USA, the operating government here has lost any privileges in that department as far as im concerned. The USA is going to fall eventually anyways, so rip the bandaid off instead of pulling it slowly. Not that i think Wikileaks is going to accelerate it much, it will just help it along the inevitable slightly.

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there was an interesting debate on Democracy now (one of the only good news TV shows left) between my gay lover Glenn Greenwald and an anti censorship guy who runs a website for whistleblowers (who disagreed with wilkileaks)



he made the claim that Wikileaks leaked an important instruction manual on how to build a nuclear bomb that was very irresponsible, turns out his claim was not entirely true. That information has been out there in various forms, in best selling books for at least 20 years.

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the ulam-teller model? us has never disclosed the technical docs, but people have recreated it based on info that is out there. this is off the wikipedia page, ffs:



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Daniel Ellsberg (the whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon papers) writes a cancellation letter to Amazon.com


I’m disgusted by Amazon’s cowardice and servility in abruptly terminating its hosting of the Wikileaks website, in the face of threats from Senator Joe Lieberman and other Congressional right-wingers. I want no further association with any company that encourages legislative and executive officials to aspire to China’s control of information and deterrence of whistle-blowing.


For the last several years, I’ve been spending over $100 a month on new and used books from Amazon. That’s over. I have contacted Customer Service to ask Amazon to terminate immediately my membership in Amazon Prime and my Amazon credit card and account, to delete my contact and credit information from their files and to send me no more notices.


I understand that many other regular customers feel as I do and are responding the same way. Good: the broader and more immediate the boycott, the better.I hope that these others encourage their contact lists to do likewise and to let Amazon know exactly why they’re shifting their business. I’ve asked friends today to suggest alternatives. I’ve removed all links to Amazon from my site, and I’ll be exploring service from Powell’s Books, IndieBound, Biblio and others.


So far Amazon has spared itself the further embarrassment of trying to explain its action openly. This would be a good time for Amazon insiders who know and perhaps can document the political pressures that were brought to bear—and the details of the hasty kowtowing by their bosses—to leak that information. They can send it to Wikileaks (now on servers outside the US), to mainstream journalists or bloggers, or perhaps to a site like antiwar.com, which has now appropriately ended its book-purchasing association with Amazon and called a boycott.


If you’d like to read further analysis of your cowardice, I suggest you see this excellent article by Glenn Greenwald.



looks like mr. ellsberg is gay for greenwald too


the ulam-teller model? us has never disclosed the technical docs, but people have recreated it based on info that is out there. this is off the wikipedia page, ffs:




im not sure, this was his response


(2) I didn't address Aftergood's claim that WikiLeaks had "published what I think is probably the only actual blueprint of a nuclear fission device that has been made available online" because I had never heard that accusation before and, at least to my knowledge, it was not even mentioned in any of Aftergood's prior criticisms of the group. And strangely, I was unable to find anything about this claim afterward through Google: something one would not expect to be the case for an event as significant as he suggested it was.


But then, after I asked in the comment section here, commenters found this New Scientist article explaining that the design which WikiLeaks published was "from 1947," that "much of the information had been in the public domain since 2002 if anyone had cared to seek it out," that the British government made clear it was apathetic about the "disclosures," and that a book published shortly thereafter by a Brazilian physicist contained much more updated information about the fission process. In other words, the implication of Aftergood's complaint was wildly exaggerated.

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9.39pm: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is expected to appear in a UK court tomorrow after his lawyers said he would meet police to discuss a European extradition warrant from Sweden relating to alleged sexual assaults, Owen Bowcott reports.


Assange is seeking supporters to put up surety and bail for him. He said he expected to have to post bail of between £100,000 and £200,000 and would require up to six people offering surety, or risked being held on remand.


Once he turns himself into the police he will have to appear before a magistrates court within 24 hours, where he will seek release on bail. A full hearing of his extradition case would have to be heard within 28 days.


Read here the Guardian's splash on the news that Assange is expected to be questioned by British police.


That's it from our live blog tonight. We'll be following developments live tomorrow morning.



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9.39pm: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is expected to appear in a UK court tomorrow after his lawyers said he would meet police to discuss a European extradition warrant from Sweden relating to alleged postcount misgivings Owen Bowcott reports.


Assange is seeking supporters to put up surety and bail for him. He said he expected to have to post bail of between 1000 and 2000 posts and would require up to six people offering surety, or risked being held on remand.


Once he turns himself into the police he will have to appear before a magistrates court within 24 hours, where he will seek release on bail. A full hearing of his extradition case would have to be heard within 28 days.


Read here the Guardian's splash on the news that Assange is expected to be questioned by British police.


That's it from our live blog tonight. We'll be following developments live tomorrow morning.



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