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List Your Fears

Boxing Day

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Im afraid that there is actually something after death.


Total nothingness is comforting.


im sorta in the same boat....im straddling between nothingness and something....i think both would be amazing.



i dunno, having lost a lot of good friends in the past years, i cant help but believe even nothingness is an incredible release and a sort of "heaven" in of itself...my family thinks im all doom and gloom no matter how much I try to express my fascination at how amazing that thought is...i dont fear death at all....i find the idea exhilarating.....but do feel immense pain before it just seems the utmost horrible thing that could happen to me.



If there's nothing after, you wouldn't know it was an 'incredible heaven', because you wouldn't be conscious. It would be the end of knowing anything. The more you know.. :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest ezkerraldean

I get queasy over injections, and when bees or wasps are flying around at close range. I absolutely hate myself for it, in both cases. They're fairly normal, though. Most insects etc. that people are scared of, don't bother me in the slightest. Actually I find spiders actively cute.

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I get queasy over injections, and when bees or wasps are flying around at close range.



Yup. When wasps fly in that jabbing motion towards my face/eyes, I find that very unnerving. Swishing them away and covering your face only makes you loose sight of them and then you feel them brush your ear or neck before reappearing again jabbing away at the eyes. Then I usually sprint 20 metres just to get the fuck away from them. Wasps are cunts. Excuse the language.

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