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curriculum vitae


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don't lie on your CV dude, that's so embarrassing.

didn't mean like "i have a degree" type lies.

meant like how can i lie about myself to make me seem kewl and employable, in the bit where you have to describe yourself.


"i am good at working in teams" "i enjoy working with numbers" etc


need some good lies..

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I've padded a few things out but never completely made anything up. Like I worked in a tiny shop where I didn't really have a job title but I figure since I was trusted to run the place on my own I should call myself assistant manager or something. I managed to accidentally imply that I went to Oxford for the interview for my current position, I think my supervisor still thinks I did, when in fact I was studying and I was in the town of Oxford for a bit but not attending the university in any form. I also hype up my interest in sports, I've found at interview they really seem to like it for some reason.

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i got my current job without a CV. it was a junior copywriter's position and i got it based solely on the strength of a good interview and a very strong writing portfolio i submitted with a covering letter. if they'd looked at my CV, i probably wouldn't have got the job!

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Oh yeah, in terms of the personal bits, I always say that I'm "goal oriented" (definitely bring that up in interviews), "arrange sports events with friends".


Mostly I just work an embarassing/funny/memorable story into some questions during an interview. It's worked in both of my last interviews.


If you have no experience or skills, then yeah, good luck. You probably need to start the at the very bottom.

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Mostly I just work an embarassing/funny/memorable story into some questions during an interview. It's worked in both of my last interviews.



Did you tell them about that time you were sick on a girl's face in a bar?

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I also lie about my motivations, my skills and my personality in my CV, but you still have to prove it during the interview, or at least keep your job. :/

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Mostly I just work an embarassing/funny/memorable story into some questions during an interview. It's worked in both of my last interviews.



Did you tell them about that time you were sick on a girl's face in a bar?


Nah, I tell them the one about getting arrested in Utah and spending the night chained to three scary Mexicans.

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