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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with alcohol and weed?

Guest Helper ET

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weed is ok yo, but people who smoke lots of it tend to be slightly mental wastrels innit


that's absolute rubbish. everyone's brain is different. everyone's life is different. every drug is different.

if drugs were all legalized and managed properly we (public and governments as a whole) would work all this shit out!!

gangs, cartells would go out of business, people would stop risking their lives and being murdered everyday...

people could go out at the weekends and legally actually do something different than get pissed and have a dance,

then get a kebab on the way home and spend all day Sunday in bed.

some people are so closed minded and scared, though. it will probbaly not happen for another few decades, if ever.

but so-called 'democractic society' might be well and truely lost by then.

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.


you should write poetry


you should grow up and wake up


hey man relax jeeeez!

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what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.

is it really that bad?! I ain't brainwashed by none o' those things and I've never really felt that way about the society in which I live innit


where do you live?

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Guest ezkerraldean

what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.

is it really that bad?! I ain't brainwashed by none o' those things and I've never really felt that way about the society in which I live innit


where do you live?

numerous places across the UK and also a few of Canada's provinces innit

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what we need is a revolution, like the one in Egypt. but people are too pussy and don't really care enough to change anything.

we've been dumb-numbed and brainwashed by our plasma screen tv's and endless channels and internet and x-box and 'shopping' and bull SHIT.

is it really that bad?! I ain't brainwashed by none o' those things and I've never really felt that way about the society in which I live innit


where do you live?

numerous places across the UK and also a few of Canada's provinces innit


how much crack do you smoke to be homeless and to not feel ill towards the government?

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fuck weed. FUCK weed and fuck alcohol ... fucking hippies saying ... FUCK you ... FUUUUUCK you ... fucking cocksucking hippies.



Maybe after a few bong rips you'd express yourself in a more mature way.

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Drugs are really rubbish.


Thank you for this brilliant, top tier post. I really enjoyed all the subtle ironic humor and felt as though I learned a lot. I appreciate the way you elaborate in depth your own view points and back them up with facts or experience. Thank you. Thank you for setting an example.

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how much crack do you smoke to be homeless and to not feel ill towards the government?


and this is another problem with society; the people who make a joke out of everything and don't really care about anything, deep down.

or maybe they do.. and the way they deal with serious issues is to make light of them...... and that way they can feel a bit more comfortable. but, ultimately they're ignoring things by making a joke out of it.

i like to mock stuff when i'm in the mood for it or when i'm drunk.. and i like to wind people up and play them at their own game, too. it's fun if you've nothing better to do..

but not all the time. which seems to me to be one of the problems with this place. people are all the time making a mockery of absolutely everything.

so, i feel for vamous scorcho, if he wasn't taking the piss!

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Drugs are really rubbish.


Thank you for this brilliant, top tier post. I really enjoyed all the subtle ironic humor and felt as though I learned a lot. I appreciate the way you elaborate in depth your own view points and back them up with facts or experience. Thank you. Thank you for setting an example.


y u mad bro?

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My friend smokes weed daily and he's 4 years behind me in terms of his education, he has never had a stable relationship and a 14 year old could do his part-time job. He's 23.


I don't know whats more moronic, your friend, or the fact you think of friends in this way

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My friend smokes weed daily and he's 4 years behind me in terms of his education, he has never had a stable relationship and a 14 year old could do his part-time job. He's 23.


The problem with anecdotes like this is your friend is probably just an asshole with no self control. I know lots of people who like to drink green tea in the morning and a good portion of them are complete dickheads. However this does not cause me to come to arbitrary conclusions about green tea and being a dickhead.


The tool is never the problem.


The way in which you use it is.



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suck it and see


u clearly need more drugs


u clearly have a side parting


My friend smokes weed daily and he's 4 years behind me in terms of his education, he has never had a stable relationship and a 14 year old could do his part-time job. He's 23.


an excellent example of why drugs should be legalized, overseen, and managed properly.

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how much crack do you smoke to be homeless and to not feel ill towards the government?


and this is another problem with society; the people who make a joke out of everything and don't really care about anything, deep down.

or maybe they do.. and the way they deal with serious issues is to make light of them...... and that way they can feel a bit more comfortable. but, ultimately they're ignoring things by making a joke out of it.

i like to mock stuff when i'm in the mood for it or when i'm drunk.. and i like to wind people up and play them at their own game, too. it's fun if you've nothing better to do..

but not all the time. which seems to me to be one of the problems with this place. people are all the time making a mockery of absolutely everything.

so, i feel for vamous scorcho, if he wasn't taking the piss!


knock knock..

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weed represents a "dirty" drug in which the user receives an unknown dose of unknown chemicals--nevermind adulterants or unintended contaminations and, likewise, alcohol is a dose-specific risk.




I think this assumes a whooooooooooooooooooooooooole lot more than it should about what kind of weed any person is buying. yes the majority of young pot smokers meet up at parties or parking lots and don't think too much about what they're doing but then there are also plenty of responsible smokers who know exactly what they're putting in their body. You're not going to run into these problems that way or especially if you're purchasing medicinal marijuana.

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I smoke weed every day. Somehow I seem to be one of a very small minority that doesn't get all excited about how we need a "revolution" to smoke weed and enjoy ourselves. The ills of the world are not brought on by a lack of pleasure-giving drugs in people's lives. My mind is open about that though, I just need someone to actually convince me that drugs would bring peace. So far I've heard no convincing arguments for this, and I've been talking about it with friends and on message boards for years. Please go ahead and make the case, I'd like to hear why "gangs and cartels would go out of business" or any other utopian dream would come true. The way I see it, there would still be a market for drugs, and gangs and cartels would be mostly replaced by legitimate businesses and corporations mass producing the product. As we all know, corporations can be just as ruthless (if not more) than drug cartels, and they generally have the law on their side. So I vote for decriminalization but not full legality. That way, people would still have to be smart and low-key about the way they use drugs (ie, there wouldn't be crowds of people tripping on LSD at the mall or mcdonalds or in their cars, etc etc), but the penalty for being caught wouldn't be so disproportionate to the crime itself, so people would just hopefully learn to be intelligent and quiet about being inebriated. I also believe public awareness of the real harms of drugs ought to be taught to everyone, even those who don't wish to use them - as opposed to the lame, sparse, selective misinformation we get now. There is almost no way I would ever agree to have something like heroin or methamphetamine become fully legal and accesible to everyone. The only way I could see something like full legalization working in a western country is if it was paired with very rigorous "licensing" to each individual trying to use the drug, ie you would have to take classes on the particular drug you would like to use (and pass those classes with a straight A). That still doesn't fix the issue of people getting a license and just selling to anyone they want, though (like what happens with pharmaceuticals now). It's tricky business. At this point I think it's best to just be smart and private about your use if you'd like to avoid being caught.

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Also I realize I just went on a tangent about many things that were not being discussed in this thread, but the question of legalization that sirch brought up is a subject that can go a lot of ways, and I wanted to share my wider beliefs about the whole issue. And when I say "drug cartels and gangs would be replaced by corporations" I mean that corporations would become the new cartels and gangs; not that cartels and gangs would disappear.

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