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the duck?


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Guest Helper ET

welcome to the new duck order. the implications of this unexpected shitting is massive. this is the beginning of the end for a clean sidewalk, just like theyve been planning all along. where seagulls failed, ducks will succeed. its only a matter of time now. dont be fooled by these ducks tricky toots and deceptive dumps. when they say it wont effect either nations sidewalks, it means thats what it is designed to do. and when they say it will cause regulatory shitting and digestive change, that means they are going to further shit on our sidewalks and irrevocably damage our walkways, steal our ability to shop, and everything else the ducks havent taken away yet


they have never, ever, done anything good for us, as a duck. they do nothing but lie, attack, and shit on our sidewalks, mentally and physically. how could you possibly imagine that anything the ducks have planned is going to be good for us?


this takes a big fat shit between everyone who understands whats going on in the world of ducks and sees through diplomatic agreements such as this, and then those, who are living in a deep state of duck shit, and will almost never accept that something as horrible as ducks could take over our lives. at this point, if you are convinced that this duck is good for the us or canada, you are so very lost


notice how quickly the duck is moving along now days? its actually happening, this is very real. theres not much time left until it shits again

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