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Ben Brown is a cunt


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fucking right, cunt keeps interrupting him just as he's trying to make a point.


about Jody:

When I was born in East Dulwich hospital, the doctors told my parents I would never walk, and probably wouldn’t talk.


After proving them wrong, and eighteen wasted years of education, I decided to go and see the world, and travelled around South America for three months on my own. While I was out there, Israel committed a massacre in Gaza, and planted the seeds of revolution in my mind. The rest, as they say, is history.


Jody clearly won in the interview though, and made his voice heard, and at least the raw video was played for all to see, and the interviewer successfully looked like a cunt.


good showing.

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Guest David R James

This sort of thing is becoming far to common with these cunts they call police. Not so long ago they caused the death of an innocent man. And this news reader, WFT?

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big fat massive fail on the news caster asking if he could have thrown anything at the police straight after it was explained that with his condition he can't even move the wheelchair himself :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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Guest Dirty Protest

Looking foward to the army using water cannons on the MET. £330mil has been taken from their budget, I wonder then the cuts hit pay and overtime will they be able to distinguish between a uniform and morality.


Its frustrating people claiming that the students have weakened their position using violence, where the fuck else is there to go when manifestos and promises are worthless, it pretty much devalues our democracy. Manifestos should be more like contracts, break them and you go to court.

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The fact that he's a little bit not-white probably instilled fear that there was a bomb in his wheelchair.


I'm not sure I believe him, but fair do's to the guy. He managed to trounce the newsreader and even drop in a jibe at how the BBC handles Israel-Palestine.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

That Jody guy nailed it, his closing comments were almost too brilliant. The interviewer must be daft for thinking he could have made that guy come off as an arse. Really when is it ever okay to pull a guy out of a wheelchair, even if he's throwing stuff?

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That Jody guy nailed it, his closing comments were almost too brilliant. The interviewer must be daft for thinking he could have made that guy come off as an arse. Really when is it ever okay to pull a guy out of a wheelchair, even if he's throwing stuff?


Its quite sicking the level the Brown goes to. Hes specifically say he cant even use the wheelchair hes in and has to be pushed by his brother, and then he asks him was he throwing stuff? Fucking baffling.

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I don't believe Ben Brown is a bad person, but I imagine that with this story he was given a brief from higher up at the BBC that he had to spin it into an anti-protest. And that's the worst thing about it.


Also, the interview has clearly been edited. Jusayin'.

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Brown's being a dick, but in the absence of a representative from the Met he has a right to challenge some of the statements and assumptions his subject makes, that's how journalism works. The media isn't about providing a platform for aggrieved parties. Jody obviously came off rather well so no harm done, really - although his crack about Palestine was completely unnecessary and off-topic.

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Aye, if anyone, I feel sorry for Brown.


The disabled dude is into protests and I bet he rather enjoyed getting thrown out of his wheelchair and having the ability to stir-shit.

Ben Brown is just caught in the middle and made to look like a bully.

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Can i also just make it plain that whilst i too was sickened to see a man dragged from a wheelchair by the long arm of the law, i'm extremely biased against men called Jody. i just can't get behind that at all.

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it's only really tangentially related but here's an interesting article on the government's welfare cuts to the disabled: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/dec/15/disabled-people-government-bullying


frankly i find this kind of thing a lot more offensive, dangerous and damaging to society than the changes to education funding... not that it's an either/or situation...

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Guest Beefuncle

Brown's being a dick, but in the absence of a representative from the Met he has a right to challenge some of the statements and assumptions his subject makes, that's how journalism works. The media isn't about providing a platform for aggrieved parties. Jody obviously came off rather well so no harm done, really - although his crack about Palestine was completely unnecessary and off-topic.



Brown doesn't just challenge some of the statements Jody makes, he tries to contradict every one. I'm not saying that Brown should have burst out in tears for Jody's plight or anything but for fuck sake he did everything he could to depict Jody as the villain despite not knowing anything about what really happened. Of course the media has to be unbiased but Brown's cites an arbitrary quote from one of Jody's blogs, it was completely ridiculous it just seemed as if all the research done on Jody by the BBC was used to discredit him.


and also the Palestine reference was used to demonstrate how the BBC's biased towards the Government's agenda so it was pretty valid and not unnecessary imo. Israel has the West's full support despite any atrocity they commit against the Palestinian's who they treat like dogs.


How often do you see Israel being painted in a negative light by the American/British media? Never.


I know a lot of you may have different opinions on this but I don't think arguing about it is going to do much good until we know more.


For the moment though mad love to Jody, fight the power bruh :yeah:

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Guest Coalbucket PI

For the moment though mad love to Jody, fight the power bruh :yeah:

"I'm like bruh bruh like i had cerebral palsy,

my flows bes wet like all you girls drawers be"

- Redman

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