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Connecting with Nature

Guest happycase

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Guest happycase

We're awful as a species and many of us know this. We show no respect for the divinity in each other. We don't See each other. We Look, rather, we search for something trivial in the other person to connect with or reject. Cosmic irony. We look at differences before similarities. Hilarious and uncomfortable. We have no cultural practices to help re-open the connecting principle, the channels we've deserted for the judgment mind. Just a greeting, something sacred, beyond the emptiness of "hello," that acknowledges what we are. We should be allowed to show and see these things in others. We hide our essence, we lose our essence, because we let the Aggressive White Demons set status quo. Aggression is inherent to nature, but we're totally disconnected from its purpose. We don't honor the beings we destroy and eat. I can't do anything about this outside of myself. I don't wish to become high minded or idealistic. I want to center myself in what I know to be true for me. I don't want to engage people's petty ego filth anymore. I am becoming more natural, I think slowing down, meeting the world more fully, and the paranoia of ego just doesn't belong in my world. So I don't meet many centered people with a purpose, a love for something bigger than them. I really love nature. There's no place I am more at home than in my own body. I am nature and it's beautiful that way. I realized this today sitting in my kitchen. Meditating on my nature, bringing my vibration down to meet Being, I saw the wood my home is made of and became natural. I live in a tree. I live in many trees. This is comforting for me. We're physically and mentally separated from the source, our natural resources that make survival possible. I would like to build my own house one day, with wood I chopped myself. I'd like to collect my own water. And bless the sun for making love possible. I'm learning to trust myself. I often feel blessed, confident, and I owe it all to this magnificent energy that supports me. As I become myself many will understand me, many will not, bless you all the same. I hope you awaken from all degrees of your confrontational trance, the status quo of triflin' your brothers and sisters because bigger people than you scared you into thinking this is life. Open your eyes, hold your tongue out and discover what's here. Discover with your whole being, or let the old vibrations paralyze you one more time. I would love to see you all beyond this, beyond our humanity, to become natural and sweet and simple and connected. Slow your pace. It's all around you.

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Guest hahathhat

- is rdj an aggressive white demon? he certainly effects the status quo around these parts.


- i try to buy meat from better companies. not really into vegetables and tofu. this is as far as i go on that front.


- do what works for you. respect my love of cheeseburgers and i'll respect your rejection of them.


- i fucking love trees. i actually was talking about this today! i love them with leaves, i love them with just branches. i love them against the sky, against the sunset, in the winter, in the summer. they're my favorite. their branches are a statistical average of the local wind patterns.


- not going to go natural because i'm a tech kiddie and i live for technology!

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Guest happycase

I honor cheeseburgers especially and everything simple and beautiful that goes into making them. I honor the human form for responding intelligently when eaten too many cheeseburgers.

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Guest happycase

I also think we over-objectify the body. React too quickly to it. I think it's actually unnatural the way we hop on an attraction. Again, missing the common subjectivity, the intelligence running through the form.

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Guest happycase
See how he has detached himself from the animal, how he struggles to stand upright, to co-ordinate his inarticulate cries, to feed the flame between his hearthstones, to feed his mind amid the bones of his skull.


Let pity overwhelm you for this creature who one morning detached himself from the ape, naked, defenseless, without teeth or horns, with only a spark of fire in his soft skull.


He does not know from where he comes or where he goes. But by loving, toiling, and killing, he wants to conquer the earth.


Smothering myself with pleas for some commonality, some support. You support me constantly. I turn my back on you to find a family. To feel safe from you I use your forms. I am the separator.

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Guest hahathhat

i understand the "god, ugh!" reaction to "i'm so happy and natural" people. i feel it too. there's a smugness. just don't let that visceral reaction shut your mind off....

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Guest happycase

I am your servant, your friend, your brother. I am. I receive the spit you won't hold in your mouth. I am your enemy. I am your milk. I am your investment, your engagement, your plan gone wrong. I am your light. I am your eyes. I am beyond you and below you. I am your blindness. Your baldness. Your tongue is mine. Give yourself away, do whatever you like. You are free. Respect me. I am possibility. I am jilted. I am torn up. A moth. I am in a grey space. I am simple. I am flesh. I am feelings. I am subjective. I am many.

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dude you should go and convince yerself you are wilderness ninja-monkey-wolf (nude) in mossy peat bog, jumping to and from niggerheads....make sure to dose up though, suspension of disbelief is pretty hard to maintain sober. SO use those subtances, I recommend DXM, manufactured by a soulless chemical company...for you to have divine ecstatic connection w/ nature. Right? I did that, and I feel. dead inside HA! fooled ya! :sup:

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Guest happycase

I turn from you constantly. But you are generous and patient, ample and simple and persistent. A no, this isn't it yet, always searching, scanning, conditions for I won't love you, let you, you can't be you, not yet... who would I be in the new image of your magnificence? Your wholeness? Who would I become if this were it. I am forever indebted, forever beyond debt, I am giving itself. I am where your pleasures and pain come from. I am indifferent, I am reactive. I won't receive your longing. I am what i am.

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Guest happycase

i am separation, speculation, uncertainty, guilt. i resent and repent. i am bra i am jaw. i give it to you aw'. i meditate b4 bed to make the headbugz ded

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i am the at once the mouse and the corner it is backing up into. I am embracing my mousey friend. I am the wall. My mousey friend gnaws a small, happy hole in my chest. I grin with a paternal calmness. The mouse peers through his hole and sees something or other.

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That was a really beautiful post, happycase. I can relate to pretty much all of what you're saying. Don't expect much sympathy though, it's all a pissing contest to most people - they react to the illusion of smugness cause that's all they choose to see..

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Guest hahathhat

i agree with many of these sort of ideas, but i hate being preached to. it's hard for me to get over my natural reaction to argue....

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this is the type of environment that I have formed a very special relationship with:



as in I've connected with it. slept in it. mindmelded with it. stuck my dick in it. etc.

I don't know what else 2 say tho

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Guest happycase

i am the at once the mouse and the corner it is backing up into. I am embracing my mousey friend. I am the wall. My mousey friend gnaws a small, happy hole in my chest. I grin with a paternal calmness. The mouse peers through his hole and sees something or other.


I like to do this with parts of my body. I understand now that my manhood is projected out of my penis into my right hand and my penis is a wounded woman I am forcing to bed with me. The woman becomes my hollow penis, which I then try to nurture back to health. I never realized this until my right hand spoke words of aggression to my penis two days ago, while my penis begged for mercy. my thirsty tongue scolds my legs for not mobilizing. my dry and empty voice says it's protecting me by being empty. my heart insists that it be let out.

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I love it. He's becoming more natural by posting on a machine completely created by man, utilizing a network completely created by man, which has wires that disrupt natural habitat, and the economy to create these machines and networks was also completely created by man.

Yeah. you go sistah!


I'm with hatcubed here. I love my fellow man, I love the beings in the world around me - I love that every thing, living or not, shares atoms. But i hate being preached to.

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Guest happycase

i agree with many of these sort of ideas, but i hate being preached to. it's hard for me to get over my natural reaction to argue....


But the division between persona and being isn't worth enforcing. It exists naturally, it's palpable, but until its left alone and seen as another form nature takes to express itself, it maintains your own division between personality and freedom.

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